Hermetic Angel Messages

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                                                          Paolo and
                                                          Francesca Da
                                                          [1855] (public
                                                          domain image)
2 degrees Taurus
The Angels
 Tantric Fire

Also known as

The Angels




We are guardians of deep mysteries of sacred sexual tantric energy,
which we make known

to those who are mature and ethically impeccable


Tantric fire, properly used, overcomes death

and welcomes youth and immortality.

 This perfection is

made possible by love divine

activating glands

that produce substances

that result in



   Remember, that the constellation Taurus concerns the practical manifestation,
the physical level,

of Love.


In the second degree of Taurus,

we teach a Child of God how to direct Love’s passion

to outpicture the majesty and splendor of Divine Consciousness in everyday life.


For a person to love another as a divine being,

a person must first discover oneself as a divine being.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and all else shall be added unto you."

"The kingdom of heaven is found within."

"Seek ye the still small voice."

This still small voice is the voice of the true self, the immortal divine self

that indwells the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies

that form a human being, or son and daughter of God.

Two partners, each enlightened to the divine within,

come together to celebrate the divine in each other.

By combining the personal self with the Divine Self, which is found within,

it becomes possible to truly love oneself and another.


In the physical body, FIRE manifests as electricity, as nerve impulses and sexuality.

We inspire combining personal Will with Divine Will,

and using it to guide the element of fire to bring about phenomenal miracles in nature

and in the physical body temple.


Remember that WILL is FIRE.


The divine virtue of letter M of our name is FEELING, emotion, AND SENSATION.

Divine Emotion is the original feminine principle that manifests in form as water.

It is the principle of flowing of anything,

this includes will or fire,  thoughts or air,  physical waters. and of flowing emotions.

Remember that  both emotions and water contain compressed information

of the will, or fire, that is expressing through it.

When this original water principle of flowing is expressed as flowing Will or fire,

it is known as the principle of LIFE SPIRIT.

Life spirit is sexual energy that expresses on every plane and level of awareness,

from the most dense physical level of existence,

through emotions, creativity, and union with divine being itself.


We teach how to direct the fire life spirit energy up the spine

through seeing through the eyes of love and harmony and justice.

These virtues are the letters umlaut O, eu, and  O in our name.

Seeing through the eyes of love reveals the indwelling divine being that enlivens all forms.

The divine virtue of harmony and justice brings success and satisfaction in every endeavor.

Seeing the indwelling divine truth of everything in creation

and harmony and success in interactions with others,

allows the fire of life spirit, through Feeling and Emotion,

to ignite nerve and gland ganglia all along the spine.

Consciousness altering substances, hormones and neurotransmitters, are produced.

Psychoactive substances produced in the human body temple

are a thousand times more pure and powerful

than any other consciousness changing chemicals,

regardless of source.


As higher centers of consciousness are enjoyed in interacting with others,

whether they are embodied beings or beings of the elements or of the heavenly hosts,

or even Divine Providence, the glands of higher chackras are activated

and secrete holy substances into the blood stream.


When all of the chackras and their glands are activated by the Fire of Life Spirit and Emotion and sensations,

then all of the divine virtues are activated in consciousness.

This cocktail of holy nector is the chemical basis of immortality,

which is caused by embodying the splendor and majesty of all the divine virtues taken together.

The splendor and majesty of all the divine virtues together,

the splendor and majesty of God, is the essence of the letter L of our name.


The way to direct the course of physical sexual fire upwards

is done  through enlightenment and wisdom.

This is why the inner journey of finding the kingdom of heaven within

is the first necessary step in any relationship.

"The kingdom of heaven is found within."

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be added unto you."

"I and the Father are one."

"All that I do ye shall do and more."

By going within and passing through the logic, memories, and conscience of beta brainwaves,

then through the emotions of alpha brainwaves,

then through the inner imaginings of theta brainwaves,

into the pure being of delta brainwaves,

a person remembers their original state of pure being that is one with Divine Being.

This deep delta state is dominant in infancy and in deep dreamless sleep each night.

In this state the body renews itself.

"Ye must be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven."

From this state of pure being within, the original divine blueprints of creation,

for supreme happiness and love,

is recognized, is remembered.

Enlightenment and wisdom is the comprehension and unity

with the purity of all original ideas in Divine Mind.

With the pure thoughts of Divine Mind; eloquence, clairvoyance, clairsentience,

and all artistic faculties come into play

and create beautiful emotions and beautiful tangible feelings in the body,

along with the understanding of the necessity for polarity to exist for creation to exist.

Enlightenment and wisdom is the divine virtue of letter A of our name.

It is the understanding of polarity that allows control of both will and feeling

and gives the power to control any fate.

The mastery of polarity is the divine virtue of letter B.

This virtue gives control over mind and emotions and guides the body’s physical fire

so that healing on all levels occurs.


At this stage, the fire of life force rises,

and connection with the omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience of Divine Being

is supercharged with the fire of life spirit and expands consciousness.

The omnipresence of God is experienced as ONENESS with all,

especially with whomever one is interacting with.

This divine virtue of omnipresence is the letter E of our name.


At this point consciousness is made new, and the form that it takes

is governed by the mysteries of the art of creation.

This divine virtue is the letter D.

The virtue of letter D of our name is the virtue of the mysteries of love to create new realities.

The divine virtue of the art of creation births a new experience self on every level,

and even the birthing of a new soul,

through physical impregnation,

may occur.


The final outcome of the raising of Tantric Fire is transformation of the physical realm,

both in the microcosm of the physical body and the macrocosm of the universe.

"I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of joy, and life everlasting."

"The last enemy to be overcome is death."

Tantric fire, properly used, overcomes death

and welcomes youth and immortality,

a perfection

made possible by love divine activating glands

that produce substances that result in


"The last enemy to be overcome is death."

"For I have not given you the spirit of fear,

but joy and life everlasting."


Transformation of the physical plane is the divine virtue of umlaut A [AE],

the last letter of our name.

Umlaut A, ae, is the virtue of the mysteries of life, and death and transformation.

With this virtue, imperfections are recognized on every level and are let go,

released, for the purpose of transformation into

whatever is the highest good and truth of all involved.

With this divine virtue, all wishes for transformation in manifest reality are accomplished.


This is the ultimate and ancient path of transformation of consciousness and physical reality

using libido and life force on the physical plane.


This is true in the human body temple and in the outer world.




M…Becoming perfect master of one’s feelings, life spirit, and sensations

umlaut O, oe, by focusing on cognition brought about by love divine, and


O…through a high power of judgement and the ability

to see the future consequences of one’s actions,


L…and understanding true morality, which comes from unity

in consciousness with all of the divine virtues,


A…brings the cognition of the most profound truths, the highest knowledge


B…and the ability to arouse intense sexual fire.


E…This sexual fire recreates the physical body temple and brings about changes in nature

which could only be considered miraculous.


D…This sexual transformation


A…brings about complete transformation on every level and manifests new realities on Earth.


The musical notes of the letters of our name are D,C,F,G,A,D,C,,and C.


The colors are beautiful clear blue-green, ultramarine blue, olive green,

light blue, light violet, dark violet, indigo blue, and light blue.


The sensations and elements are water/coolness, earth/weight, air/ease, air/ease,

earth/weight, akasha/penetrating all, fire/warmth, and earth/weight.


Further notes:



Again, remember that the gateways of Taurus
open practical manifestations of Divine Love on Earth.
In this second degree of Taurus, we teach how to direct flowing emotions of Divine Love,
especially sexual emotions, between two people,

 so that
  they transform into  emotions of the majesty and splendor of Divine Consciousness.

Emotions are magnetic, and attract new manifestations into form.

Emotions are the language of the quantum field,
 and determine what manifests as reality on the physical level.

By transforming sexual emotion into divine emotion on every level,
at each chackra and gland plexus,
 heaven is attracted into physical expression in form in the physical body,
 the emotional body,
 the mental body
 and the spiritual causal body,

 as well as for the world.

This is true for every cell in the body,
and through conscious intent,
 can be directed through the out breath for anything or everything in the outward world.

  Sexual energy directed in this

transforms  the process of day to day living
flowing emotions of mystical joy and love,
 attracting ultimate enlightenment and harmony for self and other

As sexual energy courses up the spine of both partners through loving interaction,
a scalar wave is generated that unites Heaven and Earth.

  A scalar wave consists of a counterclockwise vortex and a clockwise vortex together,
forming a multi-dimensional sacred Star of David.


We also inspire uniting personal Will with Omnipotent Divine Will
to guide the element of fire
 to create specific emotions and feelings
that bring about phenomenal miracles in nature.


Remember that WILL is FIRE.

In the physical body,

FIRE manifests as electricity, as nerve impulses and also as sexuality.

 The virtue of letter M is


This is the original feminine principle of water and of flowing.
It is the principle of magnetism and the change process.
 When this original water principle expresses flowing feelings of Omnipotent Divine Will

or divine fire, it is FLOWING LIFE SPIRIT.
We teach how to direct these fires of divine life spirit up the spine through transmutation.

 Transmutation is the virtue of umlaut O, eu,
 and is the process of seeing through the eyes of divine love.
 Seeing with divine love reveals the divine in everything.

 Cognition brought about by love divine reveals and manifests

omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient divine being in creation.

  All imperfect states of being, desires, thoughts, feelings and sensations are released or let go
and the original indwelling divine perfection is revealed and enlivened through tantric fire.

Imperfections change into other states that are the highest good and this results in harmony and justice.

 The divine virtue of harmony and justice brings success and satisfaction in every endeavor.
 This virtue is the letter O in our name.

Harmony and success in interactions with another allows life spirit to ignite nerve

and gland ganglia all along the spine.

. The birthing of a new soul, through physical impregnation, may occur.
The final outcome of the raising of divine life spirit or Tantric Fire

is transformation of the physical realm,
 both in the microcosm of the physical body and the macrocosm of the universe.
This is the purity of the original divine idea of life spirit.

This is the ultimate and ancient path of transformation of consciousness

and physical reality using divinely inspired libido.



10 differences between a man having sex with a woman and a man making love with a woman.

1.  Sex:  Fulfill the need to ejaculate.

 Love:  Fulfill the need to give, to relate, 
 to love and to create new realities together,
 to be closer to God.

 2.  Sex: Self absorbed and needy.

 Love: Strong, generous and shining.

 3.  Sex: Needy, unsure and focused on self,
 angry if woman doesn't please.

 Love:  Focused on the beloved,
 wanting the woman to be pleased, 
confident in the ability to connect with her body and soul.

 4. Sex: Wanting it to be over soon, and then to be left alone.

 Love: Feeling like making love goes on all the time in spirit and soul, 
with the physical act being the crowning glory.
 Feeling even more connected after making love.

 5.  Sex: Empty feeling afterward, looking for the next fix and the next high,
 whether more sex, food, money, or adventure.

 Love: Fulfilled and experiencing joyful oneness with the beloved afterward,
 feeling high and complete for up to 2 weeks afterward.

 6. Sex: A dirty feeling about it,
 feeling naughty and proud of conquest.

 Love: A spiritual feeling, open hearted emotion and respect for the act itself,
 and humbled by the beauty of it.

 7: Sex: Little or no emotional connection to the woman.

 Love: Strong connection on every level with the woman.

 8: Sex: Empty and tired afterward, depending on the degree of satisfaction,
 either bored, angry or kindly disposed toward the woman.

 Love: Rejuvenated and relaxed, healed and uplifted, feeling oneness with the woman.

 9: Sex: Sees sex as unimportant except for body relief, on a par with food, entertainment or shelter.

 Love: Sees physical union as heartfelt spiritual and soulful path to enlightenment,
 that engages all levels of being and awareness of both partners.

 10: Sex: Easy to give up or take for granted, unfulfilling, expensive in time-effort- and other ways,
 frustrating and in many cases not worth the trouble.

 Love: Experiences enlightenment and rapture more and more, 
especially as defenses melt and true love has its way.

C. Paul Michael Schlosser Ph.D. 

Feel free to


Sacred ecs union
Here is another meditation with special exercises that appeared in the
message from

25 degrees Libra
The Angels
Sexual Transmutation
Also known as

The Angels 



At this time when sexual energy is at the forefront of attention,
 and so many are praying for Heaven on Earth,
 it is important that ancient skills for directing sexual energy become understood.

 Spiritual enlightenment reveals that sexual energy properly directed
 manifests youthening and supreme happiness.

We inspire the mastery of sexual energy,
 so that the body and consciousness are spiritualized, enlivened and uplifted.

Sexual energy catalyzes emotions into powerful magnetic impulses
 that attract realities into physical manifestation
out of the infinite potential of the quantum field.
 One of the most important reasons that painful emotions should be 
healed between partners before sexual orgasm,
 is so that the explosion of sexual energy attracts positive results for the entire web of life.
Enlightened sexuality is revealed in original purity of all ideas in divine mind  to mystically transform reality.  Divine positive emotions experienced in sexual meditations attract heaven into physical manifestation within the body and also in the outer world. It is important that sexual energy within each and every Child of Light be brought into the highest and most perfect expressions. There are many techniques to heighten, direct, and spiritualize sexual energies that are our delight to open up to those who call for our help.
We have helped the Children of Light transmute sexual energy  INTO HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS since the beginning of time. We inspire through intuition and we also guide people to books and teachers who explain how to master sexual energy through focus and intent, breathing and dialogue, meditation, emotional release and spiritual attunements.  
When sexual energies are directed through intent, visualization, breath, emotions and attention etc. upward along the spine, different ganglia and glands are stimulated in its path. As these glands are stimulated, they produce natural ecstatic consciousness-altering  and healing substances that are a thousand times more powerful and safe than psychoactive substances obtained from other sources. Travelers on the spiritual path to spiritual perfection have made use of this knowledge since ancient times to attain enlightenment, youthening and bliss. Whether you are alone or in a sexual relationship, we inspire you to direct sexual energies for physical vitality, emotional healing and ecstasy, creative inspiration, intellectual enhancement and strong spiritual connection to Divine Consciousness. In sexual contact, we inspire using hands to touch different chakras of the partner to open them and make complete circuits of energy.  Breathing exercises combined with visualizations of pure colors and flowing emotions of divine virtues are useful as well. One of the ways to transmute sexual energy is by coming close to orgasm several times in a row, but not climaxing.  Do this as many times as there are ganglia, or chakras, that you wish to stimulate along the spine.  Each time you "come close" to orgasm without going past the "point of no return" by briefly pulling back and letting the energy subside and then continuuing, sexual energy is pushed up the spine and rises to the next higher chakra and ganglia of glands. For example, sexual energy in the solar plexus energy will move next to the heart chakra. Allowing the energy to orgasm at the heart chakra opens up mystical revelations of the heart.    We help with the combination of holding energetic focus, clear intent, appropriate visualization, and attunement to divine emotions so that sexual energy is uplifted, transmuted and progressively refined.  This kundalini energy will heal and stimulate each chakra of the body, one at a time as it moves up the spine. In other words, if you desire to stimulate the fourth ganglion, the heart chakra, corresponding to the thymus gland, orgasm is withheld four times, until the fourth peak of sexual energy. At this level (the heart chakra) the concentration is on flowing with loving emotions  with visual imagery that enhances loving feelings. Loving feelings are the appropriate concentration at the level of heart. Likewise, any negative emotions should have first been cleared which would have interfered with the flow of loving "heart" feelings. For this reason, at each level, or chackra, mutual understanding and healing should occur with important agreements shared between partners before engaging sexual practice.  If there are blocks in any chackra, or major lack of agreement, the sexual energy will not be able to flow upwards past this point. It is wise for men to learn to orgasm without ejaculation, unless they desire impregnation to birth a child, as this recycles important nutrients into a type of cerebro-spinal fluid. This is the ability to let the sexual energy build almost to the point of orgasm, then backing off.  This ancient technique of ejaculatory self control is a special type of mastery that can be perfected through practice.  The key is for the man to learn to stop pleasureful movements just prior to the "point of no return"  and pause long enough for the near climactic peak to subside, before resuming love making. With practice, at the appropriate time, an orgasm or climax will occur without ejaculation. This specialized restraint and mastery of emotions are important in harnessing powerful sexual urges for the purpose of spiritual sexual transmutation. Remember that thoughts are rational, but emotions are not.  Emotions work according to different principles than thought. Emotions are compressed information, like zip files, and are experienced to reveal the wisdom of the heart, a wisdom that has more dimensions and is different than the concepts of the mind.  In mastering emotions with a partner, remember that emotions are not rational and should not be subjected to the rules of thought and logic, instead they should be felt, experienced through unconditional love. Trying to rationalize emotions inhibits their flowing, and moves the energy from the heart to the head. Intellectualizing emotions cuts them off and the wisdom that can be gained from even the most painful ones goes unnoticed. Giving thanks for difficult or confusing emotions instead of fearing them or acting them out destructively heals them. Healing painful emotions restores the ability to magnetize high states into physical expression. We inspire the remembrance that sexual energy energizes emotions, which is why it is so important to experience positive emotions in a sexual relationship. Remember that thoughts work through theta brainwave states in the imagination, and beta brainwave states in linear logic.  Emotions work through the dreamy Alpha Brainwave State of flowing and change. Each state has its own laws of process. Denying, suppressing, or bypassing negative emotions buries them in the subconscious  where they continue to unconsciously attract negative results. Like impure water, negative emotions are designed to heal through flowing safely in an atmosphere of empathy and love.  In flowing with emotions, the ancients used back and forth eye movements like the body generates nightly during REM sleep. Healing emotions using eye movement mimics REM sleep that occurs naturally  in the dreaming process and spontaneously produces insights as feelings flow. These insights heal negative beliefs that have been associated with negative emotions. Allowing oneself thus to "flow" with negative emotions in an atmosphere of unconditional love ultimately transforms negative into positive feelings, images, and thoughts. When negative emotions arise in self or others, thank these powerful emotions  and also appreciate and validate the wounded inner self that generated them. Thank these emotions and the inner wounded self that is causing them for the lessons learned and wisdom gained,  and thank them for trusting you enough to reveal themselves Then, with empathy and a mantra of gratitude and love, let these emotions flow until they naturally heal. Using techniques that ‘quickly’ heal wounded emotions to ‘make them go away’ may bring about good results in the short term, but there is a danger of not integrating deep lessons  and wisdom that these negative emotions and traumas offer. These lessons and wisdom are often why the higher self allowed the emotional wounding to occur in the first place. The more negative emotions are healed before engaging in sexual expression, the more spiritually and emotionally successful sexual expression will be. When emotions are positive, flowing with them enhances and strengthens them. It is important to take as much time as necessary to share feelings, to help each other heal emotional wounds, and to explore and cherish the wondrous ecstasy of falling in love. [] H-A-I-A-M-O-N H. This letter represents the Power of the Word. This virtue of The Power of The Word is the out picturing of divine virtues into being, will, visualization, intellect, feeling, and sensation, then into form. The sound of each letter represents a divine virtue. The ancient language is the use of each letter so that the entire brain is utilized.  In learning how to transmute sexual energy, this virtue is of paramount importance, because the mind and feelings must be focused on specific divine qualities, s tates or creations that one wishes to stimulate in self and other. Different chackras, or glands, respond to different divine virtues.  By using The Power of the Word, the specific desired neurotransmitters  and other powerful psychoactive chemicals are produced in the body. In using the Power of the Word, a child of Light and flowing love learns to understand how Divine Providence created everything. * A... The sound of this letter, a soft A like a sigh, is the sound of the highest wisdom  and illumination that can be lavished upon a human being.  The purpose of sexual transformation is to achieve complete mastery of consciousness, enlightenment, and divine rapture. When the body is flooded with these states of awareness, mystical healing on every level is experienced. The color is light blue, the musical note is G, the sensation is ease since it is the element of air, and the lungs are formed by it.  Mastering this virtue in meditation gives clairvoyance, clairaudience, eloquence, artistic and musical gifts,  and the control over the element ofair. We awaken mental acuity in the seeker, ingenuity, the ability to grasp high abstract and enlightened new information very quickly and easily, and flawless mental functioning. Then all imperfections are released [umlaut A, ae] to Divine Being for transformation  into another state that is the highest good of all concerned. * I… The sound of the letter I is the Divine Virtue of Cause and Effect, which represents the law of evolution of everything. This law gives the understanding and mastery of the akasha, or subtle pre-matter principle. The sensation of akasha is 'God-penetrating-all.' The understanding of cause and effect also enables the perfection of memory and conscience. Because all life is connected as a unified field of energy, whatever is willed, thought, felt, or done have repercussions throughout the entire web of life, both inside the microcosm which is the human body or the macrocosm, which is the outer universe. This also has profound repercussions on any child that is brought into manifestation. "As above, so below." Whenever a person focuses on and creates a divine virtue, the entire body and the kingdom of heaven,  and indeed all of life, responds accordingly.  What is sown is reaped. The letter I with its light opalescent color, representing the law of cause and effect,  is the spiritual essence of the left kidney. This virtue is of the earth element, so it has the sensation of weight. The musical note is G. When this second A is pronounced umlaut A, ae, Long A.  The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue. The sound of this letter, the long A, ae, in the cosmic language is the virtue of the origin and mystery of life and death regarding their transformation. By meditating on this virtue, a child of God becomes convinced that in reality death does not exist, for the so-called death  is only a transformation from one state into another. Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation.  With this comes the ability to master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes with regard to their scope of action. The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear.  Since, in the original principle all beings are alike, each having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain task, there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the enlightened person's point of view everything is pure.  Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If there were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; and if there were no passions, there would also be no virtues. This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light",  the deep symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear. In the intellect the ability is gained to 'see through all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning matter, and of becoming their absolute master'. In the feelings, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction etc. A person who masters this virtue in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all desires and passions. Also, a person is able to not cling to imperfect mental, emotional, and material values and objects. This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind yourself and you will be free". On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized.  No matter whether you evoke it in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or the material world , the earth is influenced by it to a larger extent. The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened. The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The element is earth so it has the sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue. M… The letter M represents the divine virtue of FEELING. This virtue is the magnetic Feminine force of the Universe that attracts energy into form on the material plane.  Everything in nature was formed through the magnetic power of divine emotions. To master sexual energy one must have the ability to emotionalize strongly the previously visualized desired divine states and qualities. The color of this virtue is the most beautiful blue-green imaginable. The musical note is D. The element is water so it has the sensation of coolness.The abdomen is formed from this virtue. * Umlaut O, eu… By seeing through the eyes of the most profound cosmic divine love,  indwelling perfection is revealed and enlivened in whatever is seen. O… The sound of letter O is the sound of the initiation into the original principle of divine justice. Mentally you will be able to give expression to the absolute legality of harmony in all four basic qualities of the elements.  Intent controls thought and thought controls emotion. Emotion controls earth. You will have a high power of judgement and the ability to comprehend spiritually any legality,  any interference by Divine Providence for the sake of justice. You will never be able to condemn anyone unjustly. This brings about the abilities to create any change in the emotional situations that you find yourself in and to have absolute success and happiness on all levels. This virtue has an ultramarine blue color, the musical note of C, and is the earth element so it has the sensation of weight. It forms the throat and windpipe. * N… This sound is the sound of supreme happiness and fulfillment.  The transmutation of sexual energy into powerful ecstatic states of consciousness and being is a key to attaining this state. This virtue gives control over the mental matrix, which is the spiritual bonding material  that connects the emotional body to the mental body, i.e.,to the spirit. The mastery of this virtue reveals to the child of God all the mysteries relating to the mental matrix and bestows the ability to comprehend, see, sense and control, the mental matrix with its sphere of action, either in regard of self or others. The color is dark red, the musical note is A, it is of the water element of feeling so it has a cool sensation.  The liver is formed from this virtue.


  In this particular exercise for energizing and enlivening the physical body using the divine virtues one after another,

some of the elements that are assigned to the divine virtues are different than what is normally stated.
Wherever a difference occurs, a notation has been made in the following list.  Background :
Studied singularly one at a time, all of the divine virtues are practiced in being,

will-visualization, thought, feeling, and sensation.

This means that all of the divine virtues are practiced in all four elements,

because being and will are the akasha- fire element, thought is the air element,

feelings are the water element and sensation is the earth element.

 The four elements also correspond to the four brainwave patterns of the human brain;

 Delta-pure being and will, Theta-deep inward thought, Alpha-feeling-emotions and psychic sensitivity,
  and Beta-logic, memory, and the five senses.

  Different brainwave patterns correspond to different parts of the body.

This fourfold concentration of the elements for each divine virtue

forms the basis of the power of the word and the harmony of all visible worlds.

  'In previous exercises, a person has learned to apply the colors of the divine virtues inductively

into the whole universe from his own body and deductively from the whole universe into his entire body

through the pores of the skin with each out and in breath.'

 'In this exercise a person conducts the colors in the same way,

but into the different regions of the body,
taking into consideration an analogous relationship to one of the four elements.'

'Starting with wisdom and enlightement, the letter A,

a person pronounces the letter intellectually into the chest region

and imagines it to be there in a light blue color.

  Having imagined it to be in the chest for a longer period, he or she then resolves it again by imagination.
He or she must have the impression that the light oscillation of the blue color has completely disappeared from the chest.'

'In a further exercise, when a person starts to speak the A in the mind
and to invoke the light blue oscillation in the chest, whenever pronouncing the A in the mind,
the light oscillation of the blue color will be INTENSIFIED in the region of the chest. '

'The power of expansion will increase from exercise to exercise.

All of these exercises should not affect the breath,

they must not make a person try to hold up the breath at the moment of accumulation.
A person will be overcome by this temptation only at the beginning. 

Later, when he or she is used to evoking dynamics of whatever type inside or outside of the body,

 obstructions like irregular breathing or undesirable muscle tension will not occur anymore.'
'After having condensed the A in its light blue color to a point where it resembles a pneumatic tire pumped full,

  he or she makes it resolve again in the universe by pronouncing and imagining it.'

  Failure to resolve or dissolve the colors at the end of each exercise may result in disharmony of the body.

 'As this exercise is mastered, a person passes beyond bringing the light blue color of letter A into the chest

by breathing it in through the mouth or nose,  but through the circumference of the chest region,

similar to breathing through the pores by using the imaginative faculty.

The person must be capable of drawing any letter into the respective region of the body and emitting it again, 

inductively and deductively, in a simple or condensed state.

These exercises have to be repeated until such a proficiency is achieved

that a person can do this with effortless ease.' 

Use this procedure with each letter. 

A…wisdom and enlightenment; light blue seen as a tiny sun in the lung region
filling the chest, air element with a sensation of ease
Umlaut A, ae...transformation: loamy bown seen as a tiny sun in the leg region

filling this region from the coccyx to the feet, earth element with a sensation of weight
B…universal life and polarity; violet light seen as a tiny sun in the abdominal region,

water element with a sensation of coolness that turns to iciness
[previously stated as earth element]
C…spiritualization of matter; vermillion light seen as a tiny sun in the head region
filling the entire head, fire element with a sensation of warmth and expansion
D…mysteries of creation; dark blue light seen as a tiny sun in the leg region,

earth element with a sensation of weight   [previously stated as fire element]
E…omipresence of Divine Consciousness; dark violet light shining from a tiny sun in the head region,
fire element with a sensation of expansion and warmth   [previously stated as akashic element ]
F…the legality of harmony in all visible worlds; light green light shining from a tiny sun in the abdomen,
water element with a sensation of chill   [previously stated as earth element]
G…grace and mercy; emerald green color shining from a tiny sun in the leg region,

earth element with a sensation of weight   [previously stated as water element]
H…the Power of the Word, silver-violet light shining from the abdominal region,
water element with a sensation of chill   [previously stated as fire element]
Ch…purity and perfect clarity; violet light shining from a tiny sun between abdomen and chest,

in the so-called pit of the stomach or solar plexus. This region is also called the medial section

and forms sorm sort of intermediate region. Akashic element with a feeling of consciousness-penetrating-all
  [previously stated as water element]
I…Cause and Effect; opalescent light in which light hues are dominating shining from a tiny sun in the leg region,
see this color especially in both feet, earth element with a sensation of weight
J…Cosmic love; opalescent light with darker hues dominating, shining from a tiny sun in the leg region,
earth element with a sensation of weight   [previously stated as water element]
K…omnipotence as a quality [as opposed to omnipotence as a quantity letter S];
silver-blue light shining from a tiny sun in head and chest region, fire and air elements with sensations of warmth and ease.

  [previously stated as only fire element]
L…all the divine virtues taken together forming the splendor and majesty of the Divine,

and giving vitality and immortality; dark olive green light shining from a tiny sun in the lung region,

with a sensation of relaxation and ease.
M…emotion, flowing, fluidity, love, change; blue-green light shining from the abdominal region,
water with a sensation of coolness turning to iciness
N…supreme happiness; dark red light shining from a tiny sun in the head region,

fire element with a sensation of warmth and expansion   [previously stated as a water element]

umlaut O, eu...cognition brought about by love divine; dark orange light shining from a tiny sun in the head region,
fire element with a sensation of warmth and expansion   [previously stated as akashic earth]
O…harmony and justice; ultramarine blue light shining from a tiny sun in the head region,
fire element with a sensation of warmth and expansion   [previously stated as earth element]
  P…urge for spiritual perfection and unity with the divine light; dark grey light shining from the leg region,
earth element with a sensation of weight.
Q...not considered a separate letter in Quaballah.this is the sound of K
R…freedom and independence and following inner guidance; golden light shining from a tiny sun in the medial region
between the pit of the stomach and the abdomen, and then from the abdomen,

element of akasha with the sensation of consciousnee-penetrating-all and then element of water with a sensation of coolness.

  [previously stated as earth element]
S…omnipotence as a quantity [as opposed to a quality letter K]; purple red light shining from a tiny sun in the head region,
like letters C, E, K, N, O, and umlaut O, fire element with a sensation of warmth
Sch…original omnipotence, combining quality and quantity; blazing red light shining from a tiny sun in the head region,
fire element with a sensation of warmth
T…high inspiration; dark brown light shining from a tiny sun in the leg region

like letters umlaut A, D, G, I, J, and P, earth element with a sensation of weight   [previously stated as fire element]
U…the ongoing effects of the act of creation; shining black light shining from a tiny sun in the medial section
between the pit of the stomach and abdomen, then in the leg region,
element of akasha with a sensation of consciousness-penetrating-all
and then element of earth with a sensation of weight   [previously stated as akashic element only]
V…not considered a letter in Quaballah, sounds like F, or W
W…unification of consciousness; lilac light shining from a tiny sun in the medial region

and then chest, akashic element with a sensation of consciousness-penetrating-all

and then air element with a sensation of ease   [previously stated as water element]
Y...rhythms of life; pink light shining from the head region,

fire element with a sensation of warmth like letters C, E, K, N, O, umlaut O, S, and Sch

More about Kundalini
M…Becoming perfect master of one’s feelings, life spirit, and sensations
umlaut O, eu, and O…through seeing with eyes of flowing divine love,

causing transmutation, and a high power of judgement and the ability to see the future consequences of one’s actions,
L…and understanding true morality, which comes from unity in consciousness with all of the divine virtues,
A and umlaut A, ae…brings the cognition of the most profound truths, the highest knowledge and transformation,
B…and the ability to arouse intense sexual fire.
E…This sexual fire recreates the physical body temple

and brings about changes in nature which could only be considered miraculous.
D…This sexual transformation
A and umlaut A,ae…brings about enlightenment and transformation

on every level and manifests new realities on Earth.
The musical notes of the letters of our name are D, D sharp, C, F, G, C, A, D, C, G, and C.
The colors are beautiful clear blue-green, deep orange, ultramarine blue, olive green, light blue,
loamy brown, light violet, dark violet, indigo blue, light blue, and loamy brown.
The sensations and elements are water/coolness, akasha/consciousness pentrating all

with weight, earth/weight, air/ease, earth/weight, air/ease, earth/weight, earth/weight,
akasha/penetrating all, fire/warmth, air/ease, and earth/weight.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti,
                                            Paolo and Francesca Da
                                            Rimini (Detail) [1855]
                                            (public domain image)


The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,

and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies. 

  The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.







Feel free to share these messages.





The Law of One is the original law of Creation,

and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;


I give thanks that this is done.


 So it is.