Hermetic Angel Messages

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30 degrees Capricorn

The Angels of Fishing

Also known as

The Angels of



We inspire people and animals to fish in ways that are the highest good of all.

 The gateways of Capricorn awaken both inward receptivity to practical Divine 
Will for the highest good of all concerned and heightened outward receptivity to the world. 

The initiations of Capricorn therefore teach how to 
respond with practical solutions for expressing Divine Will for the highest good in every situation.

We direct and control fishing upon the earth that is the highest good of all.

 When a fish is ready to die, a telepathic signal is sent out that is 
received by a nearby predator, human or otherwise, who grants a swift and natural end.

The awareness of the fish is glad to give of its body for food when it is through using it,
 and is ready for the transformation of physical death.

In the paradigm of spiritual decision making, 
omnipresent indwelling Universal Consciousness serves as the source of intuitive information and guidance.

This brings about decisions made in tune with the highest good of all concerned, 
and transcends decisions made from a purely logical state of mind.

In enlightenment, mankind regains whole brain and whole body awareness.

 In whole awareness, decisions come from inner guidance in the heart. 

Inner guidance is the divine virtue of letter R of Ramgisa.

As this happens, not only fishing, but all activities are guided
 in ways that guarantee alignment with the Highest Good of All Concerned.

All life is important. What happens to the least being affects all.

“What you do unto the least of these you do unto me.”

“God is aware of the least sparrow."

Listening and following inner guidance springs from within.

First the Delta brain wave state of pure being and unity with Divine 
Being and all creation awakens experiential and personal alignmen
t with original and all penetrating Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned.
This willpower energy 
flows into deep inner thought and awakens wise and loving ideas in the Theta brain wave state.
 From these the Alpha brain wave state generate 
appropriate flowing divine emotions.
 As a person is receptive to these emotions while attuning to present circumstances in the outer world, it 
becomes possible to receive inner guidance and respond appropriately in Beta brain wave states of memory, logic, and the five senses.

Actions resulting from this are in tune with the harmony of the universe.

This is a way to follow the great Tao, the Holy Way,
 the Good Red Road that protects the trust and innocence of all sentient life.

There are three paths in native American teachings.
The first is the path of the fox, who finds the light in the dark.
The second is the path of the coyote, who finds the dark in the light.
The third is the path of the wolf, who finds the light within.

The path of the wolf requires staying in trust and innocence, trusting the light within, 
and following inner guidance that arises with each situation.
This awakens the larin, or the magical powers, of divinity.

 Blessing fish, and thereby greatly enhancing the process of the mystical transformation which is called death, a fisherman or woman 
knows through inner guidance precisely when, and in which direction to place the fishing line.

Instead of cruelly hurting a fish for personal gain and depriving it of life, a person acting consciously in this way from inner guidance 
compassionately and reverently helps a fish transcend to another state that is the highest good at its chosen time to die.

Through inner guidance, a person lives in trust and innocence.

 In this way he/she can drop a line in the water, catch a fish, feed self and the 
dog and cat, and go to sleep that night with unconditional all encompassing love, deep gratitude and a clear conscience. 

We are the heavenly host who guard fish and guide you to catch just the right ones in just the right way.

Nothing is by chance. 

Everything is connected.

 When the time is right, transformation into another state can be a divine blessing for a fish and all concerned.

Humble receptivity to Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned, following inner guidance, receptivity to the outer world, and 
mastery of logic, memory, and sensation are the perfection of Capricorn. 
Capricorn is receptivity to Divine Will combined with receptivity to the outer worlds. 
This level of enlightenment and mastery prepares for the next constellation, which is the Constellation of Aquarius.

Aquarius is receptivity to Divine Will in thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, 
in the realm of the mind, but it is also being a creator 
in corresponding emotions to these thoughts in the outer world.


By understanding and becoming one with the divine virtues of the 
letters of our name, it becomes possible to master fishing as a path to enlightenment.


R…The sound of the letter R is the sound of freedom and 
independence.This is the virtue of following inner guidance, 
which is a person’s direct connection with Divine Providence.

On a mental level this gives an eminent mind, and a feeling of freedom 
of will and absolute security that is in complete accord with Divine Providence.
 On an emotional and physical level, the virtue of 
freedom and independence awakens ingenuity and a rational widening of intellect, 
so that any knowledge can be comprehended quickly.

The letter R is a golden color, is of the air element and has the sensation of ease, 
has the musical note of C, and is the virtue from 
which the left side of the nose was created. In meditating on this virtue,
 imagine the golden light radiating from the left nostril and 
filling your entire universe with the virtue of freedom, independence, and clear inner guidance.

A… The sound of this letter, the soft A, ah, is the divine virtue that is analogous to the enlightened intellect,
 faculty of judgment, 
comprehension of profoundest truthes, knowledge and faculty of perception,
 and development of all intellectual faculties.

This sound[a soft a like a sigh—ahhhhh] and virtue is an initiation into the highest wisdom
 and the purity of all ideas in existence.

This has as a fundamental feature the enlightened mind.

Reasoning, perception, the cognition of the most profound truths, highest knowledge,
 high intelligence, and the arousing of all 
intellectual faculties are expressed. Musical gifts, eloquence, poetic talent,
 and clairvoyance, clairaudience, the art of levitation, and the 
control of the air element and its beings are all aroused by this initiation. 

The color of wisdom and enlightenment is light blue, the musical note 
is G, the element is air so it has the sensation of ease, and the lungs are formed from it.

umlaut A, ae…The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue.

The sound of this letter, the long A, ae, in the cosmic language is 
the virtue of the origin and mystery of life and death regarding their transformation.
 By meditating on this virtue, a child of God becomes 
convinced that in reality death does not exist, 
for the so-called death is only a transformation from one state into another. 

Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. 
With this comes the ability to master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes
 with regard to their scope of action.

 The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear. 

Since, in the original principle all beings are alike, each 
having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain task, 
there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the 
enlightened person’s point of view everything is pure.

Here the saying:
 "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. 
If there were no negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; 
and if there were no passions, there would also be no virtues. 

This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible: "through night to light", 
the deep symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.

In the intellect the ability is gained to see through all thoughts, actions and wishes concerning matter, 
and of becoming their absolute master.

In the emotions, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction etc.

 A person who masters this virtue 
in their feelings becomes absolute master and ruler of all desires and passions.

 Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and material virtues and objects. 

This means complete independence and freedom and fulfills the saying "bind yourself and you will be free".

On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized.

 No matter whether you evoke it in the mind, the feelings, the akasha, or 
the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a larger extent.

 The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The 
element is earth so it has the sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.

M…The sound of the letter M is the sound of the divine virtue of emotion.

 This virtue is the magnetic power of the Universe that attracts energy into form on the material plane. 

Everything in nature is formed through the magnetic power of emotion. 

Emotion is the subtle essence of water and is analogous to the element of water.

Water, in which fish live, is the material manifestation of flowing emotions.

Both actual pure water and emotions contain compressed information,
which determine which realities manifest out of the quantum field of infinite possibilities.

In the material world the oscillation of letter M bestows on a 
child of God the power of controlling the fluid principle in the whole world, i.e.,
 in the micro-as well as the macrocosm.

 Not only is a person able to comprehend, with his/her consciousness, 
everything fluid in its original principle,
 but he/she is also made absolute master of it. 

This faculty, when acquired by meditating on this oscillation, also makes him/her master of magnetism,
 emotion, and everything that is connected with it. 

Thus, for instance, he/she may control the laws of gravitation, and many other things.

The color of this virtue is the most beautiful blue-green imaginable. 
The musical note is D. The element is water so it has the sensation of coolness. 
The abdomen is formed from this virtue.

G…In the principle of consciousness-penetrating-all,
 this is the virtue of Divine Grace and Mercy with all of its profundity. 

In the mind this virtue gives divine peace in the spirit, 
the experience of peacefulness and the blessing by Divine Providence.

Mastering this virtue gives the absolute faculty of bestowing true Divine Blessings.

In the emotions there is great happiness and complete satisfaction.

Likewise, when mastering this virtue, situations may be created by means of the elements
 and the masculine-feminine energies causing 
happiness, success and wealth in the material world for oneself or others.

[Color: deep grass green, musical note: F, element water-chill, heals: left eye]

I…The sound of this letter is the virtue of cause and effect, which is the karma law.

 On the mental level, this is analogous to memory, remembrance and conscience.

 In the emotional body, this corresponds to the astral/physical matrix, 
which is the connection between emotion and physical form, with all of its functions.

By meditating on the law of cause and effect, all laws of analogies
between the micro- and the macrocosm are understood and mastered. 

Everything that has shape, measure, number and weight has been created by the help of this letter oscillation.

 If a child of God can master 
this meditation, he/she will be able to evoke the greatest miracles in the material world
 by using the respective analogies to shape, measure, 
number and weight. As one can see, shape, measure, number and weight 
are the chief components of the material world, and by getting this letter 
oscillation under control, a person becomes their absolute master. 

It stands to reason that he/she will also be able to become a perfect 
metaphysician, too and, furthermore, to comprehend all laws presently still unknown
 to our physical world and to apply them in all fields.

 The color of this virtue is light opal, the musical note is G, the element
is earth so it has the sensation of weight, and the left kidney is created by this oscillation.

S…This sound is the sound of all-penetrating-power.
 It has to do with everything regarding enthusiasm and the absolute mastery of will.

This is the most subtle substance of the divine spirit, i.e., with 
the original divine will or fire which works as a substantial power
 in everything that has been created by Divine Providence.

A child of God using this divine virtue attains the spiritual gift of 
perfect mastery over the electrical fluid, which is the use of will,
 and is able to control everything analogous to will.

A state of clairvoyance in its purest form
 and perfect control over other beings is gained by this virtue in the feeling nature.

The color of this virtue is purple red, its musical note is G-sharp, it 
is the fire element of will and so it has the sensation of warmth, 
and the gall bladder is the part of the body that is formed by it.

A…wisdom and enlightenment, see above.

Again we repeat umlaut A, ae, as it, along with umlaut O, oe, seeing through the eyes of love, are keys to miracles.
…The realization of wishes regarding physical matter is subjected to this virtue.

The sound of this letter, the long A, ae, in the cosmic language is 
the virtue of the origin and mystery of life and death regarding their transformation.
 By meditating on this virtue, a child of God becomes 
convinced that in reality death does not exist, 
for the so-called death is only a transformation from one state into another. 

Also will come enlightenment on the cause of this transformation. 
With this comes the ability to master all negative spiritual beings in all spheres and planes 
with regard to their scope of action.

The purpose for which negative beings have been created becomes clear.
 Since, in the original principle all beings are alike, each 
having been created by Divine Providence to fulfill a certain task, 
there is no dissimulation of negative beings, for from the 
enlightened person’s point of view everything is pure
.. Here the saying: "to the pure one everything is pure" becomes plain. If there were no 
negative beings, it would be impossible to distinguish between good and evil; 
and if there were no passions, there would also be no virtue’.

This virtue confirms the words contained in the Bible:
 "through night to light", the deep symbolic meaning of which now becomes clear.

In the intellect the ability is gained to see through all thoughts,
 actions and wishes concerning matter, and of becoming their absolute master.

In the emotions, this virtue represents desires, passions, and the inclination to self-satisfaction etc. 
A person who masters this virtue 
in their emotions becomes absolute master and ruler of all desires and passions.
Also, a person is able to not cling to mental, emotional, and 
material virtues and objects. This means complete independence and freedom
and fulfills the saying "bind yourself and you will be free".

On the material level this virtue is one of the most materialized. 
No matter whether you evoke it in the mind, the emotions, the akasha, or 
the material world, the earth is influenced by it to a larger extent. 
The ability to infuse matter with divine virtues is heightened.

The color of this virtue is loamy brown. The musical note is C. The 
element is earth so it has the sensation of weight. The anus is formed from this virtue.




The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions:

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth,

and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from

THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, ISBN 3-921338-02-6, and Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from 

THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4]. Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies. 

  The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.











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The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;


I give thanks that this is done.


 So it is.





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