Hermetic Angel Messages

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8 degrees Virgo

The Angels
The Poor and the Oppressed

Also known as

The Angels




Once a soul has first hand experience of living as a victim,
 powerful desires to serve and uplift sentient life arise. 

Such a soul ever seeks to remedy harms or deprivations 
to other human beings
 and creatures. 

Desires to heal and serve others are awakened to the very depths
 and guides the course of future incarnations.

These desires for greater spiritualization and Divine Love and Compassion 
are so deeply etched within the fabric of such souls
 that ways become clear for this to happen.

 This often happens in future lifetimes. 

 Since the beginning, we have been the protectors of the poor and the suppressed,
 the homeless and the slaves, the beggars and the gypsies.

We also protect those who are addicted to narcotics
 and are thrown out of the normal balance of life.

We protect the unfortunate and all who suffer.

 When a soul incarnates into this fate,
 we are assigned to them to protect them
 from accidents and all harm
 that is not theirs to suffer.

The saying that “drunkards lead a charmed life” can be attributed to our service.

Many times Divine Providence allows souls to amass great love and compassion
 in humble lifetimes
 before incarnations of great powers and wisdom 
are attempted.

Many are the great souls who for this reason incarnate into suffering or poverty,
 to experience these conditions firsthand.

Each soul is immortal and made in the image of the Creator.

Sometimes when a soul takes on physical form, 
a life path is chosen that allows first hand experience 
of what it is like to be despised and misunderstood,
 and abandoned.

The intensity of these impressions often forever changes the soul’s direction
 to that of empathy and compassion for others.

The soul values seeking above all else
 the divine virtues,
 spiritual perfection,
 harmony and justice for all.


The mission to protect these unfortunates is so special, 
for they are souls in training
 for that most important initiation of all,
 initiation into love and harmlessness.

 Heart Sunset
By meditating on the six divine virtues of our name, 
these pathways of initiation are opened and understood. 

Below are examples of how each of the virtues of Alpaso catalyze desires to serve.


Many times, when great souls have incarnated among the poor and 
downtrodden,  high wisdom and enlightenment are revealed to them,
 because finally they are free from the glamour and illusions of society.

This first virtue is enlightenment and wisdom.

 Enlightenment has the sound of  soft a like a sigh—ahhhhh and  is an initiation
 into the highest wisdom and the purity of all ideas in existence.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind.

Reasoning, perception, the cognition of the most profound truths, 
highest knowledge, high intelligence, 
and the arousing of all intellectual faculties are expressed.

Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and clairvoyance, 
clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the control of the air element
 and its beings are all aroused by this initiation.

On the physical plane 
the command of the beings of the air, control over storms, a
re all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note 
is G, the element is air so it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.


The initiation into the majesty and splendor of Divine Being.

Because the poor and downtrodden often have nothing left to turn to, 
the heavenly host encourage
 them to learn 
at an early age 
to turn to God.

Faith grows. 


They learn that somehow,
 someway, their needs are met day by day.

Miracles are their currency.


They ponder on this,
 they share this knowledge with each other.

They become aware of Divine Being, 
and the splendor and majesty of divine virtues.

The virtues of courage, of patience, of tolerance,
of compassion and understanding grow, 
as well as humbleness, and surrender, faith and many others.

 They survive when they 
share with each other of the little that they have,
 and when they band together to give comfort and help to each other. 

They learn to appreciate the treasures of the natural world,
 to enjoy that which cannot be bought or sold with money or influence. 

Many times they accept the responsibility of each other’s children
 and often saints can be found within their ranks.

The letter L represents the highest divine virtues that may be described by words,
 irrespective of whatever sort they may be.

This letter oscillation is used to comprehend the Divine Majesty and the greatness of God
 in the form of the purest virtues.

From this comes the faculty of comprehending true morality as seen from the highest point of view.

 This will lead you to the borders of saintliness.

On the emotional level true equilibrium of character occurs
 and mastery of flooding the emotions with the highest light is attained.

On the physical level you will gain perfect health, beauty and harmony
 and you will become absolute master of your own vitality.

It is to be imagined as the color of olive green. 

The musical note is F, the element is air, so it has the sensation of ease.

The spleen is formed from this virtue.


The letter P is an initiation into the desire for perfection, 
beauty, unity with divine light, and greater spirituality.

The downtrodden often see from afar the hypnotic effects
 of wealth, power and pleasure on those who have them.

 Deep in their hearts they know that perhaps they, the poor,
 are the ones who truly have the real riches and best society.

As they learn not to be fooled by the emptiness of what the world has to offer, 
they more and more learn to focus their desires and wills on paths of spiritual perfection and mastery.

During the darkest of ages, often it was gypsies 
that carefully tended the flames of esoteric wisdom and quaballah. 

Even to this day some of the greatest adepts live among them.

The sound of letter P is the virtue of the longing for perfection and the highest spiritual realization.

By meditating on this virtue, a person awakens increased longings for unification with basic divine virtues.

This virtue is responsible for the desire and the instinct to survive. 

The deeper and the more frequent the seeker is penetrated by this virtue, 
the deeper will be the feeling of humility,
 and it is in this state that is found 
the greatest and most powerful proximity of divine majesty, 
of Divine Providence.

The desire for perfection is the cause 
behind learning how to create effects in the akasha through will, intellect, feeling, and action.

This virtue is dark grey, and has the musical note of B.

Since it is the earth element, it has the sensation of weight.

The right side of the nose was formed from this virtue.


Ever deeper initiations into wisdom and enlightenment unfold.

As a life of suppression continues day after day, year after year, a soul 
values more and more those things that are free to every man and woman.

The sun, the air, the water, and the earth.

The gifts of speech, and thought, and emotions, and sensations are cherished ever more.

Just the ability to wake up each morning and experience another day,
 another person’s presence, 
or the presence of another creature
 or the beauty of trees and plants,
 all of these things take on profoundest meanings and values.

The lack of having the things of the world, which are ephemeral, 

focuses attention on what is real and true and great wisdom awakens within.

When the souls of the poor, addicted, and downtrodden call on us for our help, 
we awaken their consciousness to these things.

Umlaut A, ae

The ability to recognize and then let go of imperfections on all levels is enlivened.

The ability to release desires for fame, wealth, and power grows. 

This opens up the mysteries of life and death and transformation, 
and control over negative beings and negative situations.

Attunement to the original divine intention for heaven to manifest on earth and in all creation arises.

This leads also into recognizing the most subtle presence of Divine Will
 in everything that has ever been created
 and the desire to learn how to enliven it.

This virtue also inspires the instinct for survival and leads 
into initiation into all-power, all penetrating power. 

As the soul of the unfortunate person copes with the impossible
after day,
time after time,
 the need to summon the power of the will to manifest survival
 becomes a motivating force. 

To those who witness the ability of unfortunate people 
to survive 
and survive
 and survive
 against seemingly impossible odds,
 this virtue of all- power is evident.

The initiation into all-penetrating power, all-power—is quantitative 
in form in comparison to omnipotence, letter K,which is qualitative in form. 

This all-power is to be understood substantially,
 whereas omnipotence is to be regarded as the highest divine virtue.

With all-power you get into contact with the most subtle substance of the divine spirit, i.e., 
with the original divine fire
 which works as a substantial power in everything that has been created by Divine Providence.

Oneness with all-power gives mastery over the fire principle of 
desire and will and brings about a state of clairvoyance in its purest form.


Complete control over consciousness results from this.

The color of this virtue is purple red, its musical note is G-sharp, 
it is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of warmth,
 and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it.

Umlaut O, er

Experiencing self as one with all and seeing all through 
eyes of love divine 
opens up abilities to enliven underlying divine perfection in whatever is seen.


This leads to initiations into Divine Justice and Harmony.

Nowhere is it more feasible to learn of Divine Justice 
than in those parts of societies where justice is often totally lacking.

Nowhere can a small light be better seen than in a completely dark room.

Never will a small bite of simple food taste more delicious than when the body is starving.

The thirst for justice and harmony is so great when it is rare. 

The soul of the unfortunate person becomes keenly aware of Divine Justice and Harmony
 in its most subtle expressions.

By meditating upon this virtue,
 mentally you are able to give expression to the absolute legality of harmony in all four basic 
qualities of the elements, which are will, intellect, emotion, and sensation. 

You have a high power of judgement and the ability to comprehend 
spiritually any legality, any interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice. 

You will never be able to condemn anyone unjustly.

 This will bring about the abilities to create any change
 in the emotional situations that you find yourself in
 and to have absolute success and happiness on all levels.
This divine quality of justice and harmony brings about flowing 
emotions of absolute contentment and poise. satisfaction, security, infallibility and unimpeachability.

The ability to control emotions is the ability to control and manifest on the physical level.

This virtue has an ultramarine blue color, the musical note of C, and 
is the earth element so it has the sensation of weight.

 It forms the throat and windpipe.

The pathway of poverty, servitude, homelessness, and addiction can, 
through Divine Providence, be rich in the blessings of wisdom and love. 

Remember the next time you look into the faces of such people that 
their souls are learning lessons of harmlessness,
 divine virtue, 
and wisdom. 

They are learning the desire for perfection.

They are preparing for lifetimes of great influence 
 that will allow divinity and love to express through them.

 Call on us, the Angels of the Poor and the Suppressed,
 to help you minister to them in spirit and in truth. 








The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

Names, phrases, or sections in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,

and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies.

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.

  Accept yourself, love
                                        yourself, be who you are and
                                        vibe in your own energy. From
                                        that place of peace and love,
                                        you will always spark change
                                        even with your most simple





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May happiness bring miracles of love.




free angel music, emotional healing videos, and painting lesson are found here.

For emotional healing help, there are now two free one hour and approx. 20 minute DVDs, done in 3D,  that explain how to use the trauma healing form.
 You may download or view  these, including the emotional trauma healing form,  www.spiritussanctus.com.
 [There are also other free emotional healing handouts there you can download and print to help you understand emotional trauma healing.]
 The trauma healing form is used to facilitate  healing a current or past emotional trauma permanently in one session.
This was developed and used successfully at the PTSD clinic at the VA Medical Center in Tuskegee Alabama during the nineties when Dr. Michael Schlosser ran the clinic.
 It contains 23 steps that a traumatized person is led through in approximately one to three hours to permanently heal a traumatic incident with no recurring flashbacks or nightmares.

How to download free angel music from the sound current

On the homepage of website, www.spiritussanctus.com, click on the button at the top menu called SHARE MY WORK.  A window will drop down.  Click on Downloads.

A page will open where there are LOTS of downloads to choose from. That should do it.

Thanks for sharing this music.


The Law of One is the original law of Creation,

and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM , And I AM one with all;


I give thanks that this is done.


 So it is.

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