Hermetic Angel Messages

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17 degrees Aries

The Angels of Victory


Music and Empathy

Also known as


The Angels




 Photo: Why Unconditional
                                          Love? Unconditional Love is a
                                          dynamic and powerful energy
                                          that lifts us through the most
                                          difficult times. It is
                                          available at any moment by
                                          turning our attention to it
                                          and using its wonderful
                                          potential to free us from our
                                          limitations. It requires
                                          practice and intent to allow
                                          this energy to fully permeate
                                          our daily experience. It
                                          begins with ourselves, for
                                          without self-love, we cannot
                                          know what true love can be. In
                                          loving ourselves, we allow the
                                          feeling to generate within us
                                          and then we can share it to
                                          everyone and everything around
                                          us! That which we send out,
                                          returns to us in greater
                                          measure. If you have not
                                          thought about how you feel
                                          towards yourself, physically,
                                          mentally, and emotionally, or
                                          spiritually, we invite you to
                                          do so now. Begin the journey
                                          that changes everything. Begin
                                          the journey of unconditional


We are experts of the magic of love,
 expressed through music.


Sacred sound and music,

expressing flowing divine love and empathy,

are most powerful methods

for establishing hypnotic, magnetic tangible feeling and emotional states in the body

that lead to happiness with others.

Using music to share  divine love is one of the most powerful agents of transformation.

Music of Divine Love engages whole brain awareness in an effortless way.


 With the skills we inspire, a person can transform any enemy into a sympathetic friend.

 We especially nurture skills of establishing sympathy.

We are acquainted with the art of love,

and are experts in excellent practices which make one win the favor of friends and enemies of both sexes.

We give special instructions and methods in respect to the magic of sympathy.


Through the divine virtues of Barnel, we inspire skills in nurturing loving relationships.


When you come under our influence and divine virtues of Barnel, you can use diplomacy, based on sympathy, to transform the emotions  of anyone, including enemies.  


  Many times  we inspire this to be done through composition and playing of divinely inspired music.



All virtues can be expressed with others through flowing divine music.


When these virtues are the motivating influence behind composing and playing of music,

music becomes one of the most powerful transformative influences in the world.


Divine Love expressed through flowing sound is irresistibly magnetic and hypnotic in its power.


Nerve centers and endocrine ganglia within the human body temple are enlivened with divine love,

and even more powerfully activated with music that expresses divine love.

  These centers produce chemical substances that vibrate to the frequency of supreme happiness.


Using the musical notes of the divine virtues of the cosmic language, as spiritually inspired music,

guides energy safely and ecstatically

through the body,

as higher centers of consciousness are awakened.


For this reason, we inspire warriors of love to go within and attune to inner guidance

so that beautiful spontaneous compositions of music

flow as soundwaves  from the highest states of consciousness.



The black keys on a keyboard are the pentatonic or eastern key scale,

and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system of deep inward meditation.


The white keys on a keyboard are the diatonic or western key scale,

and stimulate the sympathetic nervous system of outward awareness.


The body experiences naturally alternating 90 minute cycles of parasympathetic and sympathetic dominance.


We especially inspire with clear inner guidance 90 minute compositions of music played with either the pentatonic or diatonic key scales,

not mixing the two, for purposes of deep inward meditation or clear outward attunement.

B is the virtue of Universal Life and polarity. 

This virtue shines with light violet radiance.

  By meditating on this virtue, a Child of Light recognizes the Divine in every aspect of creation,
 and sees that all polarities are necessary for manifestation to exist.


The understanding of the saying, “God’s love is like the sun, it shines equally on the good and the bad alike” is gained.

  A Child of Light masters will and emotion, the electric and the magnetic energy of Creation, and thereby gains power over Life and Death.


Flowing with emotions of the mastery of polarity, the sound of letter B is toned to musical notes of A.
 Universal Life has sensations of weight, because it is a virtue of the earth element of physical manifestation.
 It radiates through the right eye.


A is the light blue virtue of wisdom and enlightenment, the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind.
With this virtue a Child of Light gains mystical faculties such as clairvoyance and clairaudience,
artistic talent, eloquence, and control over the beings of the air.


With enlightenment, a person recognizes and then releases all imperfection for change into other states that are the highest good of all concerned.
 This is the loamy brown virtue of umlaut A, ae.


R is the virtue of following inner guidance from Divine Providence, of freedom and independence from following outside authority.
This virtue shines with golden light.
With this virtue a person flows with emotions of absolute security, and has the ability to comprehend any knowledge quickly.


N is the virtue of Supreme Happiness beyond any words to describe.
It shines with a deep red light.
The sound of letter N is toned to the musical note of A and has the sensation of coolness, for it is a virtue of the water element.


With this virtue a person recognizes his or her own mental maturity and also the state of development of any being.
The faculty of enlightening any being is gained.


E is the virtue of omnipresence, shining with deep purple light.
The sound of letter E is toned to the musical note of D with sensations of consciousness penetrating all,

because it is a virtue of the akashic element.
  The spine is formed from it.


With this virtue a Child of Light merges individual consciousness with Divine Consciousness, or with any other being.
This virtue gives the ability of perfect communication.


L is the virtue of all the divine virtues taken together shining with olive green light.
The sound of letter L is toned to the musical note of F and has the sensation of ease and relaxation.
It shines through the spleen.


With this virtue a Child of Light becomes one with the splendor and majesty of The Divine,

and attains true spiritual morality, vitality, and immortality.



With these virtues we inspire many of the beautiful love songs that waft across the world,

uplifting people's thoughts and feelings with sacred longing for divine companionship. 










The virtue of the polarity of all created life,

power to change fate,



A and umlaut A, ae


artistic and magical talents of the enlightened mind

help with release of imperfection for transformation.  

This talent is expressed with





creative ingenuity from following inner guidance,

in devotion to serve the highest good





and uplifts all into

emotions of Supreme Happiness.





The result is cosmic consciousness,

clairvoyance and the Divine Presence,





glorifying the greatness,

majesty, and splendor of God.




The tones of our name are:

A, G, C, C, A, D, F.










The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from


and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies.


The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.

We have a yahoo group for people who want to receive only the angel messages and have access to all previous messages on the web.



Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SpiritusAngelMessages








Feel free to share these messages.




The Law of One is the original law of Creation,

and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM,

and I am one with all there is;

I ask that ONLY


I give thanks that this is done.








                                                practices of a




To understand Universal Consciousness, and immortality, it is very helpful to read the first three volumes of The Life and Teachings of the Masters of The Far East by Baird Spalding
The first three volumes are field notes taken on a scientific expedition to Nepal in the late 1800's.

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