Hermetic Angel Messages

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6 degrees Virgo

The Angels

Also known as

The Angels



Great are joys of heaven as teachers and students connect.


In Islam, there is an ancient name for those we serve;
 the name is The Rasuls,
 the Rasuls of God.


It is through the long line of spiritual teachers stretching throughout history, 
through their deeds and through their words written down in books, 
that divine sparks have remained alive even through the darkest nights. 

So great is the the full scope of grace and mercy that comes through acts of teaching, 
that the angels of heaven stand in awe at the power and majesty of teaching and the written word.

All creation rejoices 
as sparks of divine cognition burst into flames of higher understandings and abilities. 

We are heavenly hosts that inspire teaching in its widest applications. 

All teachers, writers, journalists and editors are inspired and protected by us.

Teachers have the divine joy of taking burdens
 of ignorance 
and fear from students,
 and transforming these into spiritual growth 
and opportunities.

 For this reason, it has been said that there is no greater calling and no greater act of service.

 Teachers following spiritual inner guidance 
are Divine Initiators of those whose lives come under their sphere of influence.

They do this by being conduits of High Cognition, Grace and Mercy, 
Transmutation,Harmony and Justice, Enlightenment and Happiness.

It is said that over 80% of communication is nonverbal.

A great teacher communicates by being an example of divine awareness.

Divine teaching is a function of the higher intellectual faculties,
 of cognition in its highest sense. 

The soul is eternal, and before the present life many experiences 
have been acquired in the journey to perfection.

 Through the divine virtues 
represented by the letters of our name, Zagriona,
 teachers renew intellectual gifts and talents that have been acquired in former lives.

All kinds of artistic faculties are awakened. 

Abilities of clothing abstract ideas into words that are easy to grasp develop.

Great cheerfulness and skills in bringing about gaiety and amusement are heightened.

Flowing feelings of supreme happiness awaken the greatest learning in both teacher and students.

When people call upon us to help with teaching others, we are happy to 
secure not only divine abilities themselves but also means by which they can be successful in a career.

To bring about a general increase of intellectual talents and abilities 
in self and others, meditate on the eight divine virtues represented by the letters of our name.

silverplatinum ray


Higher cognition, remembrance, the actual merging with past life abilities.

The letter Z represents the higher faculties of divine intelligence.

When meditating on this in the emotional realm, all kinds of artistic faculties arise.

The ability to put all abstract ideas into words develops.

This virtue introduces tremendous endurance and resilience into material world forms.

The divine virtue of the letter Z has the musical note of G, is a light 
yellow color, is of the air element and has the sensation of ease and relaxation.

It is practiced in the heart.

The heart of every child of God was created with this virtue.


The highest wisdom and enlightenment.

This sound[a soft a like a sigh—ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation 
into the highest wisdom and the purity of all ideas in existence.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind.
 Reasoning, perception, the cognition of the most profound truths, highest 
knowledge, high intelligence, and the arousing of all intellectual faculties are expressed.

Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent, and 
clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of levitation, 
and the control of the air element and its beings are all aroused by this initiation.

On the physical plane the command of the beings of the air,
 control over storms, 
are all made possible by initiation into the highest wisdom.

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note 
is G, the element is air so it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.

Then the ability to release all imperfections for transformation into whatever is the highest good of all
 is gained through the virtue of umlaut A, ae.


Divine grace and mercy

The sound of this letter is the sound of the virtue of divine grace and mercy.

In the physical world this virtue represents all phases of riches and wealth,
 of happiness and satisfaction.

By this virtue Divine Providence has created abundance and, like the Creator, a child of God may also 
bring about, for him or her self or other people, abundance in everything, should that be desired. 

On an emotional level this virtue 
gives the feeling of happiness, of complete satisfaction.

Situations may be created by means of the elements and the will and 
feelings causing success and wealth in the world that is for the highest good of all concerned.

In the mind, this virtue gives the experience of peacefulness, 
and the faculty of giving true divine blessing.

Those who are blessed with the gift of teaching and prophecy 
are also blessed with the gift of knowing the profundity of divine grace and 
mercy in all their aspects and to realize how far divine legality goes
 and how divine grace and mercy effects man and animal.

By being one with this virtue,
 a prophet and teacher sees how much the virtue of divine grace and mercy 
will ameliorate the painful fate of 
the future 
that was caused by failure to adhere to the Divine Laws of Justice and Harmony.

The color is deep grass green like a perfect emerald, the musical note is F.

The sensation is chill turning to iciness because this virtue is the element of water and feeling.

The left eye is formed from this virtue.


This is the sound of the divine virtue of independence and freedom, 
of following the inner voice of guidance.

After learning all of the virtues associated with all of the letters 
of the alphabet in order starting with A,
 by the time you reach the letter R you have achieved a state of maturity by which your feeling of 
independence has been transformed into an absolute state of security and unimpeachability.

 Mentally, you will have an eminent mind and the feeling of freedom of will and action.

 Not only this, but also the state 
of maturity in which you will never violate a law, having yourself become a master of all laws.

 In spite of your freedom of will, you will 
find yourself willing to subject yourself freely to Divine Providence,
 and accept missions to serve Divine Providence with deep humility, 
immense gratitude and the highest devotion 
without losing your feeling of absolute freedom of will in any way.

Such great ingenuity will proceed 
from this that you will be able to comprehend any knowledge quickly and without difficulty.

The color of this virtue is gold, the musical note is C, the element is 
earth so it is felt with a sensation of weight, and the left side of the nose is formed from it.


The sound of this letter is the virtue of cause and effect, which is the karma law. 

On the mental level, this is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience.

 In the feeling body, this corresponds to the astral matrix, 
which is the connection between feeling and physical form, with all of its functions.

 On the material world, everything that has shape, 
measure, number and weight can be understood and mastered with this virtue.

The color of this virtue is light opal, the musical note is G, the 
element is earth so it has the sensation of weight, 
and the left kidney is created by this oscillation.

Umlaut O, er

By looking through the eyes of divine love,
 indwelling divine perfection is recognized and enlivened.


The sound of letter O is the sound of the initiation into the 
original principle of divine justice, which gives satisfaction and a sense of pleasure and security. 

By meditating upon this virtue,mentally you are able to give expression
 to the absolute legality of harmony in all four basic 
qualities of the elements, which are will, intellect, emotion, and sensation. 

You have a high power of judgement and the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality, 
any interference by Divine 
Providence for the sake of justice. 

You will never be able to condemn anyone unjustly. 

This will bring about the abilities to create 
any change in the emotional situations that you find yourself in 
and to have absolute success and happiness on all levels.

This divine quality of justice brings about the feeling of absolute 
contentment and poise, satisfaction, security, infallibility and unimpeachability.

The ability to control emotions is the ability to control and manifest on the physical level.

This virtue has an ultramarine blue color, the musical note of C, and 
is the earth element so it has the sensation of weight. It formed the throat and windpipe.
Heart Sunset


This is the divine virtue of the highest state of happiness and the 
ability of knowing exactly your own state of mental maturity as well as that of others. 

With this comes a mastery of the mental matrix and the mental aura.

The mental matrix is the spiritual bonding material, 
which connects the astral [feeling] body to the mental body, [the spirit].

The mastery 
of this will reveal the mysteries relating to the mental matrix 
and bestow upon you the ability to comprehend, see, sense, and control, the 
mental matrix with its sphere of action, in regard to yourself or to others.

You will also be able to see the mental aura and to define it with regard to its scope of action.

You will be able to recognize your own mental maturity and that of other people.

This will give you the ability to enlighten anyone who you deem worthy, on account of his or her 
maturity, so that the person is able to solve any problem 
corresponding to his grade of development without difficulty.

This mastery will give you great skill in the use of magnetism for the purpose of miracles.

The color is dark red, the musical note is A, the element is water so 
it has the sensation of chill, and the liver is formed from it.


The highest wisdom and enlightenment, and umlaut A, ae…the ability to 
release imperfections for transformation into a higher state.



                                    Souls***Twin Flames***One Love***


The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a very ancient set of teachings

which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION,

ISBN 3-921338-02-6, and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany. These books have very important information for these studies.  

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.







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May happiness bring miracles of love.



The Law of One is the original law of Creation,

and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;

I ask that only THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL concerned happen.

I give thanks that this is done.



So it is!