Hermetic Angel Messages

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 21 degrees Cancer

The Angels of Wisdom

Also known as
The Angels of


Many who attain excellence in world service  use great personal mastery.

They have become aware of Divine Laws and understand and use them.
It is of this that we wish to speak.

A…We are attuned to highest wisdom, truth, and illumination.
We reveal imperfections, and inspire their transformation into the highest good of all.

R…We inspire true inner guidance, deep humility, sacredness, a sense of impeccable service and an eminent mind.

A and umlaut A, ae…We teach high intelligence, highest knowledge, cognition of the most profound truths,
 and the ability to work miracles.
umlaut A, ae…We teach the mysteries of life and death, of transformation, of control of passion and negative beings,
of freedom from clinging to any possession of  desire, thought, emotion , or form when they are out of harmony.

K…We evoke absolute faith, and mastery of all earthly treasures in order to acquire anything the seeker desires in a way that is the highest good of all.

U…We teach seekers how to induce trance states and apply secrets of high mysticism to change fate of self and others for the highest good of all.

S…We mentor developing an attunement to the most subtle essence of the divine spirit.  We inspire all penetrating power to work miracles.

Umlaut O, oe, and O…We initiate you with the ability to see through the eyes of love and awaken perfection in any person, situation, or place.
 We awaken impeccable appreciation and recognition of divine law, with emphasis on justice and harmony, success and satisfaction.

N…We confer emotional invincibility, unassailability, and ultimately—life extension through supreme happiness.
In the area of service to humanity, any effort to benefit others, without attachment to getting credit or payment for it,
 leads to a return which is surprisingly more wonderful than words can describe.

 The greater the numbers of beings which are helped, the more powerful are the resultant good emotions
 and circumstances to the unselfish benefactor.

  Remember that the ability to flow with strong emotions of Divine virtues gives a Child of Light mastery over magnetism,
 the ability to attract happy realities of perfection into physical manifestation.
Through many lifetimes, a person travels through many gateways, to finally realize that A LIFE PATH DEAD ENDS
 when the road itself is too narrow and fails to link up in Divine Love with anything outside of itself.
The greater the thrust of intent, or willpower energy from the source, the further the energy travels.

 The thrust of energy of an action corresponds to the intensity of the will and emotions with which it was performed.

 The emotions that a person feels when performing the action determine the outcome because emotions are magnetic
 and attract more of the same kind of energy to itself.

The stronger the emotions, the greater the magnetic attraction to similar energy.

 When the energy is divine love, how beautiful are the results! 

  When the energy is divine love, how beautiful are the results!


 When the energy is divine love, how beautiful are the results!

Therefore, as a person realizes that an action performed with the purpose of reaping some commensurate reward
does not result in the beautiful results
 that the same amount of energy expended on a kind and selfless deed brings about, they desire to create with love.

 The rewards are much greater than could rationally be expected.

This is because a decision made from the rational brain is binary,
 while a decision made from the heart is multidimensional.


If an action is performed for some specific reward, the limits of the energy of the action are built in
—circumscribed by the imagination and intent of the nature of the reward.

An action performed from the heart creates unlimited potential.

Another way to explain it is that the outgoing energy

is being held back by the person’s limiting concepts and attachment to it.
When an action is performed simply for the goodness of it, with no thought of personal reward,
 then there is no limit to the flow of the energy.

 It will go out into infinity to bless all beings with a force corresponding to the intensity of the will with which it was performed,
 drawing to itself similar energy to the loving abundant emotion  with which it was performed.


When this happens, the person who sent it out receives this same energy, greatly potentized, FROM EVERYWHERE through all TIME.


We help people understand the causes, purposes and effects of diverse Divine Laws in order to gain wisdom
 and manifest miracles that bring
The Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."
We help people understand the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind,

and facilitate spiritual powers of perception and understanding.

In every moment of your day, there exists the choice to focus your attention freely on whatever you wish.
When the decision is made to dedicate your life to the service of bringing beauty and truth to the world,
an intense process of learning and preparation begins.
 This beauty and truth must first be found and enlivened within.
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and ALL will be added unto you."

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within." 
This  sometimes takes many years and requires the help of many teachers.
 So it is that we become your teachers and help you in your meditations, especially meditations on the ancient language,
 the study of the Divine virtues 
in being, will, intellect, emotion, and sensation.
We help you attune to the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind.

We help you release imperfection, to release  limitations in desire, thought, emotions or sensations,
for changes into other states that are the highest good of all.

We help you attune to clear inner guidance in each moment, with amazing faith.
"With faith all things are possible."
We help you understand the source of everything in creation, and to create causes that change fate,
 perceiving all through the eyes of love and manifesting supreme happiness.
A particular emphasis is on the study of will and emotions.
A most important concept to understand is that WILL GIVES THE IMPULSE FOR CHANGE
Taking these principles a step further, a secret to manifesting new realities into form
 is bringing ALL LEVELS of conscious awareness into alignment. 
One ‘old saying’ emphasizes the power of synchronizing all levels:

“Anything which you sincerely believe, fervently feel, staunchly intend and
persistently and clearly visualize must inevitably come to pass.”
Thus, the most common impediment to manifesting miracles is the erroneous practice
 of putting out mixed messages or contradictions in consciousness.
If, for example, you want something very much, but are so afraid that its opposite may happen instead,
so that you worry extensively as you continue to imagine the unwanted outcome,
the mixed message you are sending with 2/3 of your creative energies is undermining what you want from manifesting.

 How To Speak
In this case it would be necessary to heal and resolve the negative emotions of fear first.

  As you heal the negative emotions , associated negative beliefs about reality will also heal.

Therefore, the most important levels to synchronize for miracles are intentions (will) and emotions ,
both of which are best strengthened by imagining congruent visual impressions.


The (unconscious) brain responds directly to visual pictures.
 Will is electrical energy and feelings emotions are magnetic energy.

 Acting together congruently, essentially the male and female principles, they comprise an extremely powerful,
 balanced whole that can accomplish miracles. 

They create a scalar wave.

 Align personal will with Omnipotent Divine Will.

This synchrony is accomplished by decreeing the highest good of all
 with powerful congruent will, visualization and emotions of this happening.

By attuning to inner guidance to choose a particular Divine Virtue, and  to BE, WILL, VISUALIZE,
 think about, FLOW WITH EMOTIONS, and sense
 this virtue,
a great cause is created in the Akasha, or consciousness-penetrating-all.
 DIVINE WILL AND EMOTIONS that shine with strong belief, faith AND LOVE
ongoing effects through time that bring justice, harmony and happiness.
We come when you seek to understand the energies of male and female,
Cause and Effect, WILL AND EMOTIONS of Divine Virtues.


 We guide you in your great quest for understanding, purpose and mastery of various Divine Laws,
 such as The Laws of Justice and Harmony that lie behind creation.
It is your destiny to be successful in following the footsteps of the masters who performed great miracles in your world.
Once seekers understand how energy works within the universe,
 they long for situations that give them opportunities to do unselfish deeds.
   To sum up then, to cause divine effects in the physical world, desire and imagine divine changes
 in will, thoughts, emotions
, and sensations, in the self, and then in others .
 By making changes in the inner world, changes are created  in the outer world. 
The same laws apply to the micro and the macrocosm.
As above, so below.

 As within, so without. 


We rejoice in this day, that we can make our presence known to you.
When you step upon the path of service and MIRACLES, know that you are not alone.
We, the Angels of Wisdom, are here to serve you and guide you.
It is we who join mighty angelic choirs of thanksgiving
whenever any man or woman follows in the footsteps of the great masters of Divine Laws.
It is ordained by Divine Love and Providence that we answer your call for assistance.
We are here to help you excel in your path of service.

The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,
which is a very ancient set of teachings
which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.
The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

* Names, phrases, or sections in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,
 and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].
 Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany. These books have very important information for these studies.


The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",
 gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.

 If you have these, it might be helpful to read Frabato the Magician first, with appendixes,

and then read appendixes from the other three for background.



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The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I AM one with all there is;

I ask that THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL happen.

I give thanks that this is done.