Hermetic Angel Messages

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The 5th Day of the 28 Day Moon Cycle

The Moon Angels


Sympathy and Assistance


Also known as

The Moon Angels





Whenever someone desires or needs the help and assistance of another person,
we delicately attune emotions,
so that even the hardest of hearts melt,
and assistance is offered.

Divine Providence has given us the responsibility to strengthen the love-will,
 electro- magnetic,
 bonds between the children of God,
and all beings,
 so that harmonious co-operation flows and beautiful patterns form.


Behind the appearance of the many is the ONE,
which is the unified field of energy which is the web of life, the body of 
Divine Consciousness.

Will for the highest good of all,
 and Love,
 are a divine electro-magnetic sustaining life 
force between the unified field and the individual.

We bring forth beautiful emotions that allow the children of God to 
change any situation into one of healing and enlightenment.

With our help, the most hardened criminals, the most cruel tyrants,
remember and feel the spark of childhood innocence and 
 of indwelling Divine essence,
 that burns within their hearts and keeps them alive with each breath.

With this remembrance comes the opening of the gates of compassion and 
oneness, and the restoration of harmony and love.

As individuals grow strings of love and harmonious will with other individuals,
 energy manifests in perfect symmetrical designs within the web of life.

This is the source of mandala -like patterns, such as found in 
snowflakes, that reflect the perfection of Divine Consciousness.

Divine Will for the highest good of all creates flowing tangible emotions of love and 
harmony that attract into form these beautiful patterns.

These patterns create vortexes of magnetism, which attract abundant life.

On the 5th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the earth 
with feelings of sympathy and assistance, so that all beings may be 
blessed and live in joy, and heaven manifest on earth.

A…We tap the high intelligence of the enlightened mind expressed as 
eloquence, clairvoyance and mystical abilities.

M…We help the children of God to master emotions and sensations in 
order to control the process of interpersonal influence.

Z…We help you express yourself verbally, articulately, clearly, and 
powerfully with cheerful good humor to elevate people’s moods.

H…We inspire you to easily grasp all languages, symbols, and meanings 
of everyone and easily be understood by them.

E…We evoke highest intuition and universal transference of 
consciousness, influencing the emotions of other people. We help you to 
foresee past, present and future.

R…We help awaken tremendous ingenuity as long as it is used for 
impeccable service.

E…We bring attunement to cosmic consciousness to the ability to 
intuitively understand others.

“When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.”


Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted
or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical
Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN
3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany.
These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all
four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac.

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Love brings miracles of happiness.


Together we are One,
Sharing love and light in ever-expanding 
Harmonic Waves of Pure Being.


Love Brightens the Day, Love Lights the Way

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