Hermetic Angel Messages

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The Moon Angels of Space and Time


Angels of ‘R-I-V-A-T-I-M’


22nd Day of Lunar Cycle



Todebol’, using Stejnar cipher 





By experiencing oneness with all,

including space and time,

a child of divine being  uses The Law of One

to wield dominion over the quantum field,

and heal all emotions of past, present, and future.

This transforms and transmutes causes of  harmful manifestations,

because the quantum field is activated by emotions.

We help the children of God travel through space and time in meditation.

We also teach the importance of intent, visualization and FLOWING tangible feelings in the body,

of experiencing divine EMOTIONS,

in attracting specific destinations.

This has been known as transmigration.

Here is a useful exercise for this:

Lay down and relax.

Breathe very deeply and slowly and VIVIDLY imagine that you feel your body
growing 3 inches longer out of the bottom of your feet.

Then imagine that it is also growing
3 inches taller through the top of your head.

Take your time.
SENSE this.


Now in your imagination extend your body's growth to a foot out of
the bottom of your feet and a foot out of the top of your head.

Do this several times, practicing bringing yourself back to normal size
and then growing back quickly to the bigger size.

Pay attention to the reality of the SENSATION of it.


Now puff yourself up like a balloon,
extending your body about 18 inches in all directions.
SENSE yourself rising up like a balloon through the roof
and out over the top of the building.


Over the roof, image that the light is very bright.
Practice zooming around over the surrounding countryside.
When you are ready, come back over the rooftop
and make it even brighter.


Now ask your imagination to travel into the future
to the time when you are COMPLETELY ENLIGHTENED.

Even if this is a few weeks or months or a few lifetimes in the future,
it doesn't matter, you go immediately to that time in the
future when you are Christ Conscious.

Take your time and meet your enlightened self, your Christ Self.


As you flow with feelings and emotions of enlightenment of your Christ Conscious SELF,
ask your Christ Self to completely merge with you permanently.

Now travel back in time to this present.


Flowing with feelings of your Christ Self, heal yourself in the present time
on an on-going basis, and, through enlightenment and complete control
of all time and space, heal yourself in the past from this
lifetime's conception all the way into the present.

Heal all lifetimes, for yourself, and if so guided,
for another child of God, or for healing of any situation.


Use this same technique to travel anywhere. 


 Visualize a color of a divine virtue and place over it a sacred
pattern or image, according to inner guidance.
Dive into the image.


Find yourself in Heavenly Realms.
Flow with divine emotions with these places and the beings you meet there.  


Use The Law of One for your own and others protection.


Whenever you wish to return,
you will do so automatically by intending to do so.


As you meditate on the divine virtues associated with the letters
in our name, and call on our assistance, the following is gained:





We awaken ingenuity that manifests in a number of mystical abilities.
This is the virtue of following inner seeking, prompting, and guidance.


We teach the "as above, so below" and all laws of analogy,
empowering you to perform the greatest miracles and
become masters of metaphysics. This is done
through the virtue of Cause and Effect.


We confer on you the ability to understand and use the
power of the quadrapolar magnet, which is the wise
use of will, intellect, feeling, and sensation. This is the
virtue of the legality of harmony of all visible worlds.

A and umlaut A (ae)

We encourage you to FLOW WITH FEELINGS of the divine virtue
of wisdom and enlightenment. These flowing feelings lead
to clairvoyance, clairaudience, and the ability to levitate, the
understanding of all languages, and controlling spirits of the air.

We help you RELEASE feelings of imperfection and limitation,
so that you attract realities of omnipresence, omnipotence,
and omniscience. This is done through the virtue of

the mysteries of life and death, and transformation.


We attune you to high inspiration, and the ability
to enter a timeless and spaceless state of trance,
in which you become one with Divine Mind.


We teach you to control your emotions and feelings completely,
and to give them strength and attunement to the qualities
of the divine virtues. We teach you to master and feel
the concepts of shape, measure, number, and weight.


We teach you to become masters of transformation,
through the virtue of flowing visceral ecstatic feelings in the body, of divine flowing  emotions.


The musical notes forming the melody of our name are:
C ~ G ~ G ~ G ~ F ~ G ~ D.

In the workshop of Divine Emanation, the children of God travel in
their imagination and emotions through time and space.

Because FLOWING EMOTIONS are the precursor of change in
 the physical realm, when FLOWING EMOTIONS and visualizations of traveling light as air are
strong enough, even the physical body can travel
effortlessly through time and space.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."

On the 22nd day of every 28-Day Moon Cycle we encourage
the children of God to experience in meditation the expansion of
feeling and awareness into many mansions of Divine Creation.


*** ECSTASY ***






 Another Dimension Portal

*Names, phrases, or sections, in Italics or single quotation marks are quoted
or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon, [The Practice of Magical
Evocation ISBN 3-921338-02-6 and The Key to the True Quaballah, ISBN
3-921338-13-4]. Publisher is Dieter Ruggeberg, Wuppertal/ W. Germany.
These books have detailed information on the meanings of the letters on all
four levels of will, mind, feeling, and form, and all of the beings of the zodiac.



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Together we are One,
Sharing love and light in ever-expanding
Harmonic Waves of Pure Being.




Love Brightens the Day, Love Lights the Way