Hermetic Angel Messages

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"In my Father's house are many mansions."


“For God has given you dominion over all that he has created."

including time and space.



23 degrees Cancer

The Angels of Space and Time


Also known as


The Angels of




We are the heavenly host of space

and time.



We teach consciousness

to spread its wings and fly.

We teach to heal and bless all space,

and all time.


 We help with travel

into many mansions

of the past, the future, other places and dimensions.


 We inspire the children of divine being to remember:

“For God has given you dominion over all that he has created",

including time and space.

When you call upon us to help, whether it is for you personally,

or help a large group of people,

we bring inspiration

and understanding

concerning possibilities of creating different realities

in any space or time.


We help to change the quality of the space that you are in, and we help to know which times to focus on.


Due to cultural traditions, some people have made commitments to keep their focus on times from the past.

For this reason, these traditions cause people to make commitments to certain prescribed futures.

They recreate their present space to reflect these other spaces and different times.

Because of this many wars have been fought over ancestral or traditional issues.


It is our job to awaken people to see that they are using creative powers in doing this

and to RELEASE focus and servitude to the past.

Instead of following outside authority, we inspire the understanding of following inner guidance,

the still small voice within.

"Keep your eye single and the body shall be filled with light."

"Love the Lord thy God with all of your heart mind and soul.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Upon this hangs all the law and prophets."

"The kingdom of heaven is found within."

Divine Being is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.

We help the children of Divine Being go within, listen to the still small voice of inner guidance,

and become one with the Father.

"I and the Father are ONE."

"All that I do, ye shall do and more."

We open eyes to divine love, and understanding of the unity of all creation,

unity in time and space.

We open hearts so that divine sacred happiness for all is the goal divinely inspired.

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands."

"I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of joy, and life everlasting."


We empower shifting into a space of joy and focusing on the present time.

We inspire creating beauty on all levels this way.

We teach keys to create beautiful and unique presents,

heal the past,

and visit  joyful futures.


We inspire understanding that space is a continuum of the function of time.

  For example,
imagine time has a horizontal axis and space a vertical axis

which bisect each other in the middle.

 This middle point is HERE AND NOW.


On the horizontal axis is space travel in the present time.

 This includes space travel into other dimensions.

Other dimensions shoot off in other directions,

  from the horizontal line,

with the points on the left of the HERE AND NOW going into the infinitely small dimensions,

and the points on the right into the infinitely large ones.


On the vertical axis is space travel in past time

[bottom half of vertical continuum]

and future time [top].


We teach mastery of space/time continuums in physical worlds of form and weight,

and also in worlds of emotions, thoughts, and intentions.


 “As above so below.”


In the microcosm and the macrocosm, the small and the large,

we therefore inspire mastery and healing of time and space.


Through meditation, in imagination, a person creates great happiness, wholeness, and enlightenment in any time or place.

Remember that the brain speaks in visual images.

The brain is electric.

A visual image in the imagination is a hologram that triggers the pineal gland

to secrete powerful psychoactive chemicals into the blood stream.

Within one minute of holding a visual image in the imagination in meditation,

over 100,000 chemical changes occur in the body.

"You are made in the image and likeness of God."

When you bring this visualization into the heart,

and charge it with divine love,

the power is increased 5,000 times.

The energy field of the heart is 5,000 times stronger than the energy field of the brain.

Emotions are the language of the quantum field.

Emotions are magnetic.

By creating visualizations of supreme happiness, the highest good of all,

a person flows with  beautiful divine emotional states,

that magnetically attract heavenly realities,

out of the quantum field of infinite possibilities.


Here are some practical recommendations for mental and emotional traveling in space and time .

As always, remember to follow inner guidance and call on help whenever it feels right to do so.

 For additional instructions refer to  the 22nd day of the moon cycle message on space and time


1.   Practice going into the gap between thoughts to enter the silence.

2.   When doing space and time travel in the mental and emotional bodies,

relax into a meditative state, slow breathing, and imagine that you are floating in the very bright light

of Divine Emanation that fills all time and space.

3.   As you are suspended in this bright light, in trust ask to go wherever you wish to go,

both in time and space, and watch your feet as you gradually drift down and land.

4.   Pay particular attention to your feet and the surface that you land on.

Keep your eyes on your feet until you feel consciousness stabilize.

As consciousness stabilizes, it is safe to look up and see the surroundings.

5.   At this point ask to see anything you wish to see, speak with anyone, or travel around.

This is done by intention and asking. “Ask and ye shall receive.”

6.   If you are visiting a past or future lifetime, you may also ask to see the entire lifetime played before you fast-forward,

like in a video, with slowing down at key events.

7.   When you are finished, ask to return to the bright light or just ask for a direct return to your physical body.

8.   If you go to the bright light, you may continue traveling to other places and times

or you can intend to come back to your physical body in present time and space.

9.   Remember that while traveling in your mental-emotional body that you can,

like Alice in Wonderland, make yourself small or large.

10. ALWAYS invoke The Law of One, the highest good of all concerned.


[Remember always to trust your imagination.

Whatever images spontaneously arise in your meditation as you do these exercises

are important information from the super and subconsciousness.]



It is also helpful to ask to go to the future, to that time or incarnation in which you are completely enlightened

and are Christ-like in awareness and emotions.

 Ask to meet your Christ Self.

Ask this future Self to come back in time to your present and heal you,

or heal another person, or a situation that needs it.

You may also ask for it to go back into your early childhood,

or past lives and heal past traumatic events and relationships

It is also possible to go into the future and meet the Christ Selves of other people.

You may ask these Selves to come back in time and heal their present selves or past selves.

 Ask for and follow inner guidance.


Another possibility is to travel back in time to the moment of Divine Creation,

to reclaim the original perfect blueprint of self in Divine Being.

After going to both the OMEGA POINT of completed perfection and to the ALPHA POINT of immaculate conception,

we recommend merging the two together in your mind’s eye.


Call on us for assistance to refocus minds and hearts whenever allegiance to the past, or fear of the future,

are taking predominance over common sense in present situations.


We, the Angels of Space and Time,

await your call to assist you in your travels.

Here is the meaning of our name,

Each letter represents a divine quality.




We access the profoundest wisdom of the spirit and


[The divine virtue of the art of creation.

The color is dark blue, the musical note is C, the element is fire with a sensation of warmth.

The right ear is formed from this virtue.]

evoke the greatest miracles in the physical world by controlling

shape, measure, number, weight and time and space.


[The divine virtue of Cause and Effect, of memory, remembrance, and conscience.

The color is light opal, the musical note is G, the element is earth with a sensation of weight.

The left kidney is formed from this virtue.]

We help you grasp new information quickly and easily and to articulate it in words.


[The divine virtue of freedom and independence, of following inner guidance.

The color is gold, the musical note is C, the element is earth. 

The left side of the nose is formed from this virtue.]

Using breathing practices, we teach you to be masters over vitality and revitalization.

We teach you how to spiritualize emotions and inspire you to comprehend the meaning

of true morality, the good and the evil.


The divine virtue of the splendor and majesty of God, of all the divine virtues taken together, of true morality.

The color is glowing olive green, the musical note is F, the element is air with a sensation of ease.

The spleen is formed from this virtue.]

We trigger whatever recognition and remembrance that serves these purposes.

We empower you to access the most subtle essence of the divine spirit.


[The divine virtue of all-penetrating-willpower, of enthusiasm.

The color is purple red, the musical note is G-sharp, and the element is fire.

The gall bladder is formed from this virtue.]

As masters of karmic law, we control all earthly activities on a wide scale.

We control the mental domain and teach you how to operate there, to see,

sense, and control mind power in order to bring supreme happiness.


[The divine virtue of Supreme Happiness.

The color is dark red, the musical note is A, the element is water with a sensation of chill.

The liver is formed from this virtue.]













merkaba vehicle

The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,
which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor,
or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.
 The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

* Names, phrases, or sectionsin the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth

 ISBN 3-921338-02-6, and Information of the divine virtues and the letters
are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].
Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies.


The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.
 Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician", gives historical background
 and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.
This book is helpful for understanding some present day political issues.

merkaba vehicle


To understand Universal Consciousness, and immortality,

it is very helpful to read The Life and Teachings of the Masters of The Far East by Baird Spalding
The first three volumes are field notes taken on a scientific expedition to Nepal in the late 1800's.

Recommended: a book by Lachlan Paul French called :  “The Gospel According to Thomas”




The Law of One is the original law of Creation,

and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.



We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all there is;


ALL concerned  happen.

I give thanks that this is done.


So it is.