Hermetic Angel Messages

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26 degrees Aries

The Angels
Extra-planetary Power

Also known as

The Angels


The previous degrees of Aries open ways to work with the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the Earth
and with the beings of the four elements and the Akasha,

which is consciousness-penetrating all.
Now we attune seekers to powers and divine virtues of the heavenly hosts
who work elsewhere in the universe.

The infinity of different expressions of Divine Being is expressed
in the saying,

"In my Father’s house are many mansions."

The VICTORY of LOVE sometimes requires help from other parts of Divine Creation.
 We help when these powers are necessary for the
purpose of birthing new realities of Divine Love on Earth.

Here is one of our stories:

As Felix looked down from his helicopter, he felt panic.


The ground below him was crackling with dangerous nuclear radiation

that had just leaked out of burst tank in an old nuclear facility.


Not only would contamination be carried in the air, poisoning people for many miles,
 but the underground water aquifer that supplied major populations was in danger of contamination.

Going deeply within, he felt his heart burst with compassion for  innocent people and animals

whose lives were in imminent jeopardy.

He banked the helicopter sharply to the left heading for base,
 and began to pray the deepest and most passionate prayer of his life.

"Angels of Hadcu," he pleaded," No one on this earth has the scientific
means to avert this tragedy.
 You must tell me what to do."

A strange strong light began to glow within him.


Going deeper within
, Felix knew what to do.
 He calmed his breathing and relaxed, thanking God

that he had practiced the meditations on the cosmic language for a long time!
He imagined the letter H with its silvery violet light shining from a tiny sun in his head
and sensed tremendous expansion as this light penetrated all of space and time,
inside of him and then with his outbreath, outside in all the universe.
 As he did this, he also focused this virtue especially on the situation at hand.

He visualized the warm silvery violet light and flowing feelings of The Power of the Word

existing already throughout all of creation, penetrating everything.
He meditated on the power to create any reality through invoking divine virtues or states in being,
visualization and will, thought, emotions, and sensations.

Squinting his eyes tighter, he tried to remember what the note of A sounded like,
and feeling exasperated by his usual difficulty with music,
 he ended up asking the Angels of Hadcu to tone it for him.
Immediately a most beautiful tone rang through his meditation

as he flowed with feelings of The Power of The Word.
Keeping the rhythm of his breath natural,

he spent quite a while enlivening this virtue inside and outside of himself.

By the time he was ready to meditate on letter A, however, it was time to land and go through debriefing.
He silently asked the Angels of Hadcu to go ahead and meditate for him

and to join him later when he could continue the meditation.

A few hours later while in his jeep driving back to the house, Felix began to meditate on the letter A.
 This letter was easy for him and so immediately he experienced the light blue light
shining from a tiny sun in his lungs with sensations of ease.
 He experienced the Divine Virtue of Wisdom and Enlightenment penetrating all space and all time.
 He meditated on the original purity of all ideas in divine mind

and the perfection of Love, Wisdom, and Will in all the divine virtues.
 He flowed with strong powerful emotions of the powers of clairvoyance,

clairaudence, clairsentience in his ONENESS with all of creation.

Then he toned the note of G joined by angel choirs.
He knew at this point with deep certainty that the original divine blueprints of creation

in will, thought, emotion, and sensation would manifest,
 he knew now that somehow everything would be alright.

After meditating on umlaut A, ae, the mysteries of life and death and transformation,

Felix experienced that all imperfection, on every level,
was now released for changes into other states that were the highest good of all concerned.
Next was his favorite letter, D.
This letter was the divine virtue of the mysteries of love to create, the key to understanding so much.
 He had spent months learning it on his vacation to

the year before.
 He loved the deep blue color, like the color of the night sky just before dark.
 He loved the note of C and sensations of warmth and expansion.
 His mental focus got so strong, that he had to pull over and stop the car.
The letter D, the art of creation, opened up complete control over his mind,

and he went into a powerful state of trance.

Hands on steering wheel, head bowed,
his state of trance became so profound that he lost track of time.

When he was meditating on the art of creation, the letter D, something just suddenly happened to him.

It was as if he left his body and went soaring out in space.
Past stars and galaxies he soared.
 He realized that the Angels of Hadcu were taking him to the place in the universe
where expert help for his situation was available.
 He saw beautiful colors overlaid with a fascinating pattern of light.
He burst through this vision and found himself on another soil, in another clime and place.
 He felt like he was on the other side of the universe.
In awe he looked around him.
A wondrous world greeted his eyes, unlike anything he had ever seen.

Beautiful vaporous colors glowed and swirled over a soft undulating landscape.

Suddenly a new energy caught his attention.
Someone was coming!
He looked up.
There in front of him was a stupendous being, half solid and
half etheric.
Swirling colors of green and purple seemed to vortex around Him.

A voice thundered through his head," Welcome Earth Man, Welcome to
Paotocamo, the realm of Swift Energy."
My name is Schmion-el.

Felix greeted him, his heart opening with such love that he could hardly breathe.

They communed in silence for a while, beautiful flowing feelings passing between them

expressing more than a million words could have said.
During all of this, Schmion-el had telepathically absorbed Felix’s
experience with the radioactive contamination of the air and water aquifer on Earth. 

Schmion-el  understood what was needed, and joined Felix in his meditation.


Together they meditated on letter C, the divine virtue of Spiritualization of Matter with divine qualities.

Together they visualized beautiful vermillon colors filling all of space and time,

with choirs of angels chanting the note of D with them.

 They meditated on the holiness of all created form, of the divine virtues

that expressed themselves through every created being, that existed in every form.

Together they sensed lovely warmth and ease. 

By the time they had finished with the letter C, their energy fields were as one.

They had joined together in complete sympathetic resonance


Relishing every precious moment of their shared experience,

Felix and Schmion-el meditated slowly on letter U,

the velvet black light shining through out the Akasha,
with omnipresent divine consciousness-penetrating-all.
This is the ability to change fate.
 To understand causes, change them, and see the ongoing effects through time.
They spent hours contemplating the creative act and karma and the awareness

of the cascading effects through time and space of
the creative action that they were guided to create


In deep trance they changed fate back on Earth, and created an outcome

that was the highest good of all concerned for that situation.
They joined beautiful choirs of angels singing notes of B.


Through inner guidance with individual wills united with Omnipotent Divine Will,

in a state of pure being, they had been guided to use
The Power of the Word with just the right divine virtues to activate
They used the letter G to activate Grace and Mercy and the letter I to activate Cause and Effect,
 so that the horrible future scenario that Felix had seen would in time be perfectly understood
 and everyone involved would realize grave mistakes that had been made.

They used umlaut O, eu, to open people’s eyes to Divine Love so that in time

they could see past all illusions and understand the original divine plans for Earth
 and transmute the realities that they had been creating.

They used the letter Y to dematerialize some secret and hidden dangerous weapons and devices

that posed even greater hazards to life on earth.
With Schmion-el’s advanced scientific knowledge they used the powers of the letters umlaut A, ae and umlaut O
which are the release of imperfection and the manifestation of perfection,
 the letters I, cause and effect, the letter Ch of purity and perfect clarity, and umlaut A,
to activate transformation of vast amounts of nuclear material back on earth.

They sped up the radioactive cycle of all dangerous concentrated nuclear material on Earth

so that twenty thousand years of natural process would transpire in twenty days.
 So deep was the relief and gratitude from Universal Consciousnes in the web of life,

that choirs of angels sang glorious songs of thanksgiving
 that transfixed both of them for what seemed a very long time.

After what seemed like a few days, Felix felt guided to come back to earth and normal consciousness.

 Soon he was back at the house.
 He had had only a vague sense of cranking up the jeep, however, and driving back.

What was really strange was that when he called in to work to explain his
absence and disappearance, the secretary did not know what he was talking about.

 She told him he had only been gone a few hours and was not due back until day after tomorrow.

His entire sense of time was skewed.
He shook his head in wonder and made himself a sandwich.

Later that week, he received news that the radioactive level was far less
than had been first reported.
The official explanation they gave him was that the equipment used for the first readings was faulty.

A week later he received news that the radioactive level was much below the second reading.

The official explanation was that the equipment used on the second reading was also faulty.

He noticed that people were beginning to speak more softly around the installation.

 A remarkable change seemed to slowly but surely be taking place.
Wonderful new insights and a new spirit of reverence for all life was beginning to awaken


By the third week, the officer in charge was ordering all new detection equipment.
 It seemed that none of the equipment was giving accurate readings.
 Everyone was scratching their heads.
 Outside experts were flown in and finally the results were settled:

there really wasn’t radioactivity in the area after all.


The manufacturers of the faulty equipment couldn’t find anything wrong with it

but felt it was better not to say anything.

Felix was the only person at the base who really knew what was going on.

Within a year the base was shut down.
Amazing political, economical, and social changes occurred all over the globe.
 Surprising revelations on every level, in every country had brought about permanent peace
and environmental restoration.

Felix found himself contacting the Angels of Hadcu often, and he
met many other members of his extended spiritual family in the universe.

  The wide diversity of knowledge and experience that they offered enabled him to teach others,

and find answers to any difficult situations that came up.
Often he thought of his friend Schmion-el, and visited with him in meditation.
 It was the first time since he was an infant that he had
felt so close to another person.

A stranger or more beautiful friendship could not be imagined.

Together they traveled in consciousness to other realms, other spheres.

  Meeting many other beings of great enlightenment and vast sacredness,
they felt amazing love and helpfulness and realized how great is the spiritual family of God.
“In my Father’s house are many mansions.”


H….Understanding the cosmic language, "power of the word,"

A and umlaut A, ae….with all faculties, abilities, & talents of the enlightened mind, transforming all imperfection,

D…to reveal all mysteries of the art of creation and,

C….to spiritualize and raise vibration,

U…. to restore everything to its essential purity
according to its highest destiny.

The melody of our name is A, G, C, C, D, B.




The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:
 Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
 Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her.
The being and the angels share the same name. This name is a key to their powers and influence.
  Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.
 Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,
and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].
 Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany. These books have very important information for these studies.
The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.
 Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.
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The Law of One is the original law of Creation,
 and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


 We are all one.
 When one is harmed, all are harmed.
 When one is helped, all are helped.
Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;
 I give thanks that this is done.

So it is.









Books on emotional healing by Dennis Linn, Sheila Linn and Matt Linn are recommended.

Also recommended: THE NEW PRIMAL SCREAM, by Dr. Arthur Janov,

and any books by William R. Emerson Ph.D, Raphael Cushnir, David Deida, Joe Dispenza, Greg Bradon. 

There are many others as well.



{Note:  The entire process of recapitulating and healing wounded emotions is elaborated in detail in a new book in process,

“Healing the Past for Good” being written from the teaching materials of the late Dr. Michael Schlosser, Ph.D., to be published in the future.}


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Home site:


free angel music, emotional healing videos, and painting lesson are found here.

Look for the PDF of the 8 page Trauma Clearing Form that goes with the two free hour and a half  DVD's on on emotional healing on the website, www.spiritussanctus.com.
Feel free to share this information. Please print this form out to use when facilitating a trauma clearing, or to make available anyone who watches the 2 DVD's
  and who wishes to facilitate a trauma clearing. This information on healing a trauma permanently in one session, with no recurring flashbacks or nightmares,
has been carefully researched over many years in clinical settings by licensed psychologists when treating  veterans with PTSD.
  It was  formulated as an amalgam from many successful theraputic models at the PTSD clinic at the VA Medical Center in Tuskeegee Alabama in the '90's by  Dr. Paul Michael Schlosser, PhD. 

The two free one hour and approx. 20 minute DVDs, done in 3D,  that explain how to use the trauma healing form are important.
You may download or view  these, including the emotional trauma healing form, at www.spiritussanctus.com  .
[There are also other free emotional healing handouts here you can download and print to help you understand emotional trauma healing.]

The trauma healing form is to be used to facilitate  healing a current or past emotional trauma permanently in one session.
  It contains 23 steps that a traumatized person is led through by a facilitator in approximately one to three hours
to permanently heal a traumatic incident with no recurring flashbacks or nightmares.
The trauma clearing form itself and the dvd's explain each step of this form.  Please feel free to download, copy and share this information.

Thank you so much. One one is helped, all are helped.
How to download free angel music on website www.spiritussanctus.com

On the homepage of website, www.spiritussanctus.com, click on the button at the top menu called SHARE MY WORK.
 A window will drop down.
 Click on Downloads.

A page will open where there are LOTS of downloads to choose from.
That should do it.

Thanks for sharing this music.







 Divine Grace in action