Hermetic Angel Messages

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23 degrees Libra

The Angels of Physics

Also known as

The Angels of 



We are initiators into physics.

Everything that has been explored in this field up to the present day
 has happened on account of inspiration by us.

We show you the achievements of physics in the future.

All phases of metaphysics also fall under our competence.

We also inspire understanding of astrophysics.

 We make sure that divine connections between science and spirituality
 are made known to mankind
 in ways that are the highest good of all.

We reveal through mathematics, geometry, quantum physics,
biology, chemistry, and other sciences,
 proof that we are all one organism, on every level.
We are one being that communicates with itself.

We are literally one being: from the finest pre-matter of the akashic level, 
through the levels of will and desire,
 the levels of mind and thought,
 the levels of emotions,
 and even to the level of the five senses, memory, and logic.
Through divine physics, spiritual maturity is gained,
 so that harm is not done to self or others.

We reveal the ancient and future comprehensive mastery of reality on all levels.

 This includes every science known to mankind.

The knowledge of how being-will-visualization, thoughts, and emotions and sensations
 attract realities
 into physical form out of the infinite potential of the quantum field 
is now being examined in halls of learning,
 in temples, and in the hearts and minds of people in all walks of life.

      child by aatmagaialive
Many books are available, and more are on the way,
 that explain connections between consciousness and matter.

It was predicted in times of old 
that when religion and science come together
 as one, 
the circle of awareness would come to completion.

As we explained before,
 in the beginning of this series on the heavenly hosts of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac,
circles are open
 and are actually ever-expanding spirals,
 because of interactions between space and time.

It is finally to be understood by all that divine virtues working through the four elements 
are applicable to every department of science.

 It is to be understood how the mind produces the four brainwave states
 that correspond to the four elements, 
and how whole brain frequencies of 
the microcosm, which is a human being,
controls the outer realities of the macrocosm.

Quantum and plasma theories are embracing this understanding in ever increasing clarity.

The divine virtues working through the four elements affect everything 
from a developing fetus to a working computer microchip to meta and astrophysics.

The divine virtues working through the four elements affect the 
workings of every aspect of nature and consciousness, with no exceptions, 
across the board, in scientific and understandable ways. 
The four elements are as follows:


Akasha is the deepest brainwave state of pure being
 and unity with Divine Being and all creation. 

From this state comes fire, or will.

 Fire is Will, Intent, and Electricity.

 This is the Masculine Power.

It is hot and expansive.


This element corresponds to Mind, Thought, and Intellect.

It is produced in the Theta brainwave of deep inner thought.
It is relaxing and creates states of ease.

Air is the element that connects fire and water. 

Another way of saying this is that deep inner thought connects will and emotions.

A third way of saying this is that thought forms transform Electricity into Magnetism.


This element corresponds to Flowing Emotions, and Magnetism.

It is produced in the Alpha brainwaves of emotions, flowing, and the change process.

This is known as the Feminine Power.

Magnetism attracts new realities into physical expression.

Water is flowing, cool and icy.


This element corresponds to the Five Senses, Memory, and Logic.

It is produced in the Beta brainwaves of consciousness.

The hologram of physical reality is Earth.

Earth has sensations of weight.

By aligning the four brainwave states with Divine Virtues,
 heavenly perfection manifests in the four elements.


G…The sound of this letter is the sound of the virtue of Divine Grace and Mercy. 

This virtue explains the phenomena of raising the vibrations of the 
four elements in order to lessen the strength of negative energy that is returning from previous causes.

The four elements are will, thought, emotion, and form,
 [or electricity, mind, magnetism, and form].

When a person enters into the path of Physics as a path to enlightenment, 
the purpose is to manifest blessings for all.

In the physical world this virtue represents all phases of riches and wealth, 
of happiness and satisfaction.

By this virtue Divine Providence has created abundance and, like the Creator, a child of God may also 
bring about, for him or her self or other people, abundance in everything, should that be desired.

On an emotional level this virtue gives emotions of happiness, of complete satisfaction.

Situations may be created by means of the elements 
and the will and feelings causing success and wealth in the world
 that is for the highest good of all concerned.

In the mind, this virtue gives the experience of peacefulness,
 and the faculty of giving true divine blessing.

The color of this virtue is deep emerald green; the musical note is 
F. It is the water element so it has the sensation of coolness. 
The left eye is formed from this virtue.

A…[Soft A, as in ah] Wisdom and enlightenment, the original purity of all ideas in divine mind,
 giving mystical faculties and control over the air.

umlaut A, ae, long A. The realization of wishes regarding physical matter
 is subjected to this virtue.

The sound of this letter, the long A, {ae}, in the cosmic language 
is the virtue of the origin and mystery of life and death regarding their transformation.

 By meditating on this virtue, a child of God becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist,
 for the so-called death is only a transformation from one state into another.

Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. 

With this comes the ability to master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes 
with regard to their scope of action.

The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear. 

Since, in the original principle all beings are alike,
 each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a 
certain task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, 
for from the enlightened person’s point of view everything is pure.

 Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. 

If there were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and 
evil; and if there were no passions, there would also be no virtue. 

This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: 
"through night to light", the deep symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.

In the intellect the ability is gained to see through
 all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning matter,
 and of becoming their absolute master.

In the emotions, this virtue represents desires, passions,
 and the inclination to self-satisfaction etc.

 A person who masters this virtue in their emotions becomes absolute master and ruler 
of all desires and passions. 

Also, a person is able to not cling to imperfect mental, emotional, and material virtues and objects.

This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying
 "bind yourself and you will be free".

On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. 

No matter whether you evoke it in the mind, the emotions, 
the akasha, or the material world, 
the earth is influenced by it to a larger extent. 

The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The 
element is earth so it has the sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.
R… The sound of the letter R is the sound of the virtue of freedom and independence.

It is the virtue of listening to the inner voice of guidance.

In this first R, of the two in our name, the mastery of this virtue gives clear inner guidance
 that is in complete harmony with 
Divine Providence, so no mistake is ever made. 

Because the divine virtue of free will is the extension of Divine Mind 
operating within each being, a high state of maturity and ingenuity is gained through this virtue
 that allows sensitive creativity to/‘develop 
an “eminent mind”, including impeccable respect for and service to absolute law.

It has a golden color, the note of C, and is the earth element, 
so it is felt with a sensation of weight.
The left nostril is formed from this virtue. 

I… The sound of the letter I is the Divine Virtue of Cause and Effect. 

This first I, of the two in our name, represents the law of evolution of everything. 

This law gives the understanding and mastery of the akasha, or subtle pre-matter principle.

The sensation of akasha is ‘consciousness-penetrating-all.’ 

The understanding of cause and effect also enables the perfection of memory and conscience. 

The letter I with its light opalescent color, representing the law of cause and effect,
 is the spiritual essence of the left kidney.
This virtue is of the earth element, so it has the sensation of weight. The musical note is G.

N… This sound in the ancient language is the virtue of Supreme Happiness.

In the intellect, this virtue controls the connection between mind and heart, or thought and emotions.

 Emotion is the precursor of manifestation on the physical plane. 

Mastering this virtue enables one to help others solve any problem.

 On the emotional level, mastery over the drive for self-preservation and control over any being is gained.

On the physical level mastery over cohesion, or the power of coherence or gravity is gained.

This virtue has a deep red color, the musical note of A, is of the 
water element of feeling and has the sensation of coolness.
The liver of all beings was formed by this virtue.

I…The second I, represents this virtue on the material level.

A person mastering this divine virtue evokes the greatest miracles in the 
material world by using the respective analogies to shape, measure, number and weight.

Shape, measure, number and weight are the chief 
components of the material world, and by getting this divine virtue under control, 
a person becomes their complete master.

R…This virtue, the virtue of freedom and independence, awakens freedom and independence
 which is grounded in impeccable devotion to 
serving the highest good of all through attunement with the Unified Field, Divine Consciousness, 
and the Web of Life.

A… This sound, the soft ahhhh of a sigh, is the sound of wisdom and 
enlightenment in its highest form, which gives the purity of all ideas in their original form.

This virtue gives clairvoyance, clairaudience, eloquence and musical and artistic gifts.

The color is light blue, the sensation is ease, the musical note is G,
 and the part of the body that is formed by this virtue is the lungs. 

Umlaut A, ae…**T**ransformation through release of imperfections back to Divine Being for change
 into another state that is the highest good of all.


M… The letter M represents the divine virtue of FEELING.

This virtue is the magnetic force of the Universe that attracts energy into form on the material plane.

Everything in nature is formed through the magnetic force of feeling.

Feeling represents the element of water.

Water is the material manifestation of feeling. 

The color of this virtue is the most beautiful blue-green 
imaginable.The musical note is D.The element is water so it has the sensation of coolness.
The abdomen is formed from this virtue.


U… The letter U in the cosmic language represents the faculty of comprehending the creative act 
and it’s relationship to karma.

It evokes the highest form of intuition and inspiration
 and makes possible the understanding of one’s own karma 
and it’s modification.

 It also makes possible the transfer of consciousness to any state imaginable
 and this results in states of highest trance.

This letter is imagined as shining velvet black and is practiced in the solar plexus
 and then in the legs and feet.
This letter enlivens the pancreas.
The musical note is B, and it is the element of Akasha, 
which has the sensation of God-penetrating-all in meditation.

 beautiful flowers

S… This step is initiation into all-penetrating power, ALL-POWER.

This all-power is to be understood substantially. 

With all-power you get into contact with the subtlest substance of the divine spirit, i.e., with the 
original divine fire which works as a substantial power in everything
 that has been created by Divine Providence. 

Oneness with all-power gives mastery over the fire principle of desire 
and will and brings about a state of clairvoyance in its purest form.

Complete control over consciousness results from this.

The color of this virtue is purple red, its musical note is G-sharp, 
it is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of warmth,
 and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it.

This is the 227th degree of the zodiac.2 +2+7=11, and 1+1=2. 

NUMBER TWO is the number of duality, of polarity, of the positive and the negative principle.

 In the material world, the two indicates electricity and magnetism, love and hate, light and shadow.

 It is always a pole and its anti-pole, of which one could not exist without the other.

 It is God and man.

 It appertains to those religions which regard God as something separate, 
whereby the dualistic principle is to be found in all forms of existence. 

Two can be represented by a horizontal line.


beautiful flowers


The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root,

of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced


and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced

from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies. 

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.







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The Law of One is the original law of Creation,

and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are healed.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;


I give thanks that this is done.


So it is.




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Love brings miracles of happiness.