Hermetic Angel Messages

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Saturn is conjuncting the south node at 14 Capricorn, The heavenly hosts of gases and liquids.
Everything liquid and gas within our bodies and the earth,
on every level,
that we have ever known or dealt with
, in any lifetime,

is being highlighted by Saturn,
and  now demands practical step by step advances in following divine Law
of the highest good of all concerned,
concerning all liquids and gases.

Saturn is also triune the Sun and Mars, which are opposite the Moon, Earth, and Neptune,
so all help is being provided for initiation into impeccable
relationships with liquids and gases,
in all applications.

 14 degrees Capricorn

The Angels of Gases and Liquids

Also known as

The Angels of



 We are the original inspiration of physics and chemistry,
 and also of deep aspects of metaphysics.

We reveal the mystical aspect of water turning into water vapor.

We reveal that omnipresence, omniscience, 
and omnipotence of divine being is in everything everywhere.

We initiate the children of light into the mastery of the five elements; 
consciousness-penetrating-all, will, thought, 
emotion, and sensation, so that they are transmuted
 into highest perfection by cognition brought about by Love Divine.

This is turn establishes justice and harmony,
 and the understanding of meta and astrophysics.

As mankind embraces fully the scientific ethic of harmlessness, we 
reveal inventions which help moderate the weather
 and create conditions like the garden of Eden on the Earth.

  All people who are inventors and work with gases, 
for the highest good of all concerned, 
are under our guidance and protection.

 As people become more identified with the original divine purpose of creation,
 the physical body of each person,
 and of the earth herself, 
both of which are mostly water,
are encoded with and express the splendor and majesty of divine being.

The more that earthbound desires, 
thoughts and emotions are in tune with divine will and thought,
 the more they reflect the perfection of divine being. 

By charging even physical matter with divine energy, 
 matter itself becomes sacred, 
which fulfills the purpose of creation.

In this way, earth and heaven become one,
 the as above, so below.


22 degrees Virgo

The Angels of Material Laws and Justice

Also known as 

The Angels of 



We protect people in matters of earthly living. 

We are the heavenly host that inspires control over will and emotions,
 so that only the highest good of all concerned 
is desired, visualized and felt into manifestation. 

We then inspire clear inner guidance,
 so that genius concerning everything is available. 

We inspire cognition of unity with all, 
so that protection and safety are desired and manifested for all.


B… Consider the first letter which symbolizes all polarity in all created universes
 on all levels and in all planes of existence.

As long as there is time and space there must be polarity. 

One begets the other.

Day begets night, night begets day.

There is an in and an out, an up and a down, cold and hot.

There is electricity and magnetism.

The positive cannot exist without the negative in time and space.

The original divine blueprints of creation enable these polarities 

Understanding the harmony of polarity is  KEY 
to understanding the nature of universal consciousness.

 This harmony is accessed naturally in the space of the heart, 
which knows wholeness and perfection in Divine Love in all things.

The color is light violet. The musical note is A. The element is earth so it is felt with a sensation of weight. 
The right eyeball is formed from this virtue.
 We especially inspire understanding  the four levels of awareness; 
the Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta brainwave states, 
and how these must be in harmony with Divine Being, in ONENESS with ALL there is. 

We open the eyes to see through Love Divine and recognize
 and awaken indwelling spiritual perfection in self and others.

Most children in the womb and up to four years old, 
when the Delta brainwave activity of pure being and oneness with Divine Being and all 
creation is naturally dominant, intuitively sense the power, love,
 and light of being one with all, they sense our presence and of many heavenly hosts.

By remembering, in meditation, oneself as a small child, as an infant, it is possible 
to remember and again dwell in flowing deep delta brainwave patterns
 of pure being and oneness with Divine Being and all creation.

With practice, this experience of unity with Divine Being and all creation
 can be maintained constantly in the waking state as well as in the dreaming state.
 Remember that this state is ls entered into by everyone each night in deep dreamless sleep.
It is in deep dreamless sleep that the body heals.

 Quieting down the mind by meditating on ONENESS,
 and entering into visions and emotions of the heartspace,
 lead to deeper inner peace and pure knowing.

 Entering the dreamtime of the heartspace where all time 
is happening simultaneously and wholeness and rightness is experienced,
 leads to the “peace that passeth understanding”.

When a person desires to know us, and have our help always, it is good 
to become one with us and our divine virtues in conscious awareness.

By becoming one with each divine virtue represented by letters of our 
name, within the sacred space of the heart,
 the original innocence and trust of early childhood are restored.
*“Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.”*

Remember that Divine Justice and Harmony are predicated on The Original Law, which is The Highest Law of All.

I am you


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of my being, which is one with all there is, 

I ask that  the highest good of all happen.

I give thanks that this is done.

So be it.
So it is.

To create the highest protection and harmony, invoke this law, 
addressing it to all beings on all levels.
This law states that we are all one, 
and that when one is harmed, all are harmed.

Likewise, when one is helped, all are healed.

"What ye do unto the least of these, ye do unto me."

"I and the Father are ONE."

"ALL that I do, ye shall do and more."

 By calling forth The LAW OF ONE, a Child of 
Light and Love establishes awareness of original divine connection with all beings,
 and unites with them in consciousness as ONE BEING.

At this level of awareness, connections with omnipotence, omniscience, 
omnipresence and flowing infinite love are attuned to and established for the highest good of ALL.

Whatever injustice has been endured must be corrected.

 Each act affects the entire Unified Field, the entire being of The Omnipresent Divine Being. 

By law, the perfection, love, and beauty of omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient 
Divine Being must manifest on every level.

Sometimes protection is accomplished by immediate return of harmful energy back to the sender, so that they
experience instant karmic return and learn through personal experience the importance of harmlessness.

This effect is especially created by flowing with divine love in unity with all
 through particular emphasis of emotions of ONENESS and UNITY.

Whether returning harmful energy is misuse of will, thoughts, emotions, or actions, 
the results can be powerful and swift so that learning is 
immediate and the one causing injustice most quickly learns the lessons of harmlessness.

Gaps in time are removed in such a karmic return of ‘reaping what you sow’.

 In this way the sender learns through personal experience to desire
 and understand the legality of harmony in all visible worlds. 

Divine interventions often accelerate speeds that injustices are healed.

Remember that because of free will, the heavenly hosts of justice and protection are 
called into even greater, seemingly miraculous, service
 through prayers for help from those who desire help, 
who desire protection under divine law
for themselves or others.

As people and organizations reap results of their creations on the four 
levels of being, they learn through personal experiences to create 
what they themselves want at the core of their being,
 namely the virtues of harmony, beauty, justice, forgiveness, understanding, 
happiness and love that all life requires. 

We make sure that everything ends up favorably for those we protect 
when they have been wrongly treated.

Adepts of high wisdom who have mastered harmony on the four levels of 
will, mind, emotions, and sensations
 are absolutely free of any injustice on any level. 

*The legality of harmony in all visible worlds is the divine virtue of  the double F of our name. 

Since the highest worlds are accessed in the space of the heart,
 a space in which all are one and perfect,

 it is legal that all other worlds reflect this wholeness and perfection.

Remember that as long as you stay IN HARMONY in your heart, you will not be unjustly accosted or accused.

When you ask for assistance of the angels of Breffeo, 
we join our consciousness with yours through the space of the heart.

Move in divine harmony with all that is so that you are protected.

Through the divine virtues of the letters of our name Breffeo, 
we inspire protection from all sorts of harm.


B… Consider the first letter which symbolizes all polarity in all created universes
 on all levels and in all planes of existence.

As long as there is time and space there must be polarity. 

One begets the other.

Day begets night, night begets day.

There is an in and an out, an up and a down, cold and hot.

There is electricity and magnetism.

The positive cannot exist without the negative in time and space.

The original divine blueprints of creation enable these polarities

Understanding the harmony of polarity is THE KEY to understanding the nature of universal consciousness.

 This harmony is accessed naturally in the space of the heart,
 which knows wholeness and perfection in Divine Love in all things.

The color is light violet. The musical note is A. The element is earth so it is felt with a sensation of weight . 
The right eyeball is formed from this virtue.

R… The sound of the letter R is the divine virtue of becoming the master and guardian 
of freedom and independence.

In this state there is the feeling of freedom of any pressing burden of the laws,
 for by the mastery of all the preceding virtues you have achieved a state of 
maturity by which this feeling of independence has been transformed 
into an absolute state of security and unimpeachability.

This comes from the realization of the harmony and perfection of all divine laws and the 
identification and love of them so intensely that they have actually become merged with oneself.

In this case you are the personification and representation of the divine laws and they will serve you, and your 
sense of freedom will derive from them rather than in spite of them.

This is a very high state of consciousness,
 but it is the state that every human being is destined to accomplish.

It is for this reason that your teachers have told you that “the truth is written within your heart”.

The color is golden.The musical note is C.The element is earth.The left 
side of the nose is formed from this virtue.

E… The sound of this letter is the sound of omnipresence, 
or the indwelling consciousness of God in all life.

By meditating on this virtue, a child of God unites their individual consciousness
 with Cosmic consciousness and becomes one with all life.

Use this meditation in communicating with and transferring
 higher states of consciousness with others,
 and to materialize and dematerialize. 

The color of this virtue is dark violet, the musical note is D, it is 
the akasha element which has the sensation of God-penetrating-all.
The spine is formed from this virtue.

F… This is the KEY to our assignment from universal consciousness.

F signifies the divine virtues of legality and harmony in all visible worlds.

Legality is harmony.Harmony is legality. True divine harmony occurs on four levels at once.

These are the levels of being-visualization-will, mind, emotion, and action.

Therefore, by meditating on this virtue, the use of will, mind, emotion, 
and sensation to embody the divine virtues is understood.

The color is light green.The musical note is F sharp.The element is 
earth.The left hand is formed from this virtue.

F… Adepts of high wisdom who have mastered harmony on these four levels
 are absolutely free of any injustice on any level.

Stay IN HARMONY within your own being, 
let the light and love of your divine self move through 
all levels of your awareness so you will not be in fear 
and therefore not be unjustly accosted or accused.


When you ask for the assistance of the angels of Breffeo, we 
merge our awareness with yours through intuition as you move through life.

As you move in harmony with all that is, we protect you.

If you have already been wrongly accused, 
we make sure the final outcome is in harmony with the highest good of all concerned.

 E…Becoming one with the virtue of omnipresence enables a child of God 
to materialize and dematerialize on all planes, including the physical plane.

 A child of God learns to intensify any idea, concept, mental or emotional form 
in such a way that they will become physically visible.

The condensing capacity of this letter gave existence to everything material.

Omnipresence gave existence to physical matter and also to the mysteries of the opposite procedure,
 by which everything material may be transferred back into its refined and most subtle form.

Umlaut O, er…By looking at everything through the eyes of Love Divine, 
the original blueprints of perfection within are enlivened and manifest.

O… The sound of letter O is the sound of the initiation into the original principle of divine justice.

Mentally you will be able to give expression to the absolute legality of harmony
 in all four basic qualities of the elements.

You will have a high power of judgement and 
the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, 
any interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice.

You will never be able to condemn anyone unjustly.

This will bring about the abilities to create 
any change in the emotional situations that you find yourself in 
and to have absolute success and happiness on all levels.

The ability to control emotions is the ability to control the element of water and 
magnetism, which is the ability to attract new realities into form.

It is  the ability to manifest anything on the physical level. 
This virtue has an ultramarine blue color, the musical note of C, and 
is the earth element so it has the sensation of weight. It formed the throat and windpipe.



The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root,

of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections in the angel messages

are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth

is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,

and Information of the divine virtues and the letters

are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies.

  The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.  





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Love brings miracles of happiness.


The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;


I give thanks that this is done.


So it is.

