Hermetic Angel Messages

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The Moon Angels of Elements,

Transformation, Life and Death

also known as

The Angels of  ‘Z-H-E-V-E-K-I-Y-E-V’

24th Day of Lunar Cycle



We help you understand the effect that flowing tangible feelings in the body

have on the four elements of fire, air, water, and earth.

These four elements are governed by visualized intentions, thoughts, emotions and sensations in meditation.

We also help you understand the effects flowing emotions have

on transformation of metals,

and on the life and death of the physical body.

For too long, flowing visceral emotions have been misunderstood.

 Flowing emotions create magnetism,

which in turn attract new realities into form,

out of the infinite possible realities in the quantum field.

 When flowing physically felt emotions of divine qualities

 are combined with omnipotent will, clear visualizations, and faith,

miracles occur.

All have longed for the power of miracles,

and deep in your heart

you have known that this ability belongs to you.

Few have understood the powers that flowing tangible feelings of emotions
have in attracting changes in the physical realm.

When the power of flowing feelings in the body of emotions to alter physical reality is understood,

creating and maintaining wonderful, positive emotions,
that are attuned to the powerful emanations of Divine Conscio
usness, Will, and Love
is of utmost importance.

This gives power over life and death.

With this awareness, everything is done to avoid creating negative emotions,

and everything is done to heal any that have already been created.

Emotions are compressed information.

They are the "language" of the quantum field.

By keeping emotions beautiful and life giving, life remains desirable and is sustained and blessed.

From the time of conception, flowing felt emotions of Mother and Child,
and those around them, attract specific realities on the levels of being,
will, thought, emotion, and form.


Because flowing emotions, once generated, must continue to flow in
order to change, the only way to correct and change disastrous effects of negative flowing emotions

on physical realities

with unconditional all encompassing love, patience,  understanding and compassion,
and gratitude for wisdom gained from them.

Unconditional gratitude and Love transforms everything, including emotions.

There is a reason why our divine immortal original self allowed negative situations

in our lives

which created negative emotional states.

When we realize this, and give thanks for the lessons we have learned from these hurtful situations

and the resulting emotional states that resulted from them,

our hearts open with compassion for others who have experienced similar traumas in their lives.

We understand from these experiences, on a deep personal, visceral level,

why harm done to oneself or to others is so unacceptable.

To heal these wounded feelings, and the memories of the situations that created them,


Emotions, like water, must flow to stay pure and life giving.

Instead of blocking painful feelings and dissociating from them or acting them out destructively,

instead, go within, allow them to flow with unconditional forgiveness for self and others,

with faith that all things work for good,

with understanding that important lessons have been learned  through experiencing them,

so that they heal.

Never act them out in a destructive manner to self,

others or property, for this would create more trauma,

but also, do not deny, resist,  or judge them.

Emotions are the water element, and like water, must not stagnate.

Emotions are the change element of creation,

and must flow to stay clean and pure

reflecting the original divine blueprints of creation.

As any emotion flows, intuition generates insights into the causes of them,

these causes are understood, forgiveness happens, and cures are realized

so that corrections are made on every level.

As these corrections spontaneously arise from the psyche during flowing,
negative emotions and their corresponding negative thoughts about the nature of self and reality

transform into positive flowing emotions and positive thoughts.

Every effort must be made to heal negative flowing emotions quickly

before harm is done to the body and reality.

Within one minute of having a thought, over a hundred thousand chemical reactions occur in the body.

Therefore, becoming aware of and healing negative thoughts about self and reality,

with their corresponding feeling states,

should be a high priority each day.

As soon as negative flowing emotions arise, time should be
allotted to flow with the emotions for the purpose of healing  them.

It is similar to comforting an upset child.

The inner child self needs this comforting attention from the adult self each day.

"Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven."

By healing and forgiving ourselves and others, we shine a light to help others

heal and forgive themselves and others as well.

We have learned from personal experience the absolute necessity of love,

of never causing harm to self or other.

Negative emotions often have disastrous effects on the health of the human body.

Negative emotions dim the will to live, and the body shuts down accordingly

if these emotions are not healed in a timely way.

Aging, sickness and eventually death result.

In death, a person leaves the material plane of matter and enters the emotional plane, the astral plane.

There they have no other choice but to do a life review, and in so doing, flow with all the emotions

both positive and negative, and see their purpose, and give thanks for them.

Great wisdom is gained, and  healing of the soul and spirit occurs.

....at the proper time, a new material incarnation is often chosen.

This same life review process can be done in meditation each day.

In this way, death is no longer necessary.

" And the last enemy to be overcome is death."

If instead of physically dying as a great relief from the suffering of aging, sickness, and death, a person

stays with the joy and wonder of youth,

the body responds accordingly and secretes  chemicals necessary  for youth and immortality.

"For I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of joy, and life everlasting."

"The last enemy to be overcome is death."

An ancient technique of flowing safely with negative emotions in order to heal them, is to use

eye movement as the body does in dreaming, moving the eyes
back and forth, right to left to right again, over and over, while flowing
with the emotions.

This can be done with the eyes open or closed, at whatever speed is comfortable for you at the time.

 This shifts the energy of flowing negative emotions  from
one hemisphere of the brain to the other, over and over,
allowing the emotions to process naturally as they do in dreaming sleep each night.

It is good to combine eye movement with a simple word or phrase repeated over and over to keep the mind focused,

so that it does not distract you from flowing with the feelings.

A good phrase might be, "the highest good of all concerned", or  "thank you for all I learned from these feelings".

A good word of pharase might be, "love", or  "thank you".

Remember that negative flowing emotions come from emotional
wounding, and the most powerful negative feelings link
back in time to prenatal or childhood traumatic situations.

By loving flowing negative emotions with unconditional love and gratitude for the wisdom
and lessons gained from experiencing them,

the wounded younger self within that is generating the negative
emotions is validated and comforted, and heals naturally.

 Everything should be done to generate positive flowing emotions.

Balance between spending time generating positive flowing emotions
through meditation, especially on the divine virtues,  with creative acts in the
physical world, out pictures the balance between the two hemispheres
of the brain, the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous systems.

In the state of Heaven on Earth; not only meditation, but music, art, dance, joyful work, world service,
  and just having fun are the order of the day for all, so that
beautiful flowing emotions are generated and nourished,
attracting ever higher states of perfection.

By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name,
and calling on our help, the following are gained:



The letter Z represents the higher faculties of divine intelligence 
and the ability to remember everything learned in all incarnations.

When meditating on this virtue in the emotional realm, all kinds of artistic
faculties arise.

The ability to put all abstract ideas into words develops.


This letter represents The Power of the Word.

When meditating on this
virtue in the emotional realm, the faculty of influencing each fate at
will is gained.

All tantra and mantra practices are understood.


This is the virtue of Universal Consciousness, the presence
of God’s awareness and flowing emotions in all that exists.

When meditation on this virtue, the emotions of having control over
one's own emotions and the emotions of all beings arise.


This letter equates to the letter F, which represents the
legality and harmony of all visible worlds.

In the emotional realm,
meditating on this virtue gives one the ability to perceive and
control all elements  which are will, intellect, emotions , and form, otherwise known as fire, air, water, and earth.


This letter represents the presence of Divine Consciousness and Flowing

Emotions in everything, throughout all time and space. In the emotional world, or astral plane,
this also gives the ability to see the remotest past, the present,
and even the future of anything or anyone.


This letter represents omnipotence, or infinite power, and the faith

to work direct miracles for the highest good of all.

In the emotional
world this gives courage, endurance, and toughness, etc.

 The ability to summon courage in self and others is gained,
and the removal of any emotions of fear.
 These emotions

strengthen the instinct for self-preservation.


The letter I represents the virtue of Cause and Effect.
In the emotional world this awakens control of breath and understanding
of how flowing emotions are magnetic and attract new realities or effects into form.

Also the understanding of analogy, especially the analogy between
the microcosm and the macrocosm, is enlivened.


The letter Y represents the cycles and rhythms of life.

In the emotional world, this gives an excellent aptitude for prophecy.


The letter E is omnipresence. In the emotions, this
virtue gives control over the emotions of oneself and others,
and the ability to understand the language of all beings.


The letter V, pronounced sharply, is phonetically equivalent to F,
representing the legality and harmony of all visible worlds, the
microcosm and the macrocosm.

 In the emotional realms, this virtue
allows you to perceive and control the mysteries of will, intellect,
emotion, and form. By doing so, the four elements are controlled.

The ability to comprehend all universal laws is gained.’



ALL flowing emotions are important.
To be healthy, all emotions, like water, must be allowed to flow.

Negative flowing emotions should be healed immediately
when they are aroused, through flowing in  safe, loving, and
non-destructive ways, so that they heal through validation, through love, and become positive once again.

Give thanks for the wisdom and lessons learned through painful emotions.

Locate where emotions are creating tension or sensations in the physical body.

Put your awareness on the body, sense what emotions are affecting it.

Even a minute of connecting with these emotions allows it to heal.

No words are necessary.

Words, even words identifying the emotions as "sad", or "hurt", or "angry" etc.,
  if dwelt on too long, may divert the focus from the emotional body to the mental body.

By diverting focus to the mind from emotions by going into intellectualization,

and in this way stopping the flow of emotions,

a person stops the healing of the emotions as well,

which to heal must keep flowing like water,

  in an atmosphere of unconditional love and gratitude.

Simply be with the TANGIBLE FEELINGS in the body, allow to flow all emotions.

Changes come quickly this way.

Positive, healed, flowing emotions then attract wonderful changes.
When positive emotions flow, they become even more positive.

Emotions are the water element, and follow a rhythm in
their flowing, just as water does.
Emotional rhythm is similar to

the rhythm of breath and of the moon as it waxes and wanes.

Flowing emotions keep the magnetic field of heavenly
attraction in place upon the Earth.
 Emotions ARE magnetic energy.

It is Divine Will that each child of light and love become aware of their
flowing tangible emotions in their body, and become masters of transformation.

In this way flowing emotions become the waters of life of the Divine Virtues,

such as happiness, love, faith, grace and mercy.

In this way, miracles are attracted into the lives of each
and every one, according to the splendor of Divine Truth.

Every 24th day of each 28-Day Moon Cycle we flood the earth with the
flowing emotions of transformation, so that flowing emotions and life are
continually renewing and evolving into greater beauty and perfection.



*** ECSTASY ***

Alt text


*Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted
or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical
Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN
3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany.
These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all
four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac.


 ‘Chadazojad’, using Stejnar cipher



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Love attracts miracles of love.



Together we are One,
Sharing love and light in ever-expanding
Harmonic Waves of Pure Being.


Love Brightens the Day, Love Lights the Way