Hermetic Angel Messages

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In looking at an astrology chart and reading the appropriate angel 
messages,remember to round up degrees to the next higher degree.

 For example, if a planet or point is at*22 degrees and 28 minutes Leo, 
it has already covered the entire 22nd degree,
 and is  28 minutes into the 23rd degree, so look up 23 Leo instead of 22 degrees Leo.

23 degrees Aquarius 

The Angels of Divine Destiny and Causes

 Also known as 

The Angels of 



 Bringing forth Divine Destiny of heaven on earth is the path of World Service.  

World Service is therefore a path of mastery, of understanding causes, 
 and as such, it is a path of miracles. 

For this purpose, we help World Servers understand the mysteries of creation in respect of all planes and spheres. 

 The divine virtues of Chimirgu can inspire such complete 
understanding of the Creative process  that it is possible to bring 
about the Divine Destiny of everything on all levels, planes, and dimensions. 

Life again becomes greatly worth living, in fact,  living in the 'now' is flowing ecstasy and happiness. 

By mastering the divine virtues associated with the letters of our name,
 a person learns to know thoroughly the Akasha-principle, I.e. the principle of causes, 
and by this the mysteries of wisdom are unveiled to him/her.

 The Akasha-principle is pure being and unity with all. 

Akasha is the subtle pre-matter that unites the many into one united intelligence, one power, 
one will, one emotional tone of love and gratitude. and one sensation of unity and oneness. 

A person who assumes responsibility for manifesting Paradise, or Heaven on Earth,
 uses the divine virtues of Chimirgu to accomplish miracles
 in the akasha, the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, with ease and confidence. 

The Destiny of the Universe to be manifest Divine Perfection can be fulfilled through World Servers in this way. 

To master the divine virtues of Chimirgu, practice the following meditation 
with each of the letters until it is second nature:

  [ Also refer to 12 Aquarius, the Angels of Hatuny, also known as The Angels of The Cosmic Language.]

In deep meditation, go into a state of pure being and unity with Divine Being and all creation.

 This is the Delta brainwave state of pure being which is the dominant brainwave pattern of the infant self,
 and of deep dreamless sleep each night.

 It is pure being, just being, without thought. 

"Ye must be as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven."

 Each person enters into this state each night in deep dreamless sleep.

 Ask to remember yourself as you were as an infant or to remember yourself in deep dreamless sleep.

 Trust what is revealed to you on a cellular level. 

Meditate on experiencing yourself as pure beingness that is ONE WITH ALL.

 From this point: 

First transfer yourself, with your consciousness in vivid imagination and deep meditation,
  into the akasha principle that incarnates in time and space,
  by sensing that you, 
in your pure beingness,
  are a dot in your own solar plexus region in your body,
 seen as an infinite creation, 
 made in the image and likeness of the outer creation.
This is your own microcosm.

 "Ye are made in the image and likeness of God."

This evokes a space- and timeless state, a state of trance.

As soon as you feel yourself to be the center, the focal point or center of gravity, of your microcosm  
and sense your whole body to be an infinite space, 
 you utter, in the three-dimensional way,
which is being-will, thought-visualization, and tangible emotions in the body, 
into this whole universe of your body whatever divine virtue that you wish to manifest.

To utter a letter, or divine virtue,
 completely in the three dimensional way, 
you imagine most importantly the color of its 
light and contemplate its divine quality,
 its meaning and flow with its emotions and sensations.

 The emotions are enlivened by toning the sound of the letter itself 
in the correct musical tone either silently or out loud. 

Add to this a vivid imagination of its sensation of its element: 

if it is of the element of Akasha, the sensation is pure being one with all.
Fire is will and intent.

 Air, thought and concepts. 

Water, tangible feelings in the body and all emotional awareness.

 Earth, the five senses, memory and logic. 

 This becomes easy with practice, with whole brain awareness.}

 After this, the next step is to expand your experience of being a tiny dot in your solar plexus
 with the whole body being an infinite universe all around, 
 to imagine yourself as being one with your whole body,
 so that you now experience yourself as a whole body
 that is a tiny dot in the center of the bigger outside universe, the macrocosm.

 You then imagine, in the three dimensional way, 
the divine virtue you are meditating on itself,
 its emotions, color, tone, and sensations, 
 filling the entire macrocosm, the whole universe, 
 throughout all time and space and beyond with your out breath

 With the next in breath see this virtue coming in and filling the body 
through the pores of the skin over the part of the body that corresponds to the divine virtue,
 so that with the next out breath you see this virtue passing out through these same pores 
and filling the outer universe again,
 or whatever part of the outer universe your inner guidance directs. 

The virtue can be imagined into a place, an object, a group, in any time/space continuum.

  Keep the rhythm of the breath natural,
 and dissolve the light in the body
when you are finishedwith the meditation, 
in order to protect the natural balance of elements in the body. 

The ability to do this with perfect clarity and purity is the divine virtue represented by the letter Ch in the cosmic language. 

Ch is considered a separate letter in the Cosmic Language due to its sound. 

Consider the following meaning of Ch, 
which is the first letter in our name Chimirgu.

 In the level of Akasha, the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all, meditate on being one with all,
 and the virtue of clarity and perfect purity being everywhere present 
and one with you, 
asking the angels of this divine virtue to help you. 

The intensity of being and will [deep Delta brainwave state]  of concentrating on a visual image [Theta brainwave state]
 of clarity and perfect purity
 determines the degree to which individual mind merges with Divine Mind. 

At the same time imagine hearing the sound of Ch in the tone of musical note D sharp.

  Imagine the virtue of clarity and purity shining with a light violet color 
 and a feeling of coolness and chill, filling the universe within and without. 

A person who meditates on this virtue in this way achieves the faculty of differentiating clarity from unclarity, 
eliminating confusion, and perceiving and understanding everything in its purest form.

 All that is meant by the 
word "the purity of all ideas" is obtained by this meditation.

On the level of the mind, a person begins to consciously perceive and understand all the languages of the universe. 

 This includes all the languages of the spheres and planes.

  A person gains the faculty not only of understanding all spiritual beings,
 men and animals, but also of being understood by them all. 

All symbols existing in the universe become understandable. 

At the emotional level, a person attains the faculty of tangibly feeling 
and practically applying rhythm in the macro-and microcosm in all its phases.

  By this the power over life and death of every being in all spheres and planes is achieved.

  If Divine Providence wishes, a person may awaken the dead to life again or revive a decayed plant
 since he has had revealed to him
by this letter oscillation, secret of the electro-magnetic rhythm, which is the secret of life.

 In the physical world, a person gains complete understanding of water, and the principle of magnetism. 

The water element then responds to his/her will.

 With this understanding, a person can manifest water everywhere: and can calm the waves of the sea, 
walk over the water,  make rain showers come and go, and master water spirits. 

Ch has a light violet light, and the musical note of D sharp. 

It has the sensation of chill and coolness because it is a virtue of the water element of feeling.

 The left leg is formed from it.

 Remember that is was written: "All that I do ye shall do and more."

The next step in creating Divine Destiny is to meditate on the laws of Cause and Effect,  which is the virtue of letter I.

 Meditate on cause and effect, which is the same thing as karma, 
 with a light opal color and a tone of G and a sensation of weight. 

The left kidney is formed from it.

 This is followed by meditating on the principle of the Feminine Power, which is the letter M.

 Meditate on the principle of fluidity and flowing visceral emotions.

 Because emotions are the change process that allows physical reality itself to change,
 getting in touch with powerful emotions,
 healing the negative ones, accessing the beautiful ones, is necessary for miracles to occur.

 Meditate on the original purity of all divine emotions. 

Pure emotion and magnetism has a beautiful blue-green color and a tone of D and a feeling of chill. 
The abdomen, seen as a hollow space, is formed from it.

 Next comes an additional meditation on l , cause and effect.  

Meditate on cause and effect with a light opal color and a tone of G and sensations of weight. 

 This brings about a complete understanding of the law of evolution and karma.

 Next attune to the virtue of freedom and independence, letter R. 

 Meditation the virtue of freedom and independence that has a golden color in the note of C and a feeling of warmth.

 The left side of the nose is formed from it.

Mastery of the virtue of clear inner guidance from within assures that inner guidance is followed, 
 which gives great illumination and sharpness of the intellect. 

The Divine Virtue of Grace and Mercy is the next meditation. 

 This is integrated into the consciousness through the cosmic letter G.

 Meditate on grace and mercy that has a deep grass green color and sensations of chill in the tone of musical note F.

 The left eye is formed from this virtue. 

This meditation brings about peace of mind, and complete satisfaction and happiness in the emotions.

 On the physical plane wealth and abundance is attracted. 

Finally, the Virtue of the Creative Act and its karma, or ongoing effects is contemplated.

 This is the virtue of letter U. 
This virtue reveals the original source of everything that exists in all its forms.

 This virtue evokes the highest form of intuition and inspiration in the mental body, 
and at the same time renders it possible for the quabbalist to explore and master his or her own karma and its modification. 

In the emotional body, a Child of Light is endowed with the faculty of transferring his or her consciousness
 wherever he or she wants it to be, 
and thus becoming perfect master of it.

 At the same time, he or she will gain the ability to evoke states of trance of any kind, just as he or she pleases, 
and to master the art of emitting the astral or emotional body completely.

 In the material world, this letter oscillation makes one understand and apply the secrets of the akasha principle,
 or consciousness-penetrating-all, in respect to matter.

  This imparts the faculty of comprehending the mode of action of the quadripolar magnet, 
 [will, thought, emotion, and sensation], with regard to the whole of matter, 
of penetrating into all its mysteries and of mastering it. 

Apart from other things, the quabbalist, by the help of this oscillation, 
also learns to apply the principle of the ether in our material world from the miraculous point of view.

 The Act of Creation with its karma has a velvet black light and the musical note of B.

 It has the sensation of consciousness-penetrating-everything and the pancreas and pit of the stomach is formed from it. 

These meditations, taken together, allow a person to bring about the Divine Destiny of anything in the universe, 
whether in the microcosm or the macrocosm.

In these meditations there is an emphasis on tangible feelings in the body of the emotions of the divine virtues, 
on clear pure divine emotions, 
which create the magnetism that attracts new divine realities into physical manifestation. 

The perfect consciousness of Divine Providence flowers 
within the Children of Light as they become one with divine virtues  and 
manifest them through consciousness-penetrating-everything, 
will-visualization, thought, emotion, and sensation.

 By meditating with particular emphasis on consciousness penetrating everything
  within THE WHOLE CREATION on all four levels [will, thought, emotion, and sensation of EVERYTHING], 
the “Akasha principle” is mastered. 

The divine virtues of Chimirgu can inspire such complete understanding of the Creative process 
 that it is possible to bring about the Divine Destiny of everything on all levels, planes, and dimensions. 

We guide the Children of Light so that concepts and ideas involved in using the divine virtues become crystal clear.  

The divine virtues are understood in their purest form and the power to manifest these virtues
 as consciousness-penetrating-all, is understood,
 blessing all of creation and creating and attracting Heaven on Earth.



On the ninety minute alternating cycle of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

 Creativity consists of balance of masculine-being,will, 
thought and feminine-tangible bodily feelings and emotions, sensation awareness, 
which together are electro-magnetic energy. 

 The human body produces an alternating current of these energies
 by having and using two nervous systems
the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. 

The two nervous systems alternate dominance every ninety minutes. 
The pentatonic keyscale, [black keys on the piano]  or oriental keyscale, stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system.

 The diatonic, or western keyscale [white keys on the piano] stimulates the sympathetic nervous system.

 Each Child of Light has a natural 90 minute rhythm that alternates feminine magnetic 
parasympathetic intuition/feeling energy  with masculine electric sympathetic creative/ will intellectual energy.

 When this ninety minute rhythm is utilized consciously, all levels of awareness, including the physical body, are optimized. 

 By consciously making use of this rhythm, life and consciousness is in tune with the rhythms of the Universe.

  In Paradise, a natural alternating 90 minute cycle between will/thought dominance and feeling/sensation dominance
 balances creative energy with attractive energy.  

All energy, electric and magnetic, thought and feeling, naturally seeks stabilization in this ninety minute alternating current
 that is in phase with the universal alternating current of Divine Will/Thought and Divine Love/Sensation.

This “in phase” state allows a World Server to align individual energy with Divine Energy. 

 Individual sine waves nest and become one with Divine Sine Waves.

The smaller wave piggybacks on the larger one. 

 At this time, Divine Providence is restoring the balance electro-magnetism in all the Children of Light.

 Unnatural work rhythms are being changed to natural ones. 

People are to naturally have abundance and all necessities covered, 

so that time is spent in sacredness and delight.

 Life will again become greatly worth living, in fact, living in the 'now' will be ecstasy and happiness. 

 Electro-magnetic balance is being restored on the four levels of will, mind, emotion, and body.

  Each level has its own lawful orderliness, beginning at the physical level. 

At the physical 
level of consciousness, for example, to energize the parasympathetic nervous system, 
which controls intuition/emotions and immune functioning, 
ingest foods or supplements which are base forming (as opposed to acid-forming) when they are metabolized.

 Such foods are "parasympatheticizing", meaning that they energize the immune system 
as well as the parasympathetic (vegetative) nervous system in general. 

This is the effective principle behind many alternative diets to treat cancer,
 and the reason the Gerson diet, which requires daily juicing of vegetables, is effective.

 At the emotional level of consciousness, 
expressing and flowing with emotions similarly energizes the immune system by activating the hypothalamus,
 the master gland, via the limbic system,
 which secretes substances that activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

  Negative tangible feelings in the body are accepted and validated, 
 in an atmosphere of unconditional all encompassing love, and allowed to flow safely to healing in a NON DESTRUCTIVE WAY.

  "Stuffing", denying, or avoiding traumatic emotions, because they are uncomfortable, 
suppresses immune functioning to the degree that the onset of many cancerous tumors 
can be traced back 6 to 18 months from the time of a traumatic emotional event
 which was never faced, or more importantly, never processed emotionally to resolution. 

 The genius to meditate, receiving intuitive guidance and flashes of insight,
 without interference from intruding thoughts and emotions, 
requires purification and healing the parasympathetic nervous system. 

This is done through allowing old wounded emotions to flow until they reach a positive state.

 When emotions flow as they instinctively and naturally come up, 
in safe ways, 
regardless if they are negative or positive, painful or happy, 
they change and purify just like water purifies when it flows freely.

Emotions are the water element.
 Both water and emotions become toxic when they are in stagnation, bottled up, and not allowed to flow naturally.

Emotions need validation and gratitude for the compressed information they reveal,
compressed information about what does and does not feel good.

  As emotions change and purify, ideas and thoughts associated with these emotions also change and purify. 

 Balance and harmony are restored automatically as emotional energy flows regularly in safe and spontaneous processes. 

 Flowing with thought and visceral emotional energy in the body without resistance restores balance and harmony 
when monitored non-self-critically and expressed non-destructively.  

With balance and harmony, the consciousness naturally stays in a meditative state on all four brain wave levels of being.

 In this natural state a person is in tune with the Universe and feels blissful and happy.

  At the mental level too much analysis, without the balancing benefit of intuition or emotional release,
 has typified the imbalance of many scientific-technological endeavors. 

In modern society, the emphasis on rational thought and left brain dominance 
has greatly compromised the ability to work miracles, as well as immune functioning.

 Emphasizing intuition and the emotional flow of feeling impressions and free 
association is one method of balancing such over-emphasis on strict left brain rationality. 

Creativity, or divergent thinking, balances analysis or convergent thinking. 

The shamanic practice of breaking old habit 
patterns helps restore spontaneous, creative flows of intuition and 
feeling impressions and thereby helps restore the natural alternating rhythm of sympathetic and parasympathetic dominance.

 Likewise, the 
Tibetan Exercise of Paradox is effective in restoring childlike access 
to creative flow of emotional impressions at times when thinking has become stilted and creativity blocked.

 In practical, common sense this means that a person’s natural rhythm shifts primary focus to emotions, 
flowing, change, psychic consciousness, and memory, logic, and the five senses for ninety minutes 
and then changes over to deep inner pure being, will, and deep inward thought for ninety minutes
 and then back again, repeating over and over in a natural rhythm.

When an individual becomes aware of this shift in emphasis and enhances the process consciously,
 the immune system automatically attains optimum strength, 
and intuition, intellect and psychic sensitivity increases exponentially. 

 They produce an alternating electro-magnetic current that has the potential to penetrate infinity. 


The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,which is a very ancient set of teachings 
which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:
Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host 
in the zone girdling the earth,and the angels who work with him or her.
The being and the angels share the same name. 
This name is a key to their powers and influence.

Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6,
and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEYTO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4]. 

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany. These books have very important information for these studies. 

The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others. 
Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician", 
gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon. 

Feel free to share these messages.

The Law of One is the original law of Creation,
and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all 
there is;


I give thanks that this is done.


There is now a twice monthly two hour free Thursday night conference call with  angel messages updates for new and full moons.

8:30pm EST

 Attend via skype or telephone
641-715-3836Pin 883267# 

 ( *) 6 to mute or unmute (detailed directions top of Diamond blog)

These updates are available afterwards at:
 for Going Beyond Awakening!!
also replay available at 1-641-715-3899

pin 883269#  then reference number or simply press # for the past week

There is also a 20-30 minute weekly update each Monday night on the 
 regular Diamond Show.
 Same time same pin.