Hermetic Angel Messages

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28 degrees Capricorn

The Angels of Acoustics

Also known as

The Angels of



Imagine the world filled with celestial music,
 for soon many will hear the music of Heaven playing everywhere.

 We are the masters of acoustics in the physical world. 

We have inspired acoustic communication over far distances,
 starting from the drums of early peoples
 up to the modern telephone, radio, satellites,
 and other inventions in this field today.

By attuning to the divine virtue of wisdom and enlightenment in Alpha brainwave states, 
which is awareness of flowing feelings and emotion,
 both within self and others,
 we show you how everything to which you direct your attention
 can even be heard over the greatest distances by clairaudience.

 In addition to receiving sound,
 we show you how acoustic vibration can be transmitted,
 how spoken words, sentences, etc., can be intensified acoustically and materialized over distances.

If a person reaches a certain degree of perfection in this,
 he can materialize sound so that even untrained people can hear 
distantly transmitted spoken words with their physical ears.

Small children who are flowing with powerful divine emotions
 often hear beautiful music when walking undisturbed in the woods,
 or playing alone in sunlight, 
or they see and hear an invisible companions.

Many times Divine Providence directs us to permeate the energy field of the Children of Light 
with flowing emotions and FEELINGS of Divine Harmony, Love, and Power.

This makes it possible for them to hear the beautiful music of the spheres. 

This music entrains consciousness with Divine Being in times of transformation.

Imagine ecstatic music continually strengthening, harmonizing, and uplifting you in will, thought, emotions, and sensations.

And imagine "feeling and thinking" to an ancestor or a distant loved one
 and actually hearing them feel and think back, and seeing them too!

Imagine singing and dancing with angels.


Every culture has stories of people hearing very important messages out of thin air. 

We make sure that this happens when it is important for the highest good of all.

Each individualized being is a spark of Divine Being. Each person is a 
universe expressing unique divine qualities of spirit-soul, of will-emotions.

 The fabric of The One Being is made up of all universes woven together as The Web of Life, 
The Cosmic Ocean of Love.

This is the same in a human body, where each cell is unique unto 
itself, but at the same time is part of the whole, floating in seas of water and vast space.

 Over 95% of matter, including water, is space.

“ As above, so below.”

Water is emotion.

 By flowing with divine feelings, water itself takes on miraculous healing qualities.

The water in the body becomes divinely life giving and miracles happen.

The abilities to master paradox, to master each polarity as a single continuum
 and in so doing learn to master will and emotions, to be a 
separate individual and be One with All at the same time, come naturally from enlightenment.

This is the experience of being all, of experiencing with mastery all 
polarities with unconditional love and understanding.

 Be will/emotion, male/female, positive/negative, outward/inward, up/down, receiver/giver, 
fire/water, electric/magnetic, micro-macrocosm, etc., all at the same time.

 Remember that the brain has two opposite hemispheres. 

Every mystical skill depends on abilities to hold ‘split’ attention.

 This is what is meant by, "I am in this world but not of it." and "I and 
the Father are One." and "The Middle Path of Buddha" and "The Razors Edge" and
 "The Crack Between the Worlds" and "Yea, yea. Nay, nay. More 
than this there is nothing" and "God's love shines equally on the good and the bad alike". 

This unity of polarity in love and will is often referred to as the Fifth Dimension.

 This is putting equal attention on singularity and unity AT THE SAME TIME.

This is what happens in the Tibetan Exercise of Paradox.

Masters of Paradox learn to love without limit, for they know that love transforms 
all that it touches, and that everything is a part of themselves.

Cognition brought about by Love Divine is the virtue of umlaut O, eu.

This brings about justice and harmony, for justice is harmony and harmony is justice. The is the virtue of O.

Encompassing polarities and all continuums at the same time with 
unconditional love is a skill of whole brain awareness and allows one to follow in the footsteps of the masters.

 In understanding acoustics, one 
must understand flowing and emotions, how to heal emotions and spiritualize them. 

The paradigm of selfhood shifts from being an isolated island 
to being at one with the vast sea of consciousness
 as a unified whole and a unified field. 

Each sound creates different patterns of ripples on the emotional seas of life energy.
Beautiful sound creates beautiful patterns.

In the state of Heaven on Earth, emotion and sounds are harmonious and 
follow rhythms that are dictated by inner guidance in each moment. 

They are transmuted through cognition brought about by Love Divine, umlaut O, 
eu, and they produce justice and harmony.

Divine harmony and justice is the virtue of letter O.

By following inner guidance, and thereby uniting individual will with Omnipotent Divine Will for the highest good of all, 
POWERS to awaken divine feelings in others are attained.

Inner guidance is the letter R and all-penetrating-Divine-Will is the letter S.

Because the person to whom you are sending sound is part of the same fabric of energy, 
The Unified Field, and are actually one with you, 
vibrations of energy reach them, just as ripples on a pond cover the entire surface from one pebble thrown. 

Vibrations are "heard" in the same part of the brain that processes emotion and sound. 
To the extent that you will, think, feel, and sense your emotions and your oneness with the person receiving it,
 the feelings and corresponding words get through. 
They may experience it as an audible sensation, as in hearing thoughts and sensing feelings within. 

The key is mastering Alpha, or emotional, flowing, brain wave states. 

This is the frequency range, approximately 5 to 12 oscillations per second,
 in which emotions and clairaudience are experienced naturally. 

By perfecting feeling states of unity with The Web of Life, 
and especially unity with a particular person, a distant person can hear and 
feel the feelings that you send, translated into corresponding words.

 Remember that you are sending THROUGH FLOWING HARMONIOUS FEELINGS. 

These feelings are translated by the receiver’s mind into appropriate thoughts within.

If a person’s feeling awareness is numbed out through unresolved 
emotional pain from the past, emotional aliveness can be restored
 by becoming aware of subconscious wounded emotions and letting them flow 
and change in safe and non-destructive ways over time.

Loving all emotions, especially wounded ones, instead of fearing, fighting, 
denying, or by-passing them, transforms them in the quickest amount of time as they are allowed to flow. 

A key to emotional healing is to enjoy good emotions when they are 
present, but to quickly embrace wounded ones when negative circumstances of life bring them up.

Embrace times of being upset instead of resisting 
them or acting them out in destructive manners.

Allow whatever feelings that arise to flow in an atmosphere of unconditional all encompassing love.

 Because emotions are the water element, they naturally heal by flowing freely in a safe way,
 especially when they are loved, and in so 
doing, they reveal precious treasures of wisdom concerning the circumstances of their origin.

These treasures of wisdom result in spiritual maturity.

Sound and music entrain emotions, for they are of the water element. 
Sound and music are a language of emotion.As the emotions of the 
Children of Light attune to Divine Virtues, words and music become ever more beautiful.

Divine emotions are carried on beautiful sounds.

Sounds carrying emotions have powerful affects on DNA and the quantum field.

Emotions and their sounds are magnetic and attract new realities into form.

As emotions and words and music reflect Omnipotent Divine Will for the 
highest good of all concerned with unconditional all encompassing love,
 Earth appears as Heaven.

 Therefore, as you can see, a person who is flowing with beautiful emotions 
has a pleasing voice that creates beautiful sounds.

 By attuning to the original purity of all ideas in Divine Mind, artistic and musical talents and mystical faculties
 such as clairaudience are gained.
This is the divine virtue of Wisdom and Enlightenment, the virtue of letter A.

Wisdom is the offspring of Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned and unconditional all encompassing Love. 
Divine Will is the 
masculine element of Fire, and Divine Love is the feminine element of water.

By attuning individual will to Divine Will for the highest good of all concerned,
 and attuning individual emotions to unconditional all encompassing love, 
Divine Wisdom is gained in each and every moment, through inner guidance.

Then, imperfections are easily recognized and released back to Divine Being
 for changes into other states that are the highest good of all. 
This is the virtue of umlaut A, ae.

“All that I do ye shall do and more.”



R…Listening to inner guidance.

umlaut O, eu…Cognition brought about by Love Divine, transmutation

O…justice and harmony


umlaut O, eu…transmutation through cognition brought about by Love Divine

O…Divine harmony and justice, control of emotion.

R…Listening to inner guidance.

A…Wisdom and enlightenment, clairaudience, all occult faculties, control over air.

Umlaut A, ae…transformation through release of imperfection for change into other states




The names and meaning of angel groups come from Quaballah,

which is a very ancient set of teachings which together form a common precursor, or root, of three of the world's religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Each degree of the zodiac is ruled by a high being of the heavenly host in the zone girdling the earth, and the angels who work with him or her.

The being and the angels share the same name.

This name is a key to their powers and influence.

 Names, phrases, and sections,  in the angel messages are quoted or paraphrased from the books of Franz Bardon.

Information of the heavenly hosts of the zone girdling the earth is referenced from


nd Information of the divine virtues and the letters are referenced from THE KEY TO THE TRUE QUABALLAH, ISBN 3-921338-12-4].

Publisher is Dieter Rüggeberg, Wuppertal/W. Germany.

These books have very important information for these studies. 

  The book " Initiation into Hermetics" ISBN 3-921338-01-8, is a preparatory book for the others.

Franz Bardon's last autobiographical book, "Frabato the Magician",

gives historical background and was compiled by his German publisher from notes written by Franz Bardon.


Feel free to share these messages.


How to download free angel music from the sound current 
  www.spiritussanctus.com, click on the button at the top menu called SHARE MY WORK. 
A window will drop down.  Click on Downloads.

A page will open where there are LOTS of downloads to choose from. That should do it.
Please feel free to share these with others.



The Law of One is the original law of Creation, and is the supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions.


We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am one with all there is;


I give thanks that this is done.


So it is.