Hermetic Angel Messages

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12 degrees Scorpio

The Angels of Miracles

Also known as

The Angels of 



We initiate spiritual seekers
 to follow in the footsteps of the Masters
 and thereby produce miracles in the physical world.

When desires to perform miracles occur, 
these desires awaken inner guidance for pointing the way.

Remember that children sense the truth of miracle working,
especially while hearing fairy tales and parables of spiritual teachers.

When we remember ourselves as children,
we enter the mystical deep inner Theta state of imagination.

  “Ye must be as little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Attunement to the inner child awareness
 is an attunement to
 states of relaxation and ease.

In this state, we are in our imaginations, 
and connect easily to the Divine Essence of our spirit and soul within.

This is one of the reasons why many miracles are happening.

It is time that the sons and daughters of divine being 
live in safe,
 and happy vibrations 
that allow relaxation and ease.

  Inner knowing is always found within.

The Theta brainwave of inner awareness is dominant in childhood.

 This is a focus on inner awareness, a state of deep inner thought,
 in which the Kingdom of Heaven can be found within.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be added."
"The kingdom of heaven is found within."

 To enter into Theta brainwave states, a person must experience relaxation and ease.

Because a small child is close to Heaven,
 he or she knows that this is the time 
Divine Providence has ordained for the quickening of Earth,
 so that the world is healed
 and the Kingdom of Heaven is brought forth.

In states of relaxation and ease,
 an adult can again enter into this state of trust and innocence,
 this knowingness,
 and experience a peace that passeth the understanding,
 an understanding that is not logical to a mind involved in outer events, memory, and linear thought.

To those of you studying these angel messages, know that it is by 
relaxing into states of ease that the mind can be quieted enough to hear the still small voice within.

This still small voice is the source of genius, 
and points the ways to experiencing and directing the outworking of 
omnipotent divine will that exists everywhere, in all time and space.
Visual images created in the imagination of deep inner thought
 prompt the pineal gland to 
secrete amazing combinations of chemicals that alter consciousness.

In these states of awareness, 
 visual images are combined with wonderful flowing emotions
 of the intended reality already manifested.

These emotions attract the new corresponding reality
 out of the quantum field of infinite potential.

In this way miracles are manifest.

"With the faith of a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say to the mountain,
be ye hence removed to the sea,
and it shall be done."

The deep inner self,
the divine self within,
must see that whatever is visualized and intended 
is the highest good of all concerned,
for the divine self is omnipresent, 
and is one with everything,
and wishes to bless all and harm none.

Therefore we inspire The Law of One to be used with all created miracles.

The Law of One is the original law of creation, and all other laws come from it, both civil and social.
This law overrides all other laws.

The Law of One

We are all one.
When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I am,
and I am one with all there is,

I ask that the highest good of all concerned happen.

And I give thanks that this is done.
So be it.

 We also inspire the technology of the cosmic language, 
the use of THE WORD in the science of miracles and theurgy.

Words, whose letters are uttered with the following attunements,
 have power to manifest miracles. 

The proper utterance of each letter or virtue, has to do with 
being-will-visualization, thought, emotions, and sensations focused on specific divine states of being and
awareness, which are accessed in the four brainwaves of Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta. 

The first letter of our name is S, which is DIVINE WILL.

Meditating on this virtue is an initiation into all-penetrating divine willpower, all-power.

This particular divine virtue is accessed in a state of pure being, 
which is the primary Delta brainwave pattern of infants.


It is practiced in the head region with a sensation of warmth and expansion.

Remember yourself as a small infant at one with divine will to meditate
 and produce this brainwave pattern.

This all-power is quantitative in form in comparison to omnipotence, 
the letter K, which is qualitative in form.

With all-power, a child of God gets into contact with the most subtle substance of the divine spirit,
 i.e., with the original divine fire, or 
divine will, which works as a substantial power in everything
 that has been created by Divine Providence.

Oneness with all-power gives mastery over the fire principle of desire and will
 and brings about a state of clairvoyance in its purest form.

It is the will of Divine Providence for joy to permeate all of creation.

Dilemma of Change

The frequency of flowing emotions of divine happiness
 causes cohesion in creation.

It is similar to gravity.

 Complete control over consciousness results from this.

The color of this virtue is purple red, its musical note is G-sharp, 
it is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of warmth, 
and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it.

The second letter, soft A, is DIVINE THOUGHT.This virtue is accessed in 
a state of deep inner thought, the primary Theta brainwave pattern of childhood.

It is practiced in the lung region with a sensation of ease.

This sound [a soft a like a sigh—ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation 
into the highest wisdom and the purity of all ideas in existence.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind.

 Reasoning, perception, the cognition of the most profound truths, highest 
knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all intellectual faculties are expressed.

Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance, 
clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air element 
and its beings are all aroused by this initiation.

On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air, control over storms, 
are all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note 
is G, the element is air so it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.


This virtue is accessed in the Alpha brainwave pattern of emotions, change, 
and flowing which is the primary awareness and brainwave pattern of adolescence.

Grace and Mercy are practiced with a sense of chill in the abdomen region, seen as a hollow space.

True miracles, by their very essence, seek grace and mercy for all beings. 

On an emotional level this virtue gives emotions of happiness, of complete satisfaction.

Situations may be created by means of the elements 
and the will and emotions causing success and wealth in the world 
that is for the highest good of all concerned.
In the mind, this virtue gives 
the experience of peacefulness, and the faculty of giving true divine blessing.

In the physical world this virtue represents
 all phases of riches and wealth, of happiness and satisfaction.

By this virtue Divine Providence has created abundance and, like the Creator, a child of God may also 
bring about, for him or her self or other people, abundance in everything, should that be desired.

By being one with this virtue, a person can see how much the virtue 
of divine grace and mercy 
ameliorates the painful fate of the future 
that was caused by failure to adhere 
to the Divine Laws of Justice and Harmony
 in the past.

The color of this virtue is deep grass green with a feeling of coolness 
because it is the water element of feeling,
 it has the musical note of F, and the left eye is formed from this virtue.

The next letters, A and umlaut A, ae, 
are enlightenment and the mysteries of life and death and transformation.

A is wisdom that is accessed in the theta brainwave state of a child.

You must be as a little child to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Umlaut A, ae, is accessed in the Beta brainwave of logic, memory, and the five senses,
 which is the primary brainwave of adults, from puberty on.

It is practiced in the leg region with a sensation of weight.

Remember that miracles CHANGE, or transform, physical reality.

Therefore, it is necessary to RELEASE outgoing realities 
through the divine virtue of transformation, umlaut A, ae.

The sound of this letter, the long A, in the cosmic language is the 
virtue of the origin and mystery of life and death regarding their transformation.

 By meditating on this virtue, a child of God becomes 
convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death 
is only a transformation from one state into another.

Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation.

With this comes the ability to master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes 
with regard to their scope of action.

The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear.

Since, in the original principle all beings are alike,
 each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain task, 
there is no dissimulation of negative beings, 
for from the enlightened person’s point of view everything is pure.

Here the saying: “to the pure one everything is pure” becomes plain.

If there were no negative beings, 
it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil;
 and if there were no passions, there would also be no virtues. 

This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: “through night to light”, 
the deep symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.

In the intellect the ability is gained to see through all thoughts, 
actions and wishes concerning matter, and of becoming their absolute master.

In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, 
and the inclination to self-satisfaction etc.

A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler
 of all desires and passions. 

Also, a person is able to release imperfect or limiting 
mental, emotional, and material virtues and objects.

This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying
 “bind yourself and you will be free”.

On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized.

No matter whether you evoke it in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, 
or the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a larger extent.

The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.

The color of this virtue is loamy brown.The musical note is C.The 
element is earth so it has the sensation of weight.The anus is formed from this virtue.

The next letter is R, which is INNER GUIDANCE.

 On the physical plane, the virtue of following the inner voice 
causes a rational widening of the intellect which enables one to 
comprehend any knowledge quickly and without difficulty and also to express it by words.

By doing this a person acquires the abilities need to carry through with any mission.

In the emotions, the evocation of the virtue of following inner guidance 
manifests in a number of abilities.

Anything that a person trained in this way
 will undertake in an equivalent emotional or astral body 
will be done with a high-grade ingenuity
 of which a non-initiate cannot have the faintest idea.

In performing miracles, inner guidance joins individual identity and will 
with omnipotent omnipresent omniscient being and Will 
of Divine Providence 
so that they are ONE.

The divine virtue of Independence and Freedom, following inner 
guidance, has a golden light with a feeling of weight, 
musical note C and is the virtue that forms the left nostril.

The final letters A and umlaut A, ae, are the virtues of the highest 
wisdom and enlightenment that can be lavished upon a human being 
and the power of transformation. 

Miracles bestow enlightenment upon the world. 

Mastering these virtues give all occult faculties such as clairaudience, 
clairvoyance, artistic talents, eloquence and control over the air and beings of the air,
 and control over negative beings and all imperfections.*

“All that I do ye shall do and more.”

This is the 246th group of the heavenly hosts.



NUMBER THREE is symbolized by a triangle.

 The three is the number of akasha principal, of fate, of cause and effect, 
of Karma, and is attributed to the sphere of Saturn. 

All things on all levels originate from the akasha principle, 
the fine pre-matter of all existence, and therefore from the number three. 

It is the original idea of procreation.

 Man and woman and child. 

Also it represents spirit, soul, and body. 

It is the number of intuition, life and death, and cognition in its highest form.

Inner guidance prompts a Child of Light to manifest miracles 
using whatever Divine Virtues are necessary.

Here is a complete list of the letters of 
the alphabet, with their corresponding meanings.

A…[ soft A as in ah]…..All wisdom and enlightenment, light blue with a 
sense of ease, the musical note G, [can be used to heal the lungs, the lungs are formed from this virtue] 

Umlaut A {ae]…Origin and mystery of life and death and transformation, 
the ability to recognize and let go of imperfection for change into other states that are the highest good,
loamy brown with a feeling of weight, musical note C, 
[can be used to heal the anus, the anus is formed from this virtue.

B……Universal life and polarity in all its forms, the ability to control will and emotions, light violet with a 
sense of weight, musical note A, 
[can be used to heal the right eye, the right eye is formed from this virtue.]

C……...The eucharist in all its forms and self-spiritualization, the ability to charge matter with divine qualities,
vermilion with warmth and a sense of ease, musical note D, 
[can be used to heal the stomach which is formed from this virtue]

D…….…Mysteries of the art of creation, the action of love to create, dark blue with a feeling of warmth, 
musical note C, [can be used to heal the right ear which is formed from this virtue.*

E………...the omnipresence of Universal Consciousness, 
dark violet with a feeling of penetrating all, musical note D, [can be used to heal the spine]

F………Legality , which IS harmony, of all visible worlds, the "as above, so below", light green 
with a feeling of weight, musical note F sharp, 
[can be used to heal the left hand which is formed from this virtue.]

G…….…Divine Grace and Mercy in all its aspects, deep grass green with a feeling of coolness,
 musical note F, the left eye is formed from this virtue.

H…The power of the word which is the cosmic language, silvery violet 
with a feeling of warmth, musical note A, [can be used to heal the right arm which is formed from this virtue.]

Ch….The virtue of clarity and perfect purity of emotions, light violet with a 
feeling of coolness, musical note D Sharp,
 [can be used to heal the left leg which is formed from this virtue.]

I…….the law of cause and effect, light opal with a feeling of weight,
 musical note G, [can be used to heal the left kidney]

J…………The highest all-embracing cosmic love, dark opal with a feeling of coolness,
 musical note G Sharp, [can be used to heal the diaphragm-midriff]

K………….The Virtue of omnipotence, silvery blue with a feeling of warmth,
 musical note B, [can be used to heal the left ear]

L…The highest Divine Majestic Virtues, dark green shining olive color with a feeling of ease, 
musical note F, [can be used to heal the spleen]

M.…Original Water principle of emotions and magnetism, blue-green with a sense of coolness,
 musical note D, [can be used to heal the abdominal area]

N………..The highest state of happiness, the ability to solve any problem, 
dark red with a sense of coolness,
 musical note A, [can be used to heal the liver]

O…..…The Virtue of Justice as an original principal, ultramarine blue 
with a feeling of weight, musical note C, [can be used to heal the throat and windpipe area]

Umlaut O, eu …..….The most Profound Divine Cognition, seeing through the eyes of love to reveal
indwelling omnipresent divine perfection, dark orange light with a feeling of weight 
penetrating everything, musical note D sharp, 
[can be used to heal the testicles and ovaries. If healing the ovaries, heal the left ovary first then the right.*

P…The longing for spiritual progress and perfection and beauty, dark gray with a sense of weight, 
musical note B, [can be used to heal the right nostril]

Q…in the ancient language Q is the same as K---refer to K 

R………...Independence and Freedom, following inner guidance, genius, golden light 
with a feeling of weight musical note C, [can be used to heal the left nostril]

S…….All penetrating power which is the original fire, purple with a 
reddish tint with a feeling of warmth, musical note G sharp, [can be used to heal the gall bladder]

Sch... combines both omnipotence and all-penetrating power and is the original light,
 blazing red with a feeling of warmth, musical note C, 
[can be used to heal and empower the brain which is formed from this virtue.]

T…High inspiration, brownish black light with a sense of warmth, musical note F,
 [can be used to heal the right kidney]

U……The original source of everything, velvet black light with a feeling 
of penetrating everything, musical note B, [can be used to heal the pancreas]

V.., in quaballah this letter is the same as F-refer to F

W…Cosmic intuition, emotions of unity, lilac with a feeling of coolness, musical note G, 
[can be used to heal the gut]

X………………………in quaballah X is seen as a combination of E,K, and S

Y [UE} umlaut U………..The origin of the rhythms of life, pink light with 
a feeling of weight penetrating everything, musical note C sharp, 
[can be used to heal the heart which is formed from this virtue.]

Z…..Highest intellectual faculties, remembering everything learned in all lifetimes, light yellow with a feeling of 
ease, musical note G, [can also be used to heal the heart, which is also formed from this virtue.]

With practice and purity of focus and concentration, you access and eventually master the original virtues
 and essences in your consciousness and DNA.

Then, when you speak a divine will, visualization, thought, emotion,
and sensation, in other words, you speak the word on all four levels, 
you fulfill the saying of a great master of miracles,
 ”All that I do , ye shall do and more.”

It is helpful to pronounce each letter of NAMES of heavenly hosts in 
the four-fold manner of will-intent, imagination-thought, emotion, and sense, as described in the above list.




The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings

which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,

in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth

is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,

and Information of the divine virtues and the letters

are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies. 

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.








Feel free to share these messages.


To understand Universal Consciousness, and immortality, it is very helpful to read The Life and Teachings of the Masters of The Far East by Baird Spalding

The first three volumes are field notes taken on a scientific expedition to Nepal in the late 1800's.



The Law of One is the original law of Creation,

and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


  We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.
 When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all there is;
 I ask that ONLY

I give thanks that this is done.



~ My precious
                                                  friends and family,
                                                  wishing you a most
                                                  magical Full Moon
                                                  Lunar Eclipse as you
                                                  bring a focus to your
                                                  Heart's dreaming
                                                  through the Christed
                                                  timelines, the merging
                                                  of your
                                                  Selves and the sacred
                                                  Cosmic Fire of
                                                  Illumination ~
                                                  "This window of
                                                  opportunity of merging
                                                  with your
                                                  selves and bringing in
                                                  the remembrance of
                                                  your Highest Potential
                                                  through all timelines,
                                                  amplifies between the
                                                  Full Moon Lunar
                                                  Eclipse on October
                                                  18th and 19th and the
                                                  New Moon Solar Eclipse
                                                  on November 3rd and
                                                  4th. It is at this
                                                  time too, sweet ones,
                                                  that you draw upon
                                                  your Hearts' dreaming,
                                                  as you travel the
                                                  Christed timelines,
                                                  and bring a focus to
                                                  the sacred Cosmic Fire
                                                  of Illumination".
                                                  This beautiful sacred
                                                  Cosmic Fire of
                                                  Illumination activates
                                                  in particular the
                                                  pituitary and the
                                                  pineal glands, the
                                                  hypothalamus gland,
                                                  and in the new chakra
                                                  system, the occipital
                                                  lobe, which is found
                                                  at the base and back
                                                  of the head. For this
                                                  occipital lobe
                                                  regulates the flow of
                                                  information from the
                                                  higher dimensions and
                                                  your multi-dimensional
                                                  selves, sweet ones,
                                                  and you have a sense
                                                  now of merging with
                                                  your multi-dimensional
                                                  selves, a sense of
                                                  experiencing many
                                                  simultaneously, of
                                                  seeing through your
                                                  Master Eyes at all of
                                                  Life around you in a
                                                  greater level of
                                                  insight and
                                                  compassion and Divine
                                                  Love. In this place of
                                                  detachment and active
                                                  participation you
                                                  observe what you are
                                                  still working with and
                                                  needing to integrate,
                                                  and you move into this
                                                  flow, sweet ones, that
                                                  takes you into the
                                                  Pathways of Divine
                                                  Love. All pathways
                                                  before you in this
                                                  Golden Age are simply
                                                  Pathways of Divine
                                                  Love. The Illuminating
                                                  Light of Creation
                                                  connects you to the
                                                  Mind of Mother/Father
                                                  God. It is an
                                                  Intelligence that
                                                  imbues you too with a
                                                  deep sense of wisdom,
                                                  and as the third eye
                                                  activates now, in
                                                  particular, you
                                                  experience this sense
                                                  of clairvoyance, of
                                                  seeing for both
                                                  yourselves and others
                                                  the reality of One
                                                  Unity Consciousness
                                                  and how to create this
                                                  pathway from where you
                                                  are now, sweet ones,
                                                  to the pathway of your
                                                  Highest Potential; and
                                                  to assist others too
                                                  through the pathways
                                                  that you have
                                                  collectively created
                                                  through your own
                                                  perceived challenges
                                                  on this plane of
                                                  duality. And this
                                                  lifts too as you feel
                                                  simply this energy of
                                                  Love, this matrix of
                                                  Divine Love, as you
                                                  come together as the I
                                                  AM Avatar Race, as the
                                                  way showers, light
                                                  workers, and star
                                                  seeded ones ~ for you
                                                  are co-creating Heaven
                                                  on Earth, and you are
                                                  doing this, sweet
                                                  ones, through your
                                                  collective Light. And
                                                  now, sweet ones, you
                                                  have a sense of
                                                  merging now with your
                                                  Beloved I AM Presence,
                                                  your Christed Overself
                                                  of the Light, and the
                                                  Highest Light that you
                                                  are within the Cosmic
                                                  Heart of Mother/Father
                                                  God. As you merge now
                                                  with your Beloved I AM
                                                  Presence, merge with
                                                  all 144 Soul Ray
                                                  aspects of which you
                                                  are one, forming this
                                                  Matrix of Light. This
                                                  is your star family,
                                                  sweet ones, and a
                                                  deeper level of
                                                  service is experienced
                                                  with your star family
                                                  as you come into a
                                                  deeper sense of the
                                                  remembrance of your
                                                  star seeded heritage ~
                                                  as Pleiadians or
                                                  Sirians, Andromedans,
                                                  Arcturians, Lyrans,
                                                  Venusians, Antarians.
                                                  Mostly, sweet ones,
                                                  there are several star
                                                  systems with which you
                                                  resonate ~ several
                                                  core star groups, for
                                                  you have incarnated
                                                  into different planets
                                                  and stars, and worked
                                                  with various Councils
                                                  of Light, and at
                                                  different times you
                                                  may be drawn to
                                                  different Councils of
                                                  Light. And you have a
                                                  sense now, possibly,
                                                  that there are
                                                  particular core groups
                                                  that you are working
                                                  with, that you are
                                                  drawn to, and you call
                                                  them now into your
                                                  sacred space. It is to
                                                  know too, sweet ones,
                                                  that in these parallel
                                                  realities, in these
                                                  timelines coinciding
                                                  simultaneously with
                                                  this timeline, many of
                                                  you are on board
                                                  Lightships, working
                                                  with the Ashtar
                                                  Command, the Sirian
                                                  High Council, the
                                                  Pleiadian Council or
                                                  the Niburian Council ~
                                                  working as biologists
                                                  or scientists, or with
                                                  quantum physics, or as
                                                  healers, teachers, and
                                                  various service roles
                                                  not only on this earth
                                                  plane but on many
                                                  other planets, stars,
                                                  and sister dimensions;
                                                  and part of what is
                                                  being experienced now
                                                  is a greater sense of
                                                  this multi-dimensional
                                                  reality, of these
                                                  merging timelines and
                                                  dimensions, and in
                                                  this Now, sweet ones,
                                                  this is experienced
                                                  through this beautiful
                                                  sacred Cosmic Fire of
                                                  Illumination as Helios
                                                  and Vesta Overlight
                                                  you now in this
                                                  beautiful copper-gold
                                                  and pink-gold Flame of
                                                  Mp3 download ~ Cosmic
                                                  Fire of Illumination ~
                                                  Transmission by the
                                                  Elders and Anrita
                                                  Melchizedek ~




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Love brings miracles of happiness.