Hermetic Angel Messages

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THe Golden Hippie Years ( i miss them )

25 degrees Virgo

The Angels of Ground Travel

Also known as

The Angels 



Even as children, in your fondest fairy tales and dreams, it would be difficult to 
envision more wonderful ways of ground travel than what we have in store for you.

We are the heavenly host who inspired the original inventors of all vehicles 
and means for transportation on the dry land.

 From the horse and the simple cart, up to the most advanced automobiles and more, 
we inspire the children of light and love,
 in the field of ground transportation.

We protect those who travel upon land.

 We inspire visions and manifestations of magnificent vehicles
for travel upon the earth.

As the Law of One is understood by more and more, and applied to ground travel,
 amazing new ways of travel bring about wonder and awe.

At the present time we are inspiring fuels and power supplies that are completely benign and safe for all concerned,
 especially for the environment. 

Vehicles are being developed that are quiet, with little vibration.

These new machines last almost indefinitely and preserve resources.

Parts hold up and are universally standardized 

Repairs are simple and the same for every vehicle.

In many cases the vehicle repairs itself.

In some instances we are inspiring magnetic force fields
 that gently repel vehicles from each other so that no collisions are possible.

 Radar like activated avoidance systems are being tested.

Vehicle design is becoming more and more beautiful, inside and out,
 so that travel time allows rejuvenation and fantastic enrichment.

In some cases, we are inspiring the means of almost instantaneous travel.

The cost of many vehicles are minimal.

Vehicles will often be passed down proudly from one generation to the next.

Paradigms of commerce, education, and economics are changing
 so that soon there is much less required travel. 

Roads are environmentally healthy, spiritually moral to creation, and beautiful.

Paradigms are shifting as communities fulfill food, power, and other needs locally.

Material goods were meant to be works of art produced in a 
spiritually satisfying manner to carry powerful intrinsic meanings and values.

For this reason, the present paradigm of mass production in many cases 
shifts into new versions of the ancient paradigm of sacredness and uniqueness
 in creating and using individual objects.

There is much less to transport.

Heavy volumes of traffic are no longer necessary.
Illuminations Raphael
Other orders of angels, the angels of Tigrapho, are inspiring roads that are works of mystical beauty. 

These pathways scientifically enhance the energies of the land.

The vehicles that travel upon them, that we are 
bringing through to mankind, are delightful, versatile, beautiful,
 safe and practical beyond anything that has ever been seen before.

Everyone who is connected with developing ground transportation 
will soon realize who we are and seek greater communication with us.

Even though we presently work with each and every one, according to the will 
of Divine Providence, so much more progress is made with conscious communication and attunement.

People are becoming more sophisticated so that much more is accomplished
 through the power of enlightenment, using the powers of the divine virtues.

Miracles, once seemingly rare, are becoming commonplace. 

“All that I do, ye shall do and more.”

We are the angels of ground travel throughout all time.

We are the angels of Olaski.

Our love for you is infinite.

“Underneath it all are the everlasting arms.”



Umlaut, O, er…We awaken the ability to see everything through the eyes of Love Divine. 

This virtue reveals the underlying original divine idea in everything, and awakens it into manifestation.

O… The sound of letter O is the sound of the initiation into the original principle of divine justice. 

Mentally you will be able to give expression to the absolute legality of harmony in all four basic qualities of the elements.

You will have a high power of judgement and 
the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, any interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice.

You will never be able to condemn anyone unjustly.

This will bring about the abilities to create 
any change in the emotional situations that you find yourself in and to have absolute success and happiness on all levels.

In the material world, this virtue gives perfect mastery over astrophysics and metaphysics.

The ability to control emotions is the ability to control the element of water and magnetism, which is the ability to attract.

It is also the ability to manifest anything on the physical level. 

This virtue has an ultramarine blue color, the musical note of C, and is the earth element
 so it has the sensation of weight. It formed the throat and windpipe.

L… The letter L represents the sum total of all the divine virtues.

 These virtues taken together are the splendor and majesty of Divine Consciousness. 

By mastering the virtue of unity with all of the divine virtues, 
it is possible to create the splendor and majesty of heaven so 
that it manifests in the intellect, in the feelings, and in the reality of the physical world. 

This gives true spiritual morality, mastery of emotions, great 
courage and endurance, vitality, youth and the drive for self-preservation in self and others. 

The color of this virtue is olive green, the musical note is F, the 
sensation is the air element of ease, and the organ formed by it is the spleen.

A… The highest wisdom and enlightenment.

This sound [a soft a like a sigh—ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom 
and the purity of all ideas in existence.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind. 

Reasoning, perception, the cognition of the most profound truths, highest knowledge, high intelligence,
 and the arousing of all intellectual faculties are expressed.

Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of levitation, 
and the control of the air element and its beings are all aroused by this initiation.

On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air, control over storms, 
are all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note is G, 
the element is air so it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it. 

Umlaut A, ae…All states of imperfection are released back into Divine Being 
for transformation into another state that is the highest good of all concerned.

S… This step is initiation into all-penetrating power,
 ALL-POWER—in contradiction to omnipotence which is the next letter in our name.

ALL-POWER IS QUANTITATIVE in form in comparison to omnipotence which is qualitative in form. 

This all-power is to be understood substantially, whereas omnipotence is to be regarded as the highest divine virtue .

With all-power you get into contact with the most subtle substance of the 
divine spirit, i.e., with the original divine fire which works as a substantial power in everything
 that has been created by Divine Providence.

Omnipotence, on the other hand, is manifested in the 
original idea as the original virtue of the first divine principle 
in all the kingdoms and in everything that has been created.

Oneness with all-power gives mastery over the fire principle of desire and will 
and brings about a state of clairvoyance in its purest form.

Complete control over consciousness results from this.

The color of this virtue is purple red, its musical note is G-sharp, 
it is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of warmth, 
and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it.

K…The letter K, in the Akasha, represents the divine virtue of OMNIPOTENCE, WHICH IS QUALITATIVE in form.

By mastering this virtue, a child of God gains the all embracing power by which to work direct 
miracles in the micro- as well as the macrocosm, which is the physical body and the outer worlds.

The color is silvery blue, the musical note is B, the element is fire 
so it has the sensation of warmth, and the left ear is formed from it.

I… The sound of the letter I is the virtue of Cause and Effect.

The law of cause and effect is the law of evolution of everything. 

This law gives the understanding and mastery of the akasha, or subtle pre-matter principle.

The sensation of akasha is Consciousness-penetrating-all. 

The understanding of cause and effect also enables the perfection of memory and conscience. 

On the material plane, a Child of Light understands all laws of analogies between the micro-and the macrocosm.

Everything that has shape, measure, number and weight has been created by the help of this virtue.

If the quabbalist can master this letter oscillation, he or she 
will be able to evoke the greatest miracles in the material world 
by using the respective analogies to shape, measure, number, and weight.

As one can see, shape, measure, number and weight are the chief components of the material world, 
and by getting this letter oscillation 
under his or her control, a Child of Light becomes their absolute master.

It stands to reason that he or she will also be able to become a perfect metaphysician, too and, 
furthermore, to comprehend all laws 
presently still unknown to our physical world and to apply them, as he or she pleases, in all fields.

The letter I with its light opalescent color, representing the law of cause and effect,
 is the spiritual essence of the left kidney.

This virtue is of the earth element, so it has the sensation of weight. The musical note is G.


THe Golden Hippie Years ( i miss them )



The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.  This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,

and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from  THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies. 

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled  by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.

 Feel free to share these messages.






The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;


I give thanks that this is done.








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Love brings miracles of happiness.