Hermetic Angel Messages

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29 degrees Libra

The Angels 

Also known as 

The Angels of



 We have inspired mankind with the sense of orderliness and cleanliness.

Everything connected with hygiene comes under our competence.

We inspire and protect everyone working in the fields of health.

We are the originators of the knowledge that many diseases are caused by infection, 
and we have inspired the ways to recognize them and protect against them.

We can be found with all bacteriologists, toxicologists,
 and everyone researching bacteria, bacilli, and virus etc.

Because the Alpha and the Omega is a time of out picturing the perfection of Creation,
 it is a time when people embrace the purity and beauty of original divine blueprints of creation,
so we inspire the children of divine being to bring harmony into every aspect of physical reality.


Earth lit up ascension
This Golden Age is a time when supreme happiness manifests in all created worlds.

Because all emotions are magnetic, 
and are the attractive power that determines physical reality,
 supreme divine happiness
is necessary 
for any form to desire to live eternally, 
and stay healthy and in manifestation.

Therefore, we inspire cleanliness and order also in the astral or emotional body.

  The healing of physical and psychosomatic causes of disease
 requires the Children of Light 
to see everything inwardly and outwardly
 through the eyes of love,
instead of fear,
and thereby transmute all
 in the inner and outer worlds into divine perfection. 

"Love conquers all."

Health requires maintaining beauty, cleanliness, harmony, and orderliness
 in being, will, mind, emotions, sensations 
in both the inner and outer worlds.

 Now is the time that all physical creation,
 from the smallest to the largest, 
in individual bodies of Children of Light to entire outer universes,
 come into perfect alignment 
with divine will, divine blueprints of Divine Mind, divine emotions and sensations.

We inspire the understanding in seekers of truth that
health is created in self and others
 by aligning being, will, visualization, thought, emotions, and sensations
 with ALL original divine qualities and ideas. 

Within one minute of having a thought,
over a hundred thousand chemical reactions occur in the body.
Each reaction causes a flash of light.

By keeping the attention on thoughts of divine beauty and perfection,
the glands and other parts of the body produce chemicals of youth and perfect health.

 This alignment with divine awareness on every level,
which awakens vitality, true spiritual morality,
 also aligns with appreciation of the splendor and majesty of divine being,
constantly releasing for transformation all imperfections.
This is the meaning of the first four letters of our name Filakon.

Everything that is experienced as self, 
everything that is willed and everything that is thought, 
creates powerful magnetic emotions.

Emotions are magnetic and attract new realities into physical form.

In the time of Heaven on Earth,
 emotions are respected for the powerful magnets that they are,
 and everything is done to create 
the most beautiful emotions possible 
in each moment and each situation for self and others.

 If fate allows, a diseased body can go into spontaneous remission 
as a person meditates and comes into harmony on all levels with divine qualities.

There are reports that even death is reversed,
as the astral or emotional body is healed.

 The original OMNIPOTENT WILL and faith in original Divine Perfection
 is the meaning of the letter K.

The virtue of transmutation through cognition 
that is brought about by seeing through the eyes of flowing divine love 
is the virtue of umlaut O, eu.

Attunement to the divine laws of harmony and justice is  awakened, 
bringing success and satisfaction, and this is the meaning of letter O.

Physical bodies in a state of divine perfection
 vibrate with supreme and blissful happiness.

This happiness is the meaning of letter N.

As many scientist have discovered, attitude determines body chemistry.

  As people master the unbreakable continuum of energy that is divine being, 
will, mind, emotions, and sensations, the prevention and cure of disease is perfected. 

It is at this point that seemingly miraculous cures become commonplace.

As the being, will, mind, emotions, and sensations of the Children of 
Light are attuned to divine virtues, bodies are capable of immortality and eternal youth.

“The last enemy to be overcome is death.”

This is the 233rd degree of the zodiac.2+3+3=8.

NUMBER EIGHT is the number of the mind,
 the intellect, and thus the number of knowledge. 

It is analogous to the planet Mercury. 

The octagon is a symbol of the number eight. 

All knowledge, actual or theoretical, is a part of the eight vibration.


F…The first letter of our name is the divine virtue representing the 
legality and harmony of all visible worlds in creation,
 both in both the microcosm of the human body and the macrocosm of the greater universe.

By using this virtue, a person comes to know legality as the most 
perfect harmony, and furthermore, 
to see the operation and the laws of analogy of the macro- and microcosm in their truest form.

The saying, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is an analogy of this sort.

In the intellect, this virtue gives complete understanding
 of the interdependence of will, thought, emotion, and form.

The color of this virtue is light green, it is the earth element so it 
has the sensation of weight. It has the musical note of F-sharp and the left hand is formed from it.

I… The letter I represents the law of cause and effect in the ancient language.

It has a light opal color, the musical note of G, radiates from the left kidney,
 and has the sensation of earth and weight. 

By mastering this virtue, the faculty of a perfect memory and conscience is gained.

Also the ability to control both the breath and the connection between emotions
 and the physical body is gained.

Because all life is connected as a unified field of energy, whatever is willed, thought, felt, or done 
has repercussions throughout the entire 
web of life, 
both inside the microcosm which is the human body and the macrocosm, 
which is the outer universe. 

“As above, so below.” 

L… The sound of this letter is the sound of the Divine Virtues all taken together. 

This letter represents the highest divine virtues that may be described by words, 
irrespective of whatever sort they may be.

This letter oscillation is used to comprehend the Divine Majesty
 and the greatness of God in the form of the purest virtues. 

>From this comes the faculty of comprehending true morality
 as seen from the highest point of view. 

This will lead you to the borders of saintliness.

On the feeling level true equilibrium of character occurs
 and mastery of flooding the emotions with the highest light is attained.

On the physical level you will gain perfect health, youth, beauty and harmony
 and you will become absolute master of your own vitality.

It is to be imagined as the color of olive green. The musical note is F, 
the element is air, so it has the sensation of ease.
The spleen is formed from this virtue.

A…This letter represents wisdom and enlightenment.

 Becoming one with this virtue enables one to access the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind. 

The understanding of the human body as a temple of Divine Spirit becomes clear.

Meditate intellectually on this virtue, aligning your will and intent with this in Divine Mind.

At the same time, imagine this virtue as Light 
Blue light filling first the chest and then all of inner space within your body with a feeling of ease,
 and the musical note of G.

[A as in ahhhh]
Accept yourself, love
      yourself, be who you are and vibe in your own energy. From that
      place of peace and love, you will always spark change even with
      your most simple interactions
To quote from a Quaballistic text:…the student advances on to no 
longer getting the light blue color oscillation of letter A 
into his chest by breathing it in through his mouth or nose,
 but through the circumference of his/her chest region, 
similar to breathing through the pores.

Also, the student must try to achieve sufficient dynamics 
by repeatedly using his imaginative faculty.

The student must be capable of drawing any letter oscillation
 into the respective region of the body 
and emitting it again, inductively and deductively, in a simple or condensed state.

These exercises have to be repeated until such a 
proficiency is achieved that the student
 can do all the quabbalistic tasks mentioned so far with effortless ease.

The intent is to fill first your chest and then all of space with the 
highest wisdom and highest illumination
 that may ever be lavished on a human being: Enlightenment.

This divine virtue gives eloquence, artistic gifts, and mystic powers
 of clairaudience, clairvoyance etc. and control over the beings of the air. 

The musical note is G, the element is air, so it has the sensation of ease.
The lungs are formed from this virtue.

umlaut A, ae,… The realization of wishes regarding physical matter 
is subjected to this virtue.
The sound of this letter, the long A, ae, in the cosmic language
 is the virtue of the origin and mystery of life and death regarding their transformation. 

By meditating on this virtue, a child of God becomes
convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death
 is only a transformation from one state into another.

Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation.

 With this comes the ability to master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes 
with regard to their scope of action.

The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear.

 Since, in the original principle all beings are alike, 
each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain task, there is no
dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point of view
 everything is pure. 
Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain.

 If there were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; 
and if there were no passions, there would also be no virtues.

This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", 
the deep symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.

In the intellect the ability is gained to see through all thoughts, actions and wishes 
concerning matter, 
and of becoming their absolute master.

In the feelings, this virtue represents 
desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction etc.

 A person who masters this virtue in their feelings 
becomes absolute master and ruler of all desires and passions. 

Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues and objects.

 This means complete independence and freedom 
and fulfills the saying "bind yourself and you will be free".

On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized.

 No matter whether you evoke it in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world,
 the earth is influenced by it to a larger extent. 

The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. 
The element is earth so it has the sensation of weight. 
The anus is formed from this virtue.

K… The sound of this letter is the virtue of omnipotence.

In the akasha, the subtle pre-matter, it is the highest and purest light 
and is analogous to the original fire, or desire principle. 

In the mind, it manifests as the state of faith.

This is the faith that was spoken of in the Bible
 that moves mountains and “does all things”. 

In the soul, which is also called the astral or feeling body,
 this virtue manifests as endurance, toughness, courage, 
and the ability to remove any feeling of fear within yourself or within others.

This virtue gives one courage to face the fear of disease 
and the unknown and attract the cure.

This is also the faith that stimulates the body’s immune system
 to produce whatever is necessary for health in any situation.

Since it is the fire and air element, it has the sensation of warmth and ease; 
it has the musical note of B, and the color of silvery blue.

Umlaut O, eu…The virtue of transmutation through cognition that is brought about 
by seeing through the eyes of flowing divine love

O… The sound of letter O is the sound of the initiation into the original principle of divine justice. 

Justice is Harmony and Harmony is Justice.

Maintaining harmony in will, mind, emotions, and physical form brings health.

You will have a high power of judgement and the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, 
any interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice.

You will never be able to condemn anyone unjustly.

This will bring about the abilities to create 
any change in the emotional situations that you find yourself in
 and to have absolute success and happiness on all levels.

The ability to control emotions is the ability to control the element of water. 

We inspire you to charge the element of water with the emotions 
that stimulate the immune system to heal any disease. 

This virtue has an ultramarine blue color, the musical note of C,
 and is the earth element so it has the sensation of weight.
 It forms the throat and windpipe.

N…This sound in the ancient language is the virtue of flowing feelings of delight, 
of Supreme Happiness.

 By meditating on this virtue, the intellect begins 
to master the connection between mind and heart, or thought and emotions. 

Emotions contain compressed information. 

The information contained in supreme divine happiness causes cohesion and is similar to gravity.

 This information contains the key to accessing solutions to any problems from 
out of the omniscience of Divine Mind, which is also omnipresent, and omnipotent. 

Mastering this virtue gives control over any other being, and on the emotional level,
one gains mastery over the drive for self-preservation.

The drive for self-preservation guides each child of the Divine 
to embrace ways of health and immortality.

“The last enemy to be overcome is death.” 

On the physical level mastery over cohesion, or the power of coherence or gravity is gained. 

This virtue has a deep red color, the musical note of A, is of the 
water element of emotion and has the sensation of coolness.
The liver of all beings was formed by this virtue.


     You asked to be informed when Divine Sky – The Angel Messages would be available again.

This book contains all of these angel messages plus more.
     Hopefully soon more will be printed. Please send inquiries about availability to:



The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root,

of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth

is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,

and Information of the divine virtues and the letters

are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies.

  The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.




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Love brings miracles of happiness.



The Law of One is the original law of Creation,

and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;


I give thanks that this is done.


So it is.

