Hermetic Angel Messages

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16 degrees Gemini

 The Angels


  External Splendor

 Also known as

The Angels




Outward appearance anchors divine vibrations by analogy.

It has long been known that the brain communicates in visual images.

To honor the divine within, our gift to mankind is inspiration to honor the divine in outward appearance.

 " As above, so below."

To communicate easily and effectively, it is important that outward 
appearances symbolize inner truth.


Since no two people are identical, we inspire originality in outward appearance.

Divine beauty is our special province,
especially the physical attractiveness of the Children of Divine Being.

We inspire mastery of the natural beauty and wisdom inherent in the 
physical body temple,
 and teach ways to enhance beauty according to the Laws of Analogy.

For example, hair is an external part of the nervous system that 
transmits and receives subtle energies.

  The hair on the head can channel fire, or Divine Will, to flow 
over the rest of the body.

 Depending on how it is worn,
 cranial energy is directed to lower energy centers or it can be 
concentrated on higher ones.

Beards on men connect the powers of the speech center, the mouth and 
jaw, to the heart center.

 The heart center has an energy field that is 5000 times stronger than the brain.

If a child of light cuts their hair regularly, their body uses vast 
resources attempting to grow it back.

 A person cutting their hair grows over 22 times the length of hair in a 
lifetime than someone who never cuts their hair.

For this and many other reasons, we inspire symbolic, beautiful and 
splendid artwork for hair, such as hair dressings, coverings, and ornaments.

In addition to hair, we also inspire the use of natural fabrics to 
harmonize, energize, protect, and bless the body.

Different fabrics have different effects on energy,
and the way that fabrics are draped about the body also carries a 
profound impact.

 We often inspire long flowing styles that allow energy to flow 
without interruption between the column of energy centers and glands,
styles that do not bind the body, that allow even the lymphatic system to flow naturally.

The addition of gemstones, plants, and other elements as ornaments also 
affect energy meridians in powerful ways.

Color has an impact on energy, consciousness, and health.

Patterns and designs also emit powerful vibrations.

The wise use of combinations of fabric, style, color, designs, 
ornamentation, and hair are important to both the wearer and the beholder.

 Outward appearance anchors divine vibrations by analogy. 

" As above, so below." 

Here is one of our stories:


Once upon a time, in an old fashionable rich neighborhood, there 
was a lovely girl named Mary Anne,
 who was afraid to break away from the traditions of her family and 
society, especially concerning her appearance.

 Everything about her had been carefully groomed according to the 
most conservative and refined expectations of her upbringing.

Her hair was stylishly,  conservatively and predictably short. 

Her extremely expensive clothes were 
stylish and sophisticated. 

Over time, as she began to mature, she realized how unhappy her 
day to day existence was.

 Her entire family was conceited, serious and up tight, resigned, 
and over concerned with other people's opinions.

She did not feel that anyone in her prim Bostonian society really cared 
to understand who she really was. 

Was this all there was to life?

 For days at a time she wondered if excitement, honesty, love, and fun 
actually even existed on this earth. 

Deep inside she had always been sensitive and spiritual, and had she 
had been encouraged to choose freely, she realized that she might 
have become an artist. 

She was afraid that if she kept on doing what she was doing,her 
life might not ever change.

 Her life and behavior felt so scripted and predictable.

 She did not feel fulfilled in her relationships with other people.

 She did not feel excited or inspired by social interactions.

 People did not seem to really see her when they looked at her, their 
reactions seemed automatic and repetitive and superficial.

So she began to quest for an answer. In quiet moments of desperation 
she felt her heart reaching out to a higher power for help and direction.

In time, uplifting ideas and feelings began to grow within, and she 
came up with an outrageous plan.

  She announced to one and all that she was making a break and moving 
away to start a new life.

Eyebrows were raised, forceful threatening objections were made, but she had 
made up her mind. 

This was her life. 

She was going to do everything in her power to find happiness.

With a little help from the heavenly hosts, her Mother understood her 
feelings as Mothers sometimes do,
and gave her part of her inheritance so that she would be comfortable 
when she left.

Her research led her to move to a small town known for its art 
colonies out west, a place where no one knew her
or had heard 
of her famous family.

 She bought a small unusual lovely adobe home outside of 
town; enrolled in workshops, went to spas, toned her body and changed 
her diet for the better. 

She began to paint.

 Her paintings were a part of her daily meditations.

As she prayed for Heaven on Earth, she would paint beautiful scenes that 
flowed into her imagination.

 Everyone who saw her paintings felt peace and upliftment.

She let her hair grow long for the first time in her life. 

It was beautiful fine hair, one of her best features, and finally it 
was free to grow and flow.

She took to wearing long elegant comfortable dresses of soft natural 
fibers that gave her body freedom of movement. 

She read that different days were blessed by different angels with 
different colors and so she wore colors that were appropriate for each day. 

She learned about the healing effects of minerals on the body and made 
and bought beautiful jewelry.

For the first time in her life she had really comfortable feet!

 She had given all of her old clothes, including the stiff 
uncomfortable shoes, to the thrift store and vowed to never wear 
anything uncomfortable again.

Her back straightened up and soon she was walking with a natural 
gentle undulating rhythmic motion, like a dancer.

She took yoga classes. 

As her body strengthened, her breath 
became deeper and more relaxed.

She became extremely aware of deeper levels of fantastic subtle energies.

She felt the intelligence and awareness of the trees,
birds and even insects seemed to radiate love and sensitivity to her.

 For the first time in her life, men began to notice her.

 Women were inspired by her individuality and her aura of self awareness.

She discovered that when she put her hair up, she felt protected and 
more highly attuned to the intellect.

 When she wore it flowing and long, she was more sensitive to nature 
and the earth.

She began to gain a reputation as a beauty, something completely new to her. 

Then it happened!

 With great anticipation,she flew back to Boston for the family 
reunion on Father's Day.

This time,
 as always,
 everyone was in lock step conformity,
wearing conservative clothes,
 with the same predictable hairstyles,
 with the same high brow mannerisms and cliches.

As she walked gracefully in the door, her relatives gasped!

They were seeing her soul, her real self, they were seeing her for 
the first time!

She held her ground.

With deep inner power and tangible feelings in her body of quiet loving bliss,
 she moved graciously and elegantly among them.

 The Angels of Cepacha had done their job well.

 Her family could hardly take their eyes off of her. 

An elegant sapphire ring sparkled on her right hand, and a lovely 
necklace of rose quartz cascaded down to her waist.

 A large amethyst was held snugly to her throat on a necklace of gold 
and lapis.

A periwinkle blue silk dress flowed to the floor, reminiscent of a 
Greek Goddess.

 Her fine light brown hair was loosely coiled upon her head, held with 
a tiny spray of gardenia leaves made of green jade, elegantly 
highlighting the graceful curve of her neck.

 A few loose tendrils of hair drifted down her back, touching her waist. 

Everyone was interested in her and asked her questions. 
With each question her heart responded with flowing divine love. 

Angelic hosts inspired her intellect with divine guidance and inspiration,
and in ways brilliant to behold, she shared with them.

In light delightful conversation, she entranced them with her 
knowledge of diet, yoga, angels and art.

Soon laughter and relaxed good will replaced customary old 
uncomfortable silences, and delightful murmurs of genuine enjoyment 
permeated the gathering for the first time in anyone's memory. 

Later in the evening as she walked over to the beautiful fountain that 
cascaded and sparkled next to the old mahogany curving staircase, she 
positioned herself elegantly like a fine renaissance queen.

She stood on the side of the fountain next to the great ornately 
decorated mirror while golden highlights from a flickering chandelier 
added majestic charm .

Her third cousin on her Father's side, Benjamin, a strong and brilliant 
intellectual, looked over at her.

 He could hardly breathe, so beautiful was the vision of her standing there.

He thought to himself, "I cannot believe that this is my cousin Mary 
Anne that I have known all of my life.

 It is as if she has magically been transformed into a goddess!"

People commented delightedly on her transformation.

In the presence of her beauty and poise, practically everyone was 

In a great photo op moment, the old family cat, Theadore, came 
sauntering over, purring against her leg.

She picked him up, scratching him under his chin, whispering sweet 
words in his ear. 

Cell phone cameras flashed discreetly.

 Everyone wanted a picture of this event.

As they watched her with honest admiration, the women began to wonder 
privately if perhaps they too should let their hair grow longer.

 It was just so flattering and creative! And perhaps they should wear 
long dresses too, ones that made them feel more feminine and graceful.

 Mary Anne blissed out with wonderful emotions!

She absolutely loved being a living work of art.

She realized the stupendous power of outward appearance to convey 
individuality and true inward spiritual attunement. 

For the first time in her life, she loved being in Boston.



C…We are able to spiritualize matter and bring through divine 
qualities such as beauty and splendor.

E…In the process of transferring consciousness to the sons and 
daughters of Divine Being, we can intensify and augment these subtle, 
special effects into visible forms.

P…We do this work as humble devoted servants who lovingly revivify 
seekers and reawaken their sensitivity to perceive beauty from the 
universal standpoint.

A and umlaut A, ae…Our perspective is the highest wisdom and 
illumination of the enlightened mind, focusing notably on the purity of 
the ideal of beauty and splendor.
We release limited forms of expression for transformation into divine 

Ch…we work with translating universal symbols and making these 
representations easily understandable to all in order to facilitate a 
transformation process.

A and umlaut A, ae…We use artistic talent to heal the mind and 
transform negativity.’

The melody formed by the letters of our name are the notes of D, D, 
B,G, C,D sharp, G, and C.



The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah, which is a 
very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or 
root, of three of the world's religions:
 Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host 
in the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her.
The being and the angels share the same name.
 This name is a key to their powers and influence.
Names, phrases, or sections in the angel messages are quoted or 
paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is 
referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,
 and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced 
from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].
Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.
These books have very important information for these studies.

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a 
preparatory book for the others.
 Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician", 
gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher 
from notes written by Franz Bardon.
 This book is helpful for understanding present day political issues.

Accept yourself, love yourself, be who you are and vibe in your own 
energy. From that place of peace and love, you will spark loving change 
even with your most simple interactions 


Feel free to share these messages.

The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law 
over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all;

I ask that ONLY THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED happen here and now,
 and through all time and space.
I give thanks that this is done.

So it is.

7 is the number of love.

