Hermetic Angel Messages

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The Moon Angels of Immediate Protection


Angels of


17th Day of Lunar Cycle



‘A-L-C-Ch-U-L’  using Stejnar cipher






Flowing tangible feelings in the body

create magnetism that then attracts changes in physical reality

that correspond to these feelings,

out of the quantum field of infinite possibility.

  By mastering emotions,

a child of God masters the activity of the quantum field,

and therefore, masters the change process on  Earth.


When danger is imminent, the adrenal glands
produce chemicals that enter the bloodstream to
enable the body to perform miraculous feats of survival.

In the unenlightened, this leads to the fight or flight phenomena, found in many of nature's kingdoms.

However, by
taking this heightened state of emotional energy

and transforming fear into gratitude and love,

through faith, intent, visualizations of the desired outcome,

and thereby mastery of flowing emotions,

 then directing this transformed emotional energy of love,

  intending and visualizing the highest good of all concerned,

a child of God may avert any disaster.

To this end, we teach the children of light techniques on meditating on,

and becoming one with,

the divine virtues of Emzhom.

  Meditating on these divine qualities

create flowing emotions of omnipresence,


that attract  divine visualized outcomes

of the highest good of all concerned.

  Also come emotions of high cognition,

which is seeing through the eyes of love and remembering the self through many lifetimes.


Then comes alignment of

 being, will, visualization and thought, emotion and sensation in meditation and intent.

  This alignment of oneness, intent, visualization,

emotion and sensation is the virtue of the power of the word.

  Transmutation occurs through seeing through the eyes of Love Divine

and realizing that all others are one with the self.

Next come feelings of harmony, and, again, 
strong flowing emotions of the desired outcome of safety.

These powerful flowing emotions, combined with using The Law of One,  transmute any 
harmful negative force,
 in a way that is for the highest good of all concerned.

Love conquers All

oil on linen

Cynthia Rose Young, 1984

We encourage the children of God
to meditate on the virtues of our name, ‘Emzhom’
every 17th day of the 28-day moon cycle.

Then, if any being, person, or thing uses free will to cause harm at any time,
the intended victims can defend themselves.

Someone who
is praying for the intended victim, can also become one with the will and

emotions of omnipresent Divine Providence to instantly bring about immediate relief.

This skill of controlling others is revealed to the mature person who would never misuse it.
It is available to those who understand the oneness of all life
 when they or someone else is in real and immediate danger.

We teach the particular meditations by which ‘any enemy
can be destroyed at once, thieves are checked on their escape,
attackers are rendered stiff and lifeless at an instant.’

‘Further, the most furious beast rendered harmless,
whether in the air, on land or in the water.’

By meditating on the divine virtues associated with the letters
of our name, and calling on our help, the following is gained:




We teach control of the emotions of all other beings,
through mastery of the divine virtue of omnipresence.


We teach the power of emotions,
and thereby the mastery of magnetism.


We teach how to immediately transfer ideas to others.


We inspire the children of God with the correct divine
virtues to invoke and meditate on in any situation.
We especially do this to those who are familiar with
the divine virtues through prior meditations with the
letters and divine virtues of the ancient language.

umlaut O, OE and O 

We teach how to transmute any situation or being
through cognition brought about by Love Divine.

We inspire the deepest love for
and attunement to Divine Justice and Harmony.



We inspire the children of God to develop their mastery

of flowing emotions especially of the divine virtues, so
powerfully that complete mastery over change in the
feeling and material world is successfully attained.’

  In times of real and immediate danger, we inspire mature people
to direct their adrenal energy into awareness of divine emotion.

We inspire them with flowing tangible emotions of divine virtues to
 transmute any negative being and render them harmless.

On the 17th day of every 28-day Moon Cycle we flood the awareness of
those incarnate upon the earth with knowledge of dangers that must be avoided combined
with the positive emotions and intent that transmute these dangers so that
the harmony of Heaven on Earth is maintained for the children of God.

"On Earth as it is in Heaven."


*** ECSTASY ***

*Names, phrases, or sections, are quoted
or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical
Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN
3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany.
These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all
four levels of will, mind, emotion, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac.

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Love brings miracles of happiness.



Together we are One,
Sharing love and light in ever-expanding
Harmonic Waves of Pure Being.



Love Brightens the Day, Love Lights the Way



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