Hermetic Angel Messages

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26 degrees Taurus

The Angels
The Ancient Language

Also known as

The Angels


Our special instruction is practical use of the ancient language
to manifest divine love victory in day to day life.

  Just as dolphins communicate in water with ancient sounds,
 sounds of the ancient language are the original CHANTS and mantras
 of the sons and daughters of divine light and love.

Each sound of each WORD of this language, therefore, is sacred and powerful.

  Using the cosmic language requires whole brain functioning,
 which is the natural inheritance of each child of light.

This language,
once practiced and committed to permanent memory,
 is easy and natural to use and functions automatically without effort,
  just as any skill becomes second nature with practice.

In practical terms, it means experiencing life from the viewpoint
of being an infant, a child, an adolescent and an adult simultaneously,
 thereby producing a 4 part sine wave of consciousness,
 that is commonly known as whole brain awareness.

 This ancient language uses states of being, which is the infant state,
desire, color-visualization, and inner meanings,
which is the child state,

emotions, which are the adolescent state,
and logic, memory, sounds, tones, and sensations, which are the adult state.
  since each letter represents a divine virtue or quality.
 This is to say that the ancient language combines
Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta brainwaves entrained
in a divine quality or virtue.
The SOUNDS of this language can be made in the imagination or out loud.

 If they are made in the imagination, then the power is released on the astral or emotional level.

If they are made out loud, it affects the physical as well.

Each WORD, made of of individual letters which each represent a divine quality,
of this language is sacred and powerful.

 Each word is a

 series of divine chants, corresponding to each letter in the word,
 a sacred and powerful song
which manifests realities of divine love and perfection


We teach to create with clear enlightened will and thought,
which is the 'electrical fluid',

divine flowing pure emotions and sensations,
which are the 'magnetic fluid'.
Electro-magnetic energy is the key to practical divine manifestation.
Each person is able to do this,
because he or she has WILL and thoughts,
which is electricity, and EMOTIONS and sensations, which are magnetism.
Mastering the ancient language is first done by going into a state of pure being

and unity with Divine Being and all creation.

 This state is the Delta brainwave state that is dominant in infancy.

 It is also the state of deep dreamless sleep that you experience each night while sleeping.

 Ask your cellular memory to let you experience yourself as you were as an infant,

or as you experience yourself in deep dreamless sleep. 

 Now attune in meditation to the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind,

which is the meaning of the letter A of our name.

 This virtue radiates a light blue, shining from a tiny sun in the lung area
with its own musical note and flowing emotions and sensations.

It has sensations of ease and air.

 Study other angel messages for further explanations.
Keeping the rhythm of the breath natural, breathe this virtue into the outer world

with the out breath, and receive it with the in breath. 

 Spend enough time in this attunement to become one

with the original purity of all divine ideas. This is the letter A.


From this it is easy to see that imperfections can now be identified and released

for changes into other states
that are the highest good of all concerned.

 This is

umlaut A, ae.

 In learning the cosmic language, learn the entire alphabet

starting from the letter A and working to the end, letter Z. 
Mastering the ancient language to attract new realities into form,
 is  accomplished by
FLOWING WITH DIVINE EMOTIONS of any idea or virtue that is being spoken.
which is the
letter M of our name.
 The mystical faculties that come from wisdom and enlightenment, letter A,

and the transformations that come from release of imperfections,
letter umlaut A, ae,  lead to attunement in meditation of all the divine virtues taken together,
experience of the splendor and majesty of Divine Consciousness.

This virtue, which is the

letter L of our name,

manifests true spiritual morality and vitality, and eternal youth.
With this comes the opening of the heart to such amazing divine love
that everything is seen in its original perfection.
This is the virtue of
transmutation, the letter umlaut O, eu.
 This brings forth understanding and experience of divine justice and harmony,
the following of divine laws.

With this virtue,

letter O, a person experiences the truth
that harmony IS justice and justice IS harmony.
With harmony in all brainwave states and with all creation,

success and satisfaction for all manifests.
 Chanting the ancient language utilizes divine powers of creation.

 Each child of light and love has been given dominion over creation.

Especially now, during this time of accelerated karmic return,
 it must be used to create success and satisfaction for all.
Any divine virtue, including harmony, is enlivened and attracted magnetically into manifestation

by flowing with appropriate divine emotions,
letter M.
Finally, the understanding of cause and effect, the letter I, is mastered through meditation.


Meditating on cause and effect develops memory and conscience,

and awakens understanding of karma,

of sowing and reaping,

The Law of Reciprocal Action! 

This virtue awakens

mastery of the physical world.
Be aware of your inner dialogue with yourself

as you read this and all of these angel messages.

 If you find yourself saying to yourself,

"I do not have time.  I do not understand; this is too difficult, etc",
we offer you the option instead to ask us for assistance.

With your request, we have permission, through The Law of Free Will,
 to assist you in many ways.

Reading and memorizing information from these messages
mainly engages Beta brainwave levels of learning.

We can help you with Beta, but we also assist you in Delta brainwave levels,

which are levels of pure being and unity with Divine Being and all creation.
This is the state that you experienced in infancy.


cellular memory of this pure divine state can be made available to you upon request.
We help you enter Theta brainwave levels of deep inward thought,
which is the dominant state that you experienced as a child.
 In this state the inner imaginary mental world

is more real than anything in the outer world of the five senses.

“Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

In this state of creative imagination of beautiful realities and virtues that you wish to experience,
doors to new manifestation open from the quantum field,
to fulfill your intent.

We inspire strong Alpha brainwave levels of flowing divine emotions.
 You experience change processes that flowing emotions attract.
This was the way that you mainly experienced life as an adolescent.


All of this will reawaken within you as you meditate on the divine virtues of the ancient language.

Your Beta brainwave states of the five senses, memory and logic complete divine attunements.
This is the dominant state of adulthood.
 On all of these levels  easily and powerfully integrate the divine states of being,
the visual images and power,
the meanings, emotions, sounds and sensations
that are the ancient language

We help you even while you sleep, and on other levels,

so that the understanding and use of the expressions
of the ancient language grows naturally within
as you study each letter and divine virtue in a relaxed,
enjoyable and systematic way unique to your own inner guidance. 
Many are so accustomed to relying on Beta awareness,

that for some it may not occur to ask us to help reawaken the other parts of the brain. 
That is our function, to offer this help when asked.
 These divine virtues are part of the divine inheritance of each person.
Many people have had many incarnations, and for some, in this lifetime,

it is a matter of simply REMEMBERING
 the ancient language that has already been mastered in previous lifetimes
Acknowledging and accessing the kingdoms of Angels and the heavenly hosts for assistance
is reclaiming divine inheritance and birthright.
“Ask and ye shall receive.”
Experiencing pure being and unity with Divine Being and all creation
is the natural and rightful state for each person.


By reclaiming conscious waking use of the Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta brainwave levels

in meditation on the divine virtues,
a person naturally utilizes the ancient language.
Asking for assistance is an inward, sovereign, personal, and private act,

done in the quiet stillness of inner being.

Once this act is ignited, the results

flow from the heart of Divine Being itself.
Sometimes a person becomes impatient
when the delay between asking and receiving seems significantly long.


The length of this delay between sowing and reaping is now becoming increasingly shorter
on an accelerated time table
as the rhythms and cycles of life
enter wonderful and glorious times
of Grace and true divine blessings.
Divine Providence has ordained that kingdoms of Angels and the heavenly hosts assist each person,
 especially in these times of the Golden Age.
Omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Divine Will for Heaven on Earth
outpictures in perfect splendor.
 This is the time when the wills of humanity align with The Will of Heaven

Inline image 1
A and umlaut A, ae…'Enlightened mind, highest wisdom, purity of ideas, and transformation are channeled via the

M…principle of divine flowing emotions and fluidity, facilitating the change process.

A and umlaut A, ae…This bestows illumination and healing of mental programming,
 and the release of imperfections for changes into other states that are the highest good of all.

L…Vitality, health, beauty and harmony, resulting in enlightenment and grasping the true meaning of good/evil and morality,
 come from all of the divine virtues taken together..

umlaut O, eu, and O…Transmutation occurs by seeing all through the eyes of divine love.
Our acute discernment, judgement, and merciful sense of justice, along with
M…perfect mastery of divine emotions and life spirit allows us to control the growth process.

I…As perfect masters of metaphysics, of shape, number, measure, and weight,

we evoke miracles in the material world with the ultimate goal of restoring life to humanity'.

"All that I do ye shall do and more."


 Inline image 1


we-touch-the-realms-of-love-by-tuning-within-haroldwbecker 2



The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth

is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,

and Information of the divine virtues and the letters

are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies.


The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.


Feel free to share these messages.




The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all there is;

I ask that ONLY


I give thanks that this is done.


So it is.





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