Hermetic Angel Messages

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This time of Great Healing and Enlightenment,
  a time when all is revealed,
was prophesied by ancestors of many cultures and times.

   16 degrees Cancer

The Angels
Cosmic Law

  Also known as
   The Angels




The constellation of Cancer is of the water element of flowing feelings.

Cancer is specifically flowing emotions of divine will for the highest good of all.

Flow intelligence, especially of magnetic emotions, determines which realities manifest
out of the quantum field of infinite possibility.

The original law of creation, The Law of One, reigns supreme over all other laws,
both civil and social.

This law oversees activities of universal intelligence to bring true spiritual morality,
so that wonder and awe at the splendor and majesty of divine being
awakens vitality, youthening, and even immortality.

 Each time you feel yourself desiring specific understandings of
   Cosmic Law,
   we are the heavenly host that are here to inspire you.

Your desire could be for divine justice, or harmony, or peace, or
   joy, or faith, or love, or grace, or abundance, or education, commerce,
   entertainment, or earth ray location, among others.

     Whatever divine understanding it is, on whatever level of your being,
     we ask that you feel free to ask for our assistance.

 In all circumstances, personal or collective, we inspire the
   children of divine being
   to understand and use The Law of One, which is the original law of
   Creation, and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


   We are all one.

   When one is harmed, all are harmed.

   When one is helped, all are helped.

   Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

   and I am one with all there is;

   I ask that THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL happen.

   I give thanks that this is done.

   SO BE IT!

When the sun is at 16 degrees Cancer,
     the great being,
   whose physical body is our solar sun,
     sends out messages and rays of Cosmic Law.

 As the day progresses, these virtues continually broadcast through
   rays of light.
   Remember that rays of sunlight are streaming information.

EnLIGHTenment is embedded in the original spirits and souls
of all children of divine being.

"Ye are made in the image and likeness of God."

"Know ye not that ye are Gods?"

 Therefore, light streams out of each being, just as light streams in.

 Looking at the sun safely, such as at sunset,
   allows waves of light to enter into the optic nerve and stimulate
   the pineal gland.
   Streaming light information, or waves, become particles of light in the pineal gland.

 The act of going within in meditation activates Theta brainwave functions
of deep inner thought.

Since the brain communicates in visual images,
the visual impact of looking at the sun activates
 corresponding enlightenment codes in the pineal gland,
which has over 20,000 psychoactive chemicals
that are a thousand times stronger than any other source, plant or chemical.

 Therefore, attention to light coming through the optic nerves
transforms light waves into light particles.
   These particles of light are packets of information that unfold
   in the pineal gland,
     among others, and are decoded in Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta
   states of meditation.

   Remember that the pineal gland has over 20,000 psychoactive chemicals
 that are natural
     and are a thousand times stronger than psychoactive substances in
   the plant or pharmaceutical world.

   The longing for spiritual bliss, awe, and the vitality and true
   spiritual morality of perfection and unity with divine light and beauty
     dwells within all creation.
   As each Divine packet of information is processed,
     meditation reveals EFFECTS in spirit, mind, emotions, and body
   that are safe,
     natural, and in harmony with the highest good.

Within one minute of having a thought,
over a hundred thousand chemical reactions occur in the human body.

 In addition, even if you are not in deep meditation, 
or looking at the sun or other sources of natural light such as stars etc.,
know that by INTENDING to
   attune to divine virtues in a super conscious way,
   we reveal cosmic laws through FLOWING DIVINE EMOTIONS.
Heaven and Earth are one. 
"On Earth as it is in Heaven."


 K…We teach the children of God to have true faith, the faith that
   moves mountains and makes the crooked straight.

A and umlaut A, ae…We inspire gifts of the spirit to manifest
   within the intellect, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience, and
   the art of levitation.
     We inspire the recognition of and release of imperfections on
   every level, for changes into other states that are the highest good of all.

L…We teach how to become one with the divine virtues and

umlaut O, eu,andO……how to transform anything through cognition
   brought about by Love Divine.
  We teach how to invoke any situation in the emotional world and
   bring about harmony.

T…We confer high inspiration, and true communication with divinity

E…and teach communication with all beings and the art of
   materialization and dematerialization.

   The heavenly hosts of Kalote oversee all of the divine virtues.

  Each of these virtues has a certain color or hue, a musical tone,
   a smell, an emotion, and sensation.

     In these ways you will know them in time,
 for as these divine qualities are remembered within you, 
we help open gifts of
   clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and gifts of
   psychic taste and smell.

We rejoice as you clothe yourselves in many hues and sounds and
   emotions of qualities of all divine virtues that indwell
   within you.

   We rejoice as each of you become masters of Cosmic Law at
   appropriate times in your spiritual journey to unity with Divine Light.
  First experience yourself as pure being that is one with
   Divine Being and all Creation.

   In that deep inward meditation,
 it is natural to be aware of the virtue of original Divine
   omnipotent faith and will for the highest good of all.

     In this way individual will is one with Divine
   Will for the highest good of all.

     This awakens wisdom and enlightenment, and opens the heart to
   unconditional, all encompassing love.

"Love conquers all."

 We teach the children of light and love about cosmic laws, especially
   The Law of One, which is the original law.

   The Law of One is The Law of Laws.

   We teach how the divine virtues, in their cause and effect, become
   valid in the legality of the micro- and the macrocosm.

 "As above, so below."

 Remember that The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and
   is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


 We are all one.

   When one is harmed, all are harmed.

   When one is helped, all are healed.

   Therefore, in the name of who I AM ,

   and I AM one with all there is;

   I ask that THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL happen.

I give thanks that this is done.


So it is.

We inspire using cosmic law with clear divine
   inspiration in each situation,
   and divine virtues to create changes,
     so that the highest good of all concerned, 
and spiritual perfection, 
manifests for all beings.

"All that I do, ye shall do and more."

   K…We teach the children of God to have true faith, the faith that
   moves mountains and makes the crooked straight.
  A and umlaut A, ae…We inspire gifts of the spirit to manifest
   within the intellect, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience, and
   the art of levitation.
     We inspire the recognition of and release of imperfections on
   every level, for changes into other states that are the highest good
   of all.
  L…We teach how to become one with the divine virtues and
  umlaut O, eu,andO……how to transform anything through cognition
   brought about by Love Divine.
  We teach how to invoke any situation in the emotional world.
  T…We confer high inspiration, and true communication with divinity
   E…and teach communication with all beings and the art of
   materialization and dematerialization.
   We are here and we answer when you call us.

Listen within for answers.

Ask us to help make the still small voice more accessible,
and answers stronger and clearer,
 if you desire.

Then listen again.

Remember that the brain speaks in visual images.

Watch what pops up in your receptive imagination
as you seek answers to your requests.

Welcome any wounded emotions or memories that pop up,
for they are injured parts of yourself,
coming up to be healed in meditation,
and ask for our assistance
to reap the wisdom gained from painful experiences in life, 
and thereby transform and transmute emotional energy into bliss and rapture.

 We are One Together.
   We are One on the Giant Spiral of Space-Time.

We Are One.


   Note from a student of divine virtues:

 Everyone's voice has a unique signature. 

Each person pronounces letters a little differently. 

Go with inner guidance and pronounce each letter the way it feels the best to you.

 Below is a wonderful explanation of the sound of the letters as Franz Bardon
   would have used them, since his original language was German.

 The pronunciation of the letter
   It may be no coincidence that Franz Bardon incarnated with German
   as his mother tongue since German (in contrast to English and
   French, for instance) is a phonetic language, which means that
   nearly every vowel and consonant is consistently pronounced exactly
   as it is written. So the letter "a" (aah) will always sound like an
   "a" (aah), the letter "i" (ee) will always sound like an "i" (ee)
   etc. This phonetic consistency allows a much easier study of
   letters. Also, German has additional vowels (such as ü and ö (u and
   o umlaut), e (é) and the "simple o") and a consonant ("ch") which
   are unknown in the English language.
   There are two sound files included: alphabet.wav and
   alphabetpuresounds.wav (courtesy of Ralf
   http://home.arcor.de/ralflehnert). A third one is just for fun - a
   child’s recording of the complete German alphabet. The letters in
   alphabet.wav and alphabetpuresounds.wav have been recorded in the
   order listed below.
   (Note: The following list uses the French letter "é" (which isn’t
   used in English and the pronunciation of which corresponds exactly
   to the German "e") to help describe pronunciation. The vowels and
   consonants which strongly differ from their equivalents in the
   English alphabet appear in bold type.)
   A is pronounced "aah"
   B is pronounced "bé"
   C is pronounced "tsé"
   D is pronounced "dé"
   Eis pronounced "é". This sound doesn't exist in English but I
   think in many other languages (it’s also widely used in French, for
   instance, where it is spelled "é"). English people usually turn it
   into an "ay" when trying to pronounce it. It is like a lighter,
   higher version of the English "a" as pronounced in "hat".
   F is pronounced as the English "f"
   G is pronounced "gé" ("g" as in "get")
   H is pronounced "hah" (as in "hut")
   I is pronounced "ee" (as the I in "sit" or "see" (i.e. it is not a
   composite sound as the "I" of the English alphabet. This would be
   spelled "ai" in German).
   J is pronounced "yot" (as in "yacht"). The pronunciation of "j"
   corresponds exactly to the English "y". For instance "yes" is "ja"
   (pronounced "yah") in German.
   K is pronounced "kah"
   L is pronounced like the French word "elle"
   M is pronounced as the English "m"
   N is pronounced as the English "n"
   O is pronounced similar to the British pronunciation of the "o" in
   "dot". (The "o" of the English alphabet is a composite sound
   consisting of a pure "o" followed by "oo", while the German "o" is a
   simple, pure or "mono" "o".)
   P is pronounced "pé
   R is pronounced "airr", less rolling than the English "r" In fact,
   there are two Rs: one commonly used "pharyngeal" R (not featured on
   the sound files; this R will be part of a typical German accent when
   the speaker is unable to pronounce the English R), and one lingual R
   which can be heard on the files. (To pronounce the English R, one
   needs to "employ" both the tongue and the back of the throat.)
   S is pronounced as the English "s"
   T is pronounced "té"
   U is pronounced "oo"
   V is identical to the F consonant (not contained in
   W is pronounced "vé"
   X is pronounced "IKS" (not contained in alphabet.wav and
   Y is pronounced as ü (u umlaut)
   Z according to Bardon should be pronounced as a soft humming "dz"
   (in normal usage, "z" is pronounced in the same manner as the "c",
   i.e. "ts"). Bardon writes, "while the ‘c’ (tsé) is to be pronounced
   hard/harshly, the ‘z’ is to be pronounced in a humming (or buzzing)
   fashion, similar to an ‘s’, i.e. softly.
   CH is a widely used sound formed with/in the pharynx (back of the
   throat) which in the English-speaking world only has a Scottish
   equivalent ("Loch Lomond"). For instance, "I am" corresponds in
   German to "Ich bin".
   SCH corresponds to the English "sh" and is pronounced in the same manner.
   Ä (a umlaut)is pronounced like the "a" in the English word "had".
   (ä is spelled ae when the keyboard doesn't allow to print it.
   However, the angel groups Bardon mentions such as Adae have to be
   pronounced a-d-a-e, i.e. each letter individually, as far as I have
   Ö (o umlaut)is pronounced similarly to the ö sound in bird, curd,
   herd etc.
   Ü (u umlaut)is pronounced as the "u" in the French word "sucre" and,
   as far as I know, not found in English (with the exception of a
   certain Northern English dialect).
   Light and love,

Follow high inspiration and inner guidance.

   “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a
   faithful servant.

   We have created a society that often honors the servant and has forgotten
   the gift.”

   Albert Einstein

   The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is
   a very ancient set of teachings which together
     form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:
     Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

   Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly
   host in the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with
   him or her.
   The being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to
   their powers and influence.*
   ** Names, phrases, or sections in the angel messages are quoted or
   paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

   Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is
   referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,
     and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are
   referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].
   Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.
   These books have very important information for these studies.

   The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a
   preparatory book for the others.
     Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",
   gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher
   from notes written by Franz Bardon.

 from www.amazon.com

      If you have these, it's helpful to read Frabato the Magician
   first, with appendixes, and then read appendixes from the other
   three for background.

   Please feel free to share these messages with others.

   The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme
   Law over all laws in all dimensions.


   We are all one.

   When one is harmed, all are harmed.

   When one is helped, all are helped.

   Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

   and I AM one with all there is;

   I ask that THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL happen.
   I give thanks that this is done.
   SO BE IT!
