Hermetic Angel Messages

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This 15th degree of Sagittarius is a point in space that scientist call The Great Attractor.

This exact location has a magnetic pull that is beyond words to describe.
Scientists can't explain it.

It is a place in space that many galaxy clusters race toward, including  our local cluster of galaxies,
 pulling many at fantastic speeds,
into it's energy field.

It is not a black hole, as it does not have an event horizon.

It bends light around it, and appears to be coming toward us at the same time it appears to be pulling us toward it.

This Great Attractor is located at exactly 15 degrees Sagittarius.

Welcome to the Great Attractor.

15 degrees Sagittarius 

The Angels of Sacred Education

Also known as

The Angels of 




We are the originators of all divine schools,
 starting from the oldest schools of the prophets,
 and continuing up to the many different schools of the present time.

We inspire you with everything concerning the upbringing of children,
 according to the highest good of all.

 We are the originators of all kinds of sacred and effective educational methods
 applied to young and old.

  At this time of The Great Change,
 paradigms of education, 
which have been left brain dominant,
 are giving way to paradigms that are balanced 
between intuition and intellect,
 and unite with divine wisdom of the heart. 

 Children of every age,
 young and old,
 long deeply for complete enlightenment, 
for divine consciousness and for happy emotional states.

 All those who seek true divine happiness long to be awakened,
 inspired and empowered.

They seek for the mind, the spirit, the emotional, and the physical WHOLE SELF
 to be active, creative, and happy.

We inspire and protect those who call for the way to teach 
the beloved children of all ages
 and bring forth the promised kingdom in these ways.

 We inspire each child to trust and follow inner guidance,
 which allows genius to blossom.

We inspire clear inner guidance as his or her individual will aligns
 in a whole brain way 
with indwelling omnipotent DIVINE WILL.

 This also aligns the will with the natural love that is found within the heart,
 and in so doing, 
awaken great enthusiasm and confidence.

A reason that the first letter of our name is H,
 is that actualizing the divinity inherent in each person 
depends on whole body and whole brain functioning.

The left and the right brain functions were never designed to be sole masters of  spirit and soul.

Only the heart can join soul and spirit together.

The central nervous system embodies this divine energy that gives life.

 Just as the brain has two hemispheres that process information differently, 
the left being rational and linear and the right being intuitive and spacial,
the body manifests two corresponding nervous systems that are similar in difference.

The parasympathetic nervous system is activated in sleeping, dreaming, meditation, and healing.

The sympathetic nervous system is activated in physical action, logic and awareness of the outer world.

Every ninety minutes the body shifts dominance from one nervous system to the other.

We inspire educational methods that observe this and other natural biological rhythms.

  Remember that the heart has an electromagnetic field more than 5000 times stronger than the brain.

 Uniting the emotional awareness of the heart,
 with the awareness of both hemispheres of the head,
 is necessary for high cognition and high education on the spiritual path.

There is an extension, a sort of fourth nervous system.
 It is the hair grows on the body.

  It functions as antennae, both receiving and sending information.

 At this time of The Great Change, paradigms of education, 
which have been left brain dominant,
 are giving way to paradigms that are balanced 
between intuition and intellect,
 and unite with divine wisdom of the heart. 

Unsustainable educational paradigms that emphasize development of the 
left hemisphere of the brain; 
the rational, linear functions that operate on memory and language, 
open up now to paradigms that join and balance these functions
 with pure being, deep inner thought, intuition, and emotional flowing and well being. 

The greatest educational library of all is nature. 

Nature is Divine Thought out pictured.

New educational systems emphasize information inherent in nature 
and value whole brain interaction with it.

Deep communion with the land, with the animals and plants, and with 
loving community, enhances education of mankind as divine beings of unlimited genius.

We are inspiring communities where each family owns approximately two and a half acres of land.

 Each family turns their land into a garden of Eden, growing their own healthy and delicious food.

Groups of families build community schools, 
and enjoy beautiful celebrations and ceremonies 
that out picture arts and skills of all kinds.

In this environment a new kind of education emerges 
that manifests the original divine blueprints of creation.

Because dysfunctional educational paradigms lead to an emotionally damaged adult population,
 which overvalues work and emphasizes logic over intuition,
 we inspire radical changes to introduce joy into the learning process.

Many old types of education are an unnatural development that often diminish joy, 
contributing to an imbalance between the head and the heart,
between masculine intelligence and feminine intelligence.

 When there is an imbalance in experiencing self as separate and one with all, 
 imbalance between the outer worlds and inner worlds, 
 imbalance in artificial and natural, 
then disharmony on all levels is unavoidable. 

In effective education,
 these balances are carefully maintained
 so that health, relaxation, 
and ease exist in an atmosphere of joy.

In an atmosphere of joy, learning is easy and relaxed, 
and glands produce chemicals in the body that enhance genius and mystical faculties.

 Divine education teaches to go within, to discover each one's own unique soul path and purpose. 

We learn to understand how states of being,
the four brainwave states,
flowing will, thoughts, emotions, and sensations 
create and attract new realities into manifestation. 

This causation of reality can be mastered through meditating on The Power of The Word,
 the virtue of letter H of our name.

States of being create desires, desires create thoughts. Thoughts create emotions.

Emotions are condensed information.

 They are magnetic and attract realities into physical manifestation. 

It is absolutely necessary to 
teach the importance of emotions and how to keep feelings healthy and happy.

The earth is approximately 80 percent water.

 Human bodies are as well.

 “As above, so below”.

 Mastering reality is therefore 80 percent mastering frequencies and vibrations of flowing emotions.


Emotions are the water element, and must keep flowing
 in atmospheres of unconditional all encompassing love and empathy 
to heal and stay clean and pure.

“Love conquers all.”

It is through good education that a person learns what to do
 to heal when emotions get hurt or wounded.

It is through divine education that a person learns
 not to act out negative emotions in destructive ways to self, others, or property.

In addition to learning not to act out painful emotions destructively,
people also learn not to suppress or bypass destructive emotions,
 or deny them, or fear them, or resist them, 
 or bottle them up,
 because this makes them go
underground into the subconscious 
where they poison body and soul behind the scenes.

Instead, they learn WHAT emotions are, 
and how emotions change naturally and heal
 through being felt with empathy, in flowing safe and non-destructive ways.

“I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of joy and life everlasting.”

Love all emotions as they come up equally, 
thanking even the negative ones for the 
lessons that they have made possible to soul growth and maturity.

 There is so much to learn from negative emotions,
 about what not to do and 
what does not work or feel good. 

Through the divine virtue of umlaut O, eu, of our name Hosun, 
as they are acknowledged, validated and felt safely 
in flowing fluid states of unconditional divine love and gratitude.

As it was written:
"All things work for good for them that believe."
"Give thanks for all things, for that is my will concerning you."

Umlaut O, oe, is the divine virtue of transmutation through cognition brought about by Love Divine.

Remember: “God’s love is like the sun, it shines equally on the good and bad alike.”

The heart is the first organ to develop in the womb.
It itself is the beginning of the brain,
which develops later.

Remember that the heart has a tube torus field of plasma, or life force,
 that is over five thousand times
stronger than the brain.

  Compressed information contained in 
flowing emotions of love from an open heart,
 provide everything necessary for transmutation into divine perfection.

 Divine perfection exists omnipresently in all creation. 

Transmutation heals veils of limitation.

 It changes illusion, to unmask and enliven underlying divine perfection everywhere.

This transmutation through love brings about justice and harmony for all, the divine virtue of O.

Nonjudgmental divine love is a key to transmutation. 

Love creates miracles as people desire to reach higher states.

Joy and happiness stimulate chemical reactions in glands that enhance health, genius and creativity.

Divine education teaches that indwelling all-pervading-will to LOVE AND LIFE
 is the highest good of all concerned.

sit fit

This is based on experiencing self as one with The Unified Field, 
Web of Life that connects all the parts of Creation as One.

A child learns to trust and follow inner guidance which allows genius 
as his or her individual will aligns in a whole brain way 
with omnipotent DIVINE WILL and also aligns with the natural love that is found within the heart,
 and in so doing,
to have great enthusiasm and confidence.

This is the divine virtue of letter S of Hosun.

An educated person learns that creation is malleable,
 it is multi-dimensional and responds to states of being, will, thoughts, emotions, and sensations.

Such a person learns HOW TO GO INTO DEEP TRANCE 
STATES AND CREATE REALITIES and to know the on-going effects of such creations.

This is the divine virtue of letter U.

Important ingredients of Divine Education are the problem solving 
skills resulting from flowing feelings of SUPREME HAPPINESS!

This is the divine virtue of letter N. 

Divine education arises from emotional states of fun and happiness.

Divine educators enhance the natural instincts within each student to enjoy him or herself
 in whatever way comes most naturally through inner guidance.

 In this way a student’s body responds with production of special neuropeptides
 and chemicals that enhance problem solving abilities. 

Each student is unique and has individual talents that develop in this way.

We are empowering whole brain and body developments that encourage utilizing all polarities as continuums,
 and balance and unite masculine and feminine, 
work and play, logic and emotion, memory and intuition, separation and unity, inner worlds and outer. 
 As this quadrapolar consciousness of divine being-will, thought, 
emotion and sensation is taught,
Heaven manifests fully within a student and in his or her creations on Earth. 

Remember that as children grow they develop these four brainwave states in a natural order. 

Functional educational paradigms enhance this process.

The brain works in four brainwave states.
It is only when all four states are developed equally and naturally that a Child of Light takes 
on his or her rightful dominion within The Great Creation.
This creation exists interdependently in the inner and the outer realms of consciousness.

Brainwave states emerge gradually and overlap each other.

>From approximately 0 to 4 years of age, the deep state of pure being of 
Delta wave development is enhanced with bonding and deep communion, 
showing respect for the child’s own inner guidance and modeling RIGHT 
USE OF WILL for the highest good of all.

Create peaceful and beautiful surroundings, mandalas, music, touch and deep spiritual communion. 

>From approximately 4 to 7 years, the Theta State, deep inward thought, 
is enhanced by introduction to archetypes through stories that present 
profound truth and processes of enlightenment symbolically.

This function has been performed by fairy tales and myths and pictures for thousands of years. 

This is also the time for training in skills of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and so forth.

>From approximately 7 to puberty, the Alpha state attunes to flowing emotions from within
 and sensitivity to those emotions emitted from people,
 beings, and objects in the outer world. 

This is the time to learn how to work with flowing emotions of the heart.
 All emotional skills such as learning how to transmute and heal emotions
 through flowing to maintain happiness are emphasized. 

>From puberty and up, in the left brain Beta state,
 the five senses are perfected and developed,
 and everything having to do with memory, logic, linear thinking, and languages are emphasized.

An enlightened educated adult produces all four brainwave states with equal ease as well as simultaneously.

 He/she is attuned to pure inner being and unity with Divine Being and all creation like a little child,
 to their own will in oneness with God with Delta brainwaves, 
which is why it was spoken,
 “Except ye be as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
He/she accesses Divine Wisdom in Theta with deep inner thought.

He/she feels deeply with good emotional skills.

Strong flowing emotions responding to both inner and outer worlds 
attract creative and happy realities in life, using Alpha brainwaves.

He/she is skilled in the physical world, using Beta brainwaves
 with languages, logic, memory and everything to do with the five senses. 

As old left brain dominant educational theories crumble,
 the new whole brain heart paradigms are nurtured within all students, 
especially by those educators who seek inspiration of the heavenly hosts.

We represent the following divine virtues,
 and inspire these in each person who walks the divine path of teaching.


H… The sound of this letter is the divine virtue of The POWER OF THE WORD. 
This group of messages, taken together, help explain the 
technology of the cosmic language, the use of THE WORD in the science of miracles and theurgy.

Every thought produces hundreds of thousands of chemical changes in the body. 
THE POWER OF THE WORD is the ancient science of focus and attention that
produces divine chemical changes in the body, the emotions, the mind and the spirit.

 The letters of the alphabet have sounds, colors, tones, emotions, and sensations
 that correspond to the divine virtues, 
with their corresponding meanings on the four levels of being-will, thought, emotion, and sensation.

Words, whose letters are uttered with these attunements
 while using the meditation technique explained below,
 have great power to manifest miracles. 

The proper utterance of each letter, has to do with being, will-intent, 
imagination-thought, emotions, and sensation. 

To meditate on a virtue, relax deeply into a state of pure being and oneness 
with Divine Being and all Creation.

 Now locate yourself in time and space by visualizing yourself as a tiny dot in your solar plexus.

The solar plexus, or midriff 
area, corresponds with the element of Akasha, which is consciousness-penetrating-all.

Once you imagine yourself as a tiny dot in the akasha, see the rest of 
the body as an almost infinite swirling universe all around you. 

In a deep Delta State of pure being, WILL for a divine virtue to manifest 
within you by visualizing it as a tiny sun shining out the appropriate color,
 located in the region of its element.

 Fire element is in the head 
region, air is in the lung region, water is in the abdomen region, and earth is in the leg region.

Meditate on the meaning of the virtue with your intellect,
 in a Theta brainwave state of deep inward thought. 

Flow deeply with the emotions of the virtue, with your dreamy Alpha wave brainwave state. 

Then with your Beta brainwave State of the five senses, logic, and memory,
 imagine the sensation of the element.

Akasha is consciousness-penetrating-all. 
Fire is heat and expansion.

Air is ease. Water is coolness turning into chill. Earth is weight.

Chant inwardly the sound of the letter to the musical note to enliven the feelings of the virtue.

When you breathe out; be,will, see, feel, and sense this virtue radiating out
 through the pores of your skin over the area of the body 
formed by the virtue and filling whatever inner guidance directs; 
an object, a person, a situation, or even the entire outer universe.

 When you breathe in; be, will, see, feel, and sense this 
coming in through the pores of your skin around this same area and filling you completely. 

Learn how to breathe this virtue in and out effortlessly in this way so that anytime you wish to manifest it, 
this meditation comes easily to you.


Do not hold or prolong the breath. 

When you are finished,dissolve the light in your body 
so that you keep the elements of the body balanced.

By performing this meditation with a vivid imagination 
and flowing emotions, universal mind and individual become one. 

“I and the Father are one.”

“All that I do, ye shall do and more.”

The sound of the second letter, umlaut O, eu, when toned to the musical 
note of D-sharp, is COGNITION brought about by Love Divine. It is the miracle worker of all virtues. 

Akasha:In the principle of consciousness penetrating all, the umlaut 
O oscillation evokes the most profound cognition which can only be brought about by love divine.

By the help of this a person gets to know all the possibilities of 
transformation of the spirit, all the systems and ways serving this end, 
and all knowledge concerning transformation in all other fields.

 He/she is informed about everything that, deriving from the act of creation,
 had to pass through all the mode of transformation to be reunited.

A person must attain all the faculties that are offered by this 
profound cognition made possible by Love Divine,
 in the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, 
and must make use of all possibilities, 
in order to get convinced that they cannot be described by words,
 by must be experienced, lived through.

I have mentioned the letters umlaut A and umlaut O as the last ones in this series of exercises,
 because by the help of their virtues one is able to comprehend, 
from the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, 
the crown of all wisdom in the micro- and macrocosms, 
from the act of creation to the present state of evolution, 
and even to the final development.

Mental:Evoked in the intellect, the virtue of profound cognition brought about by love divine
 gives the understanding of the transformation of ideas, virtues, etc. by the quabbalistically pronounced word, 
which is a very great and comprehensive field.

Astral/ emotional level:In the emotions, the virtue of profound 
cognition brought about by love divine develops the faculty of perfect astral projection a
nd the mastery of all occult and magical phenomena 
that have reference to transformation, 
so that a person may, for instance, assume any desired vibration in the emotional body without 
being recognized by other beings
 and with only Divine Providence seeing through him/her.

Apart from this, a person is able to transform any 
emotional oscillation into the oscillation he wants and to do the same with any element.

Material:When mastered in the physical body, the profound cognition 
brought about by love divine leads to perfect knowledge of quabbalistic alchemy in the material world. 

A person is taught the true preparation and charging of the philosopher’s stone in the physical sense.

He/she can influence, at will, any oscillation—atomic, oscillation, electronic oscillation- by 
quabbalah, and he/she is able to transform it into the oscillation desired by him/her.

Therefore he/she perfectly masters the laws of transmutation and is 
able to transform any metal into gold, any stone into a precious stone, etc. if desired.

By the help of this virtue a person is furnished with 
many other faculties of which he/she cannot even dream now 
and which non-initiates would regard as absolutely impossible.

Umlaut O is dark orange, has the musical note of D-sharp, is the 
element of akashic-earth which has the sensation of weight penetrating everything.
The ovaries and testicles are formed from this virtue.

This brings about justice and harmony, success and satisfaction for all, the virtue of O.

S…In the akasha principle, which is consciousness-penetrating-all, 
this letter oscillation represents the all-penetrating power—all-power.
By meditating on this quality you get into contact with 
the most subtle substance of the divine spirit, 
with the original divine fire and will in everything that has been created. 

On the mental level you have perfect mastery over will and intent.

On the feeling level you have absolute clairvoyance in its purest form.
You see over time and space and have control over other beings.

This virtue is the original fire, visualize it as purple with a reddish 
tint with a feeling of warmth, filling all of space.
It vibrates to the musical note G sharp, and is used to form or heal the gall bladder.

U… The letter U in the cosmic language represents the faculty of comprehending
 the creative act its relationship to karma.

It evokes the highest form of intuition and inspiration
 and makes possible the understanding of one’s own karma and it’s modification.

 It also makes possible the transfer of consciousness 
to any state imaginable and this results in states of highest trance.

This letter is imagined as shining velvet black and is practiced in the solar plexus 
and then in the legs and feet.

This letter enlivens the pancreas.
The musical note is B, and it is the element of Akasha, 
which has the sensation of God-penetrating-all in meditation.

N… This sound is the sound of supreme happiness and fulfillment beyond 
words to describe. This virtue gives control over the consciousness of other beings. 

This virtue gives control over the mental matrix, 
which is 'the spiritual bonding material that connects the emotional body to the mental body, i.e.,to the spirit. 

The mastery of this virtue reveals to the child of God all the mysteries
 relating to the mind and the emotions and bestows the ability
to comprehend, see, sense and control, the mental matrix with its sphere of action,
 either in regard of self or others.

On a physical plane, this virtue gives mastery over the principle of
cohesion or coherence, gravity and the attractive power of everything material.
The color is dark red, the musical note is A, it is of the water element of feeling so it has a cool sensation. 
The liver is formed from this virtue.

We suggest that each time you see, speak, or think of the letter N
 that you remember emotions and water and magnetism are the same, 
and that emotions ATTRACT INTO FORM whatever corresponds to their frequency.

Peaceful emotions attract peaceful situations.

As you know, the physical body is the most holy temple of the divine spirit.
The wisdom inherent in the body is a reflection of the wisdom 
that runs throughout all of creation due to the omnipresence of God.

At night when you are dreaming your eyes move back and forth from left to right and back, over and over.
 This processes emotional energy.

 Even animals process emotional energy this way when they sleep. 
Because of this,
 an ancient practice for processing emotions
 is to move the eyes in this manner while feeling any emotion.

The skill is to be aware of negative emotions and to heal them as quickly as possible. 

This is necessary for survival.

 If the emotions are negative, such as fear, hopelessness, doubt, despair, helplessness, and confusion, 
if you move your eyes—either shut or open—back and forth as 
you feel the emotion, 
the two hemispheres of the brain PROCESS the magnetic energy of the feeling 
and bring about resolution and healing. 

Negative emotion attracts negative situations into form, and negative 
emotions are still potent even when they are unconscious,
 or they have been dissociated from, denied, bypassed, suppressed, or even medicated. 

If the emotions are positive, such as love, awe, gratitude, peace, contentment, joy, or courage,
 moving the eyes back and forth, over and over again, 
while feeling the positive feelings,
 allows the two hemispheres of the brain to PROCESS the deepest and highest connections 
to spirit in regards to these feelings so that they become even more beautiful. 

This is one of the most important and effective exercises 
and it will become easier and second nature to you as you practice.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of this skill in dealing with strong feelings
 that arise unexpectedly in day to day life,
 and you will experience the results quickly if you stay with it.

 Remember to pay attention to the 
flowing emotions the entire time that the eyes are moving.

 Notice the changes in thought and changes in the feelings during this process. 
Moving the eyes in a circular motion is also effective.
 Follow inner guidance.

You may also call for help from the heavenly hosts.

Your body does this exercise automatically every night and much 
research has been done on the importance of REM {Rapid Eye Movement} sleep and dreaming.

This same process is useful to bring 
under conscious control whenever you are aware of strong flowing emotions
 that you wish to process quickly. 

No matter how busy you are, this is an exercise that can be done with the eyes open or closed 
at any moment during your day,
 whenever you feel an emotion,
 and even as little as a few seconds creates change.

If you do it for as long as a minute and a half, you will be amazed at how much the emotion changes.

If you practice this for longer periods of time, remembering to pay attention to the emotions, 
TO FEEL the emotions, the entire time that the eyes are moving,
 it is possible to process large amounts of emotions, including emotions of past experiences. 

Emotions change and evolve and intuitive flashes of insight occur 
during the remembering process.These insights are the healing process
 and eventually result in emotional and intellectual enlightenment. 
This process removes all blocks to flow intelligence, which is necessary for survival.



The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,

and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany. These books have very important information for these studies.

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.





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The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;


I give thanks that this is done.






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Love brings miracles of happiness.