Hermetic Angel Messages

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25 degrees Gemini

The Angels of Religions

Also known as

The Angels 




We are guardians who hold and teach the history and mysteries of 
all religions upon Earth,
including those which no longer exist.

We reveal to what extent religions are in harmony with Divine Will, Enlightenment, and Love.

 At this time, religions are seeking harmony within and with each other,
and all aspects of life in creation.

 Remember that flowing emotions, especially those of the divine virtues,
with the most important being tangible feelings in the body of Divine Faith and Love,
are the vitality and sensation of life itself.

 When Divine Consciousness, Faith, and Love,
 and corresponding divine emotions 
awaken within the human form,
the pineal and other glands produce powerful substances
that change the chemical make-up of the body,
to maintain states of enlightened awareness, vitality and ecstasy.

The process of deep desire and longing
 for unconditional, omnipresent, omnipotent Divine Faith and Love,
with the resulting uplifting effects of this desire,
are therefore the basis of all true religious behaviors.

The flowing rapture of Love of Divine Being for creation,
and the love of creation for Divine Being,
 enlivens the unified field,
The Web of Life. 

Therefore, the sons and daughters of light,
in their longing for life and vitality,
have sought to become one with Divine Life and Love throughout all time. 

This longing for cosmic, unconditional, all-encompassing divine love is 
the magnetic,
or attracting power,
that draws higher spiritual influences to people and inspires them to 
participate in religions.

The magnetism of flowing unconditional all encompassing Divine Love
attracts true divine abisheka, or the downpouring of grace from higher consciousness,
that awakens inner remembrance of original Divine Wisdom and Enlightenment.

The nature of these desires, or intentions, 
for spiritual perfection, love, beauty, and enlightenment,
determine the electric or creative powers of all religions.

It has been written that when the deepest longings and desires for 
enlightenment and Divine Faith and Love are stronger than any other longings and desires,
the seeker is ready to receive true Power, Wisdom and unity with Divine Love.

This ultimate desire and longing creates the necessary electric and 
magnetic connection with Divine Providence,
so that Wisdom and Enlightenment and flowing Cosmic Divine 
Unconditional All-encompassing Faith and Love descends into human form,
penetrating all veils. 

In enlightened states of consciousness brought about by descending 
Cosmic Consciousness and Love,
the heavenly hosts become known.

Also the laws of Cause and Effect become understandable,
and the power of creating with divine virtues,
which is The Power of the Word,
becomes accessible.

This process informs, in some way, all divine religions.

We awaken remembrance of how different religions throughout time have 
more or less brought forth divine virtues in rituals and traditions.

When a Child of Light and Love desires and longs to know and understand 
any religious tradition,
this intention and longing creates an electro-magnetic connection with 
us through The Web of Life,
The Unified Field of Energy and Consciousness. 

It is our great pleasure to reveal both the exoteric and esoteric,
which is the outer and the inner, truth of any and all religions. 

This is often done in states of meditation, which use the four awareness levels
of pure being, deep inner thought, emotions, and the five senses, 
memory, and logic.

This corresponds to Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta brainwave states used together.

In contemplating divine virtues in this way,
The Power of the Word can be mastered.


By meditating on the divine virtues of the letters of our name, the 
understanding and mastery of religions can be attained.


J…We teach sacred ecstatic love and mysteries of love’s magic. 

This first letter of our name is J, the sound of the divine 
virtue of love.This is the keynote of our energy.

The sound of J in the ancient language is the virtue of the highest love imaginable.

This love is all-encompassing and unconditional.

It is true Cosmic Love and meditating on this virtue allows a child of 
God to comprehend and feel this love, which is one of the highest divine 
virtues, in all its aspects, in the microcosm and the macrocosm.

It is this love that inspires the heavenly hosts to help a child of 
Light through all aspects of its journey, 
and it is initiation into this love that they perform.

By meditating on this love, a child of Light attracts the attention of 
heavenly hosts who are glad to offer their assistance to higher consciousness. 

The color of this virtue is dark opal, the sound is G-sharp, the 
sensation is coolness, and the diaphragm has been created by it. 

As with meditating on all other letters and their virtues, go deeply 
into a state of pure being and unity with Divine Being and all Creation.

Imagine that you become a tiny dot in your own solar plexus and that 
your body is an immense universe all around you.

Concentrate on your own universe being impregnated by flowing divine 
cosmic unlimited all encompassing unconditional love.

Visualize the color of dark opal shining from a tiny sun in the abdomen 
area seen as a hollow space,
and chant the letter J in the musical note of G-sharp, as you are flowing with 
divine love, and sense the element water and coolness. 

With the out breath this radiance passes through the pores of the skin 
over the diaphragm and fills whatever inner guidance directs in the 
outer universe.

With the inbreath this divine cosmic love radiance comes in through the 
pores of the skin over the diaphragm and fills whatever inner guidance 
directs in the inner universe.

Keep the rhythm of the breath natural and dissolve the dark opalescent 
light in the body when you are finished to protect the natural balance 
of elements in the body.

A and umlaut A, ae…This love reveals the highest knowledge, the most profound truths of 
the spirit, eloquence and the true divine meaning and significance of ritualistic traditions.

We inspire the release of all imperfections for transformation into 
other states that are the highest good of all.

A: The divine virtue of wisdom and enlightenment, the original purity of all ideas.

This virtue is of the mental realm, the air element, that is felt with a sensation of ease,
 the color light blue, and the musical 
note G.
The lungs are formed from it. 

Umlaut A, ae:

This is the divine virtue of life and death and transformation.
It is a virtue of the earth element 
with sensations of weight, loamy brown color, musical note C.
 The anus is formed from it.

M…We track how the form of these rituals and traditions change and 
evolve over time.

This is the divine virtue of divine flowing feelings, fluidity and the change process, and magnetism.

This is the primary divine virtue of the water element.
Meditate on it with a sensation of coolness, the color 
bluegreen, the musical note D.

The abdomen, seen as a hollow space, is formed from it.

A and umlaut A, ae…We further attune the children of Light to the purity of 
ideals and highest spiritual wisdom and knowledge of the enlightened mind.
 We help them release ever deeper levels of imperfections for changes into other states 
that are the highest good of all.

I…We reawaken remembrances of the past, and of conscientiousness, down 
to the smallest details, within manifested religious traditions.

This is the divine virtue of Cause and Effect, which awakens and controls memory, 
conscience, remembrance.
All doings and actions come under this law.

 It is known as the karma law, of sowing and reaping.
It is a virtue of the element of earth with a 
sensation of weight, a light opal color, the musical note of G.
The left kidney is formed from it.

H…We help the sons and daughters of Divine Being  understand the 
work of Divine Providence, the Power of the Word, in all forms of 
existence in the material world.

This virtue has the sound of letter H.

 To those of you studying these angel messages,
know that this group of messages, taken together, explain the 
technology of the cosmic language, the use of THE WORD. 

Each letter of the alphabet has a sound that corresponds to a divine 
virtue, with a corresponding meaning and expression on the four levels 
of being- will, thought, feelings, and sensation.

Words, whose letters are uttered with the following atunements, while 
using the meditation technique explained below, have great power to 
manifest miracles. 

The proper utterance of each letter, has to do with being-will-intent, 
imagination-visualization-thought, feelings, and sensations.

To meditate on a virtue, go deeply into a state of pure being and unity 
with Divine Being and all creation.

Now see yourself as a tiny dot in your solar plexus with the rest of 
the body an infinite swirling universe all around you.

Then see vividly, in your imagination, the color shining forth from a 
tiny sun in the area of the body that corresponds to its element.

The fire element is in the head region, air is in the lung region, water 
is in the abdomen region, and earth is in the leg region.

Fire corresponds to will, and to the delta brainwave state of pure being and unity with Divine Being.
Air corresponds to mind, to the theta state of deep inner thought.
Water corresponds to flowing emotions, to the alpha state of tangible feelings in the body.
Earth corresponds to physical form, to the beta brainwave state of 
the five senses, memory and logic.

 In a deep Delta State of pure being, identify with a virtue as omnipresent. 

WILL for the divine virtue to become active within you.

Meditate on the meaning of the virtue with your intellect, in a Theta 
brainwave state of deep inward thought.

Chant inwardly the sound of the letter to the musical note while 
flowing with the divine feelings of the virtue.

Feel yourself flowing with tangible feelings of the virtue and having mastery 
over the virtue, with your dreamy Alpha wave brainwave state.

Then with your betawave state of the five senses, logic, and memory, 
imagine the sensations of the element.

Fire is warmth and expansion, air is relaxation and ease, water is 
coolness and chill, earth is weight.

When you breathe out; will, see, feel, and sense this virtue radiating 
out through the pores of your skin over the area of the body formed by 
the virtue and filling whatever inner guidance directs in the outer universe.

When you breathe in; will, see, feel, and sense this coming in through 
the pores of your skin over this same area and filling whatever inner 
guidance directs in your body from the outer universe.

Learn how to breathe this virtue in and out effortlessly in this way, 
keeping the rhythm of the breath natural, so that anytime you wish to 
manifest it, this meditation comes easily to you.

By meditating on the divine virtue from the viewpoint of your body as a 
vast universe, with your own consciousness a tiny point in the solar plexus,
you automatically activate the “As above, so below” law of correspondances.

Your body universe is the microcosm, and the outer universe is the macrocosm.

Dissolve the light in the body when you are finished with each 
meditation to protect the natural balance of elements in the body.

The music of the letters of our name are the notes of G sharp, G, C, D, 
G, C, G, and A.


Here are two lists of the letters and their corresponding virtues.

Print out and keep for handy reference.

This first list is the letters with their divine virtue, color, 
sensation /element, and part of the body temple.

 The SECOND LIST below this one is a quick reference on how the divine 
virtues of each letter in any word, or name, work together.

A………[ soft A as in ah]…..All wisdom and enlightenment, light blue with 
a sense of ease/air, the musical note G, [use to heal the lungs] 

Umlaut A {ae]…….Origin and mystery of life and death and 
transformation, loamy brown with a feeling of weight/earth, musical note 
C, [use to heal the lower colon ]

B……Universal life and polarity in all it’s forms, light violet with a 
sense of weight/earth, musical note A, [use to heal the right eye]

C………The eucharist in all it’s forms, the virtue of 
self-spiritualization, vermillion with warmth and a sense of ease/air, 
musical note D, [use to heal the stomach]

D…….…Mysteries of the art of creation, dark blue with a feeling of 
warmth/fire, musical note C, [use to heal the right ear]

E…………the omnipresence of Universal Consciousness, dark violet with a 
feeling of penetrating all/akasha, musical note D,[ use to heal the spine]

F………Legality , which _IS_ harmony, of all visable worlds, light green 
with a feeling of weight,/earth musical note F sharp,[ use to heal the 
left hand]

G…….…Divine Grace and Mercy in all it’s aspects, deep grass green with 
a feeling of coolness, musical note F, [use to heal the left eye]

H…The power of the word, which is the cosmic language, silvery violet 
with a feeling of warmth/fire, musical note A, [use to heal the right arm]

Ch……….The virtue of clarity and perfect purity, light violet with 
feelings of coolness/water, musical note D Sharp,[ use to heal the left leg]

I…….The law of cause and effect, light opal with a feeling of 
weight/earth, musical note G, [use to heal the left kidney]

J…………The highest all-embracing cosmic love, dark opal with a feeling of 
coolness/water, musical note G Sharp, [use to heal the diaphragm-midriff]

K………….The Virtue of omnipotence, silvery blue with a feeling of 
warmth/fire, musical note B, [use to heal the left ear]

L..The Virtues of Majesty, dark green shining olive color with a 
feeling of ease/air, musical note F, [use to heal the spleen]

M.…Original Water principle of emotions and magnetism, blue-green with 
a sense of coolness/water, musical note D, [use to heal the abdominal area]

N………..The highest state of happiness, dark red with a sense of 
coolness/water, musical note A, [use to heal the liver]

O…..…The Virtue of Justice as an original principal, ultramarine blue 
with a feeling of weight/earth, musical note C, [use to heal the throat 
and windpipe area]

Umlaut O [eu] ……….….The most Profound Divine Cognition brought about by 
love divine which reveals indwelling divine perfection. This leads to transmutation.

Visualize dark orange light with sensations of weight/earth penetrating 
everything/akasha, musical note D sharp, [use to heal the testicles and 
ovaries. If healing the ovaries, heal the left ovary first then the right.]

P.....The longing for spiritual progress and perfection, dark grey with a 
sense of weight/earth, musical note B, [use to heal the right nostril]

Q…in quaballah Q is the same as K---refer to K 

R….. Independence and Freedom, golden light with a feeling of 
weight/earth, musical note C, [use to heal the left nostril]

S…….All penetrating power which is original fire [will], purple with a 
reddish tint with a feeling of warmth/fire, musical note G sharp, [use 
to heal the gall bladder]

Sch,,,,,… combines both omnipotence and all-penetrating power and is 
the original light, blazing red with a feeling of warmth/fire, musical 
note C, [use to heal the brain]

T…High inspiration, brownish black light with a sense of warmth/fire, 
musical note F, [use to heal the right kidney]

U……The original source of everything, velvet black light with a feeling 
of penetrating everything/akasha, musical note B,[ use to heal the pancreas]

V…………………………………….. in quaballah is the same as F-refer to F

W…Cosmic intuition, lilac with a feeling of coolness/water, musical 
note G, [use to heal the gut]

X………………………in quaballah X is seen as a combination of E,K,and S

Y [ue] umlaut U…………..The origin of the rhythm of life, pink light with 
a feeling of weight/earth penetrating everything/akasha, musical note C 
sharp, [use to heal the heart]

Z………….Highest intellectual faculties, light yellow with a feeling of 
ease/air, musical note G, [can also be used to heal the heart]


This SECOND LIST is a quick reference on how the divine virtues of each 
letter in any word, or name, work together.

A… [Ah}…is analogous to the enlightened intellect, faculty of judgment, 
comprehension of profoundest truths, knowledge and faculty of perception,
and development of all intellectual faculties.

Umlaut A…[ae]…the realization of wishes regarding physical matter.

B…imparts absolute power over the electromagnetic flows of energy 
[electric=will, magnetic=feeling] in all spheres.
This is the understanding and mastery of polarity.

C…everything relating to the influences of all divine ideas, virtues and qualities.

D…is everything that is connected to the consciousness and the mental matrix.
Furthermore, the “D” everywhere enlarges the divine
ego-consciousness and leads to wisdom.

E… is related to the transfer of consciousness and intuition.

F…everything that refers to the unification of the basic qualities 
of the spirit, i.e.,will-power, intellect and feeling, as ego-consciousness.

G….divine blessing: for instance mercy, peace, spontaneous remission, etc.

H…everything that is meant by intuition regarding Divine Providence.

Ch…linguistic talent, no matter whether the languages of spiritual 
beings, human beings or animals, or the knowledge of symbols is concerned.

I…everything relating to conscience, reminiscence, and memory.

J…everything connected to ecstasy and rapture.

K…everything concerning the state of manifestation of belief.

L…everything regarding the spiritual comprehension of true morality
from the mystical point of view.

M…everything referring to feeling, life, and sensitivity.

N…everything concerning the mental energy field [aura] and the 
mental matrix with regard to the aura.

O…everything analogous to the basic qualities of the spirit with regard 
to harmony, fatefulness and legality.

Umlaut O[OE]…everything that refers to the transformation of mental qualities.

P…everything that has to do with religious feeling and deepest devotion.

R…everything concerning freedom of will, freedom of action, and intellectuality.

S…everything regarding enthusiasm and the absolute mastery of the 
electric [willpower] flow of energy.

Sch…everything connected to perfect enlightenment, spiritualization and rapture.

T…all phases of influencing memory.

U…everything relating to the faculty of working in the akasha 
all-pervading principle, in all forms of existence: likewise the 
highest intuition, the karma or mastery of fate.

W…everything appertaining to clairsentience, faculty of 
psychometry: furthermore, also to medial faculties.

Y[umlaut U]… everything having to do with inspiration in connection 
with intuition, due to the attachment to God and love, and the 
mental faculties arising therefrom.

Z…everything that brings about the enhancement of general 
intellectual faculties and has special influence on memory.




The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a 
very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or 
root, of three of the world's religions:
 Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host 
in the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her. 
The being and the angels share the same name.
 This name is a key to their powers and influence.
*** Names, phrases, or sections in the angel messages are quoted or 
paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is 
referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,
 and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced 
from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].
Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany. These books have 
very important information for these studies.

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a 
preparatory book for the others.
 Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician", 
gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher 
from notes written by Franz Bardon.

Feel free to share these messages.

The Law of One is the original law of creation. 
All other laws come from it. 
The Law of One overrides all other laws.

 The Law of One

 We are all one.
When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are helped.
Therefore, in the name of who I AM,
and I am one with all there is,
I ask that only the highest good of all concerned happen.
I give thanks that this is done.
So be it.
So it is.